
context('reversing slashes')


# start of the DO NOT CHANGE section !!! - unless you know what you are doing
# position of the code in this section is referenced in the test methods.
# changes here might break tests!
# '\\\\\\\\\\\\'
# 'a/b/c/d/e/f/'
# '            ' -  whitespace
# '            ' -  whitespace
# '////////////'
# 'a\b\c\d\e\f\'
# 'from/clip' -  whitespace
# 'from/clip' -  whitespace

# end of the DO NOT CHANGE section !!!

test_that('flip', {
    expect_identical(flip('         '),     '         ')
    expect_identical(flip('no change'),     'no change')
    expect_identical(flip('/////'),         '\\\\\\\\\\')
    expect_identical(flip('\\\\\\\\\\'),    '/////')
    expect_identical(flip('a/b/c/d'),       'a\\b\\c\\d')
    expect_identical(flip('/a/b/c/d/'),     '\\a\\b\\c\\d\\')
    expect_identical(flip('\t/a\\b/c\\d/'), '\t\\a/b\\c/d\\')

test_that('find.replacement', {

    expect_identical(find.replacement('/////'),      '\\\\\\\\\\')
    expect_identical(find.replacement('\\\\\\\\\\'), '/////')

    skip_on_os(c('mac', 'linux', 'solaris'))

    empty.str <- '      '

    # backup content of the clipboard
    raw.clip <- readClipboard(raw=T)

    # write new value to clipboard
    writeClipboard('from\\clip', 1)

    actual <- find.replacement(empty.str)

    # restore original content of the clipboard

    expect_identical(actual, 'from/clip')

    # put something else than text to clipboard

    #actual <- find.replacement(empty.str)

    # restore original content of the clipboard

    #expect_identical(actual, empty.str)

test_that('flip.slash', {
    # skip when clipboard is not supported
    skip_on_os(c('mac', 'linux', 'solaris'))

    # skip when it's not RStudio or it's of a version that doesn't support addins
    skip_if_not(rstudioapi::isAvailable(REQUIRED.RSTUDIO.VERSION), 'RStudio is not available!')

    # backup content of the clipboard
    raw.clip <- readClipboard(raw=T)

    # first line of the testing text
    test.first.line <- 10

    # backup original text
    orig.sel <- rstudioapi::document_range(
                          rstudioapi::document_position(test.first.line,       1)
                        , rstudioapi::document_position(test.first.line + 3, Inf))

    orig <- rstudioapi::primary_selection(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext())$text

    # expected result
                  rstudioapi::document_position(test.first.line + 5    ,   1)
                , rstudioapi::document_position(test.first.line + 5 + 3, Inf)))
    expected <- rstudioapi::primary_selection(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext())$text

    # create selections
    # can be done by Map(c, Map(c, test.first.line:(test.first.line+3), 4), Map(c, test.first.line:(test.first.line+3), 16))
    # but I prefer to call API
    selections <- list( rstudioapi::document_range(
                              rstudioapi::document_position(test.first.line    ,  4)
                            , rstudioapi::document_position(test.first.line    , 16))
                      , rstudioapi::document_range(
                              rstudioapi::document_position(test.first.line + 1,  4)
                            , rstudioapi::document_position(test.first.line + 1, 16))
                      , rstudioapi::document_range(
                              rstudioapi::document_position(test.first.line + 2,  4)
                            , rstudioapi::document_position(test.first.line + 2, 16))
                      , rstudioapi::document_range(
                              rstudioapi::document_position(test.first.line + 3,  4)
                            , rstudioapi::document_position(test.first.line + 3, 16))

    writeClipboard('from\\clip', 1)
    actual <- rstudioapi::primary_selection(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext())$text

    # restore original content
    rstudioapi::modifyRange(orig.sel, orig)
    # restore original content of the clipboard

    # is it correct?
    expect_identical(expected, actual)
sfr/RStudio-Addin-Snippets documentation built on May 29, 2019, 8:01 p.m.