#' Generates Lc50 values
#' @param dead Number of insects
#' @param total total number of insects you put into your assay
#' @param dose doses used in your assay
#' @param conf.level What do you want your confidence intervals to be percent wise? defaults to .95
#' @param ld.level What LD level do you want to predict? defaults to 50 to calculate Ld50
#' @return Calculates LD values for genotype:insecticide combination. I didn't write this function it is from Robinson et. al 2013 http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0054092
#' @export
LD <- function(dead, total, dose, conf.level,ld.level=50) {
      p <- seq(1, 99, 1)
      ## dead=number responding, total=number treated, dose=dose (untransformed), confidence interval level,
      mod <- glm(cbind(dead, (total-dead)) ~ log10(dose), family = binomial(link=probit))
      ### Calculate heterogeneity correction to confidence intervals according to Finney, 1971, (p.
      ### 72, eq. 4.27; also called "h")
      het = deviance(mod)/df.residual(mod)
      if(het < 1){het = 1} ### Heterogeneity cannot be less than 1

      ## Extract slope and intercept
      summary <- summary(mod, dispersion=het, cor = F)
      intercept <- summary$coefficients[1]
      interceptSE <- summary$coefficients[3]
      slope <- summary$coefficients[2]
      slopeSE <- summary$coefficients[4]
      z.value <- summary$coefficients[6]
      N <- sum(total)

      ## Intercept (alpha)
      ## Slope (beta)
      ## Slope variance
      vcov = summary(mod)$cov.unscaled
      ## Intercept variance
      ## Slope intercept covariance

      ## Adjust alpha depending on heterogeneity (Finney, 1971, p. 76)
      if(het > 1) {talpha <- -qt(alpha/2, df=df.residual(mod))} else {talpha <- -qnorm(alpha/2)}

      ## Calculate g (Finney, 1971, p 78, eq. 4.36)
      ## "With almost all good sets of data, g will be substantially smaller than 1.0 and
      ## seldom greater than 0.4."
      g <- het * ((talpha^2 * var.b1)/b1^2)

      ## Calculate theta.hat for all LD levels based on probits in eta (Robertson et al., 2007, pg.
      ## 27; or "m" in Finney, 1971, p. 78)
      eta = family(mod)$linkfun(p/100)  #probit distribution curve
      theta.hat <- (eta - b0)/b1

      ## Calculate correction of fiducial limits according to Fieller method (Finney, 1971,
      ## p. 78-79. eq. 4.35)
      const1 <- (g/(1-g))*(theta.hat + cov.b0.b1/var.b1) # const1 <- (g/(1-g))*(theta.hat -   cov.b0.b1/var.b1)
      const2a <- var.b0 + 2*cov.b0.b1*theta.hat + var.b1*theta.hat^2 - g*(var.b0 - (cov.b0.b1^2/var.b1))
      const2 <- talpha/((1-g)*b1) * sqrt(het * (const2a))

      ## Calculate the confidence intervals LCL=lower, UCL=upper (Finney, 1971, p. 78-79. eq. 4.35)
      LCL <- (theta.hat + const1 - const2)
      UCL <- (theta.hat + const1 + const2)

      ## Calculate variance for theta.hat (Robertson et al., 2007, pg. 27)
      var.theta.hat <- (1/(theta.hat^2)) * ( var.b0 + 2*cov.b0.b1*theta.hat + var.b1*theta.hat^2 )

      ## Make a data frame from the data at all the different values
      ECtable <- data.frame(
      ECtable <- select(ECtable,N,EC,LCL,UCL,var.theta.hat,theta.hat)
      ## Select output level
shanedenecke/insect.toxicology documentation built on May 29, 2019, 8:07 p.m.