#' Helper function to generate code to run an experiment
#' @param levels_A levels of A used in the combination
#' @param levels_B levels of B used in the combination
#' @param par named vector of model parameters
#' @param n_rep number of total repetitions of experiment
#' @param n_sims number of simulations to run
#' @param noise_par named vector with 'a0' and 'a1' which are used to generate noise for the GIA.
#' @return NULL
#' @details prints out code to copy and paste into \code{R} to simulate the expected coverage of your experiment under your designed hypothesis
#' @export
design_experiment <- function(levels_A = c(0, 1 * 2^(-4:2)),
levels_B = c(0, 2 * 2^(-4:2)),
par = c("beta_A" = 1,
"beta_B" = 2,
"gamma_A" = .5,
"gamma_B" = .5,
"tau_1" = 3,
"tau_2" = .05),
n_rep = 1,
n_sims = 100,
noise_par = c("a0" = 3,
"a1" = .01)){
paste0("\nlibrary(loewesadditivity)\nlevels_A <- c(",
paste(levels_A, collapse = ", "),
"levels_B <- c(",
paste(levels_B, collapse = ", "),
"par <- c(",
paste(paste0(" '", names(par), "' = ", par), collapse = ", \n"),
"my_grid <- design_grid(levels_A = levels_A, \n levels_B = levels_B, \n",
paste0(" n_rep = ", n_rep, ")\n"),
"sim_results <- simulate_coverage(",
paste0("n_sims = ", n_sims, ",\n "),
paste0("n_boot = ", 100, ",\n "),
"experimental_grid = my_grid, \n ",
"model_par = par,\n ",
"alpha = .05,\n ",
paste0("noise_par = c(", paste0("'", names(noise_par), "' = ", noise_par, collapse = ", \n "), "))\n"),
"## Uncomment below to write the grid to a .csv file you can open in Excel or google spreadsheets\n",
"#write.csv(sim_results, 'coverage_results.csv')"
#' Function to design an experimental grid of combinations
#' @param levels_A levels of A used in the combination
#' @param levels_B levels of B used in the combination
#' @param n_rep number of total repetitions of experiment
#' @return data frame with columns dose_A, dose_B, and GIA for all possible combinations
design_grid <- function(levels_A = c(0, 1 * 2^(-4:2)),
levels_B = c(0, 2 * 2^(-4:2)),
n_rep = 1){
base_grid <- expand.grid(dose_A = levels_A,
dose_B = levels_B)
A_seq <- rep(base_grid$dose_A, each = n_rep)
B_seq <- rep(base_grid$dose_B, each = n_rep)
df <- data.frame(dose_A = A_seq,
dose_B = B_seq,
GIA = 0)
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