## dispVariance-methods
##' @name dispVariance
##' @aliases dispVariance
##' @title dispVariance
##' @rdname dispVariance-methods
##' @docType methods
##' @description calculate square displacements for all tracks in a trackll
##' datatype, and return the variances for the dispacements of each
##' trajectories.
##' @usage
##' dispVariance(trackll, min=7, plot=FALSE, limits=c(), log=FALSE,
##' output=FALSE)
##' @param trackll a list of track lists.
##' @param min minimum points on trajectory, should be at least 3 to work.
##' @param plot default: False, if true, show density plot for variances.
##' @param limits vector of size2, variance cut-off range that one wants to
##' plot.
##' This will not affect the returned result.
##' @param log default: False, if true, apply log10 to variance value for new
##' spread. like limits, this will only affect the plot, not the returned
##' value.
##' @param output if True, generate a csv output for each tracklist files that
##' are in trackll.
##' @return \itemize{
##' \item{Variances} calculated variacne for all trakcs in trackll}
##' @examples
##' folder=system.file('extdata','SWR1',package='sojourner')
##' trackll=createTrackll(folder=folder, input=3)
##' # run dispVariance with default minimum tracklength (min=7)
##' dispVars = dispVariance(trackll)
##' # run dispVariance by setting the minimum tracklength to 3
##' dispVars = dispVariance(trackll, min=3)
##' # display plot only within certain range
##' dispVariance(trackll, plot=TRUE, limits = c(0,0.002))
##' # display plot with log-scale applied
##' dispVars = dispVariance(trackll, min=3, plot=TRUE, log=TRUE)
##' # display plot. Could get csv files if output = TRUE
##' dispVars = dispVariance(trackll, min=3, plot=TRUE, output=FALSE)
##' @details
##' dispVariance applies the squareDisp function to each dataframe
##' containing trajectories. the tracks somehow had to be converted
##' into dataframes although they were expected to be in dataframes
##' in the first place.
##' Since the tracks of shorter length are filtered out in the process,
##' there is no guqrante that the length of tracklists equal that of
##' the input.
##' The tracks should have length of at least 3, in order to have a
##' valid displacement variance. If min argument is less than 3, the
##' function will not be executed.
##' Generally, when plotting, you would want to use only one of limits
##' or log. Although you may use both, using only one of the two would
##' do the job.
##' @export dispVariance
## dispVariance_track
## calculate variance for displacements single track
##' @export dispVariance_track
dispVariance_track = function(track) {
withDisp = squareDisp(track) # get displacement
sqDisp = withDisp[[1]]$square.disp #[[1]] is necessary b/c
# squaredisplacement give a list in result
clean = sqrt(sqDisp[!is.na(sqDisp)]) #get rid of NA and do the sqrt since
# it is currently dx^2 + dy^2
var(clean) # return variance value
## dispVariance.trackl
## calculate variance for displacements single tracklist
dispVariance.trackl = function(trackl) {
lapply(trackl, dispVariance_track)
# track.df = lapply(trackl, data.frame) track.withdisp =
# sapply(track.df, squareDisp) sqdisp =
# lapply(track.withdisp,function(x) {x[7]})#column with square-disp
# sqdisp.clean = lapply(sqdisp, function(x) {x[!is.na(x)]}) disp.var =
# lapply(sqdisp.clean, var) disp.var
## dispVariance
## calculate displacement variance for all tracks in given trackll also
## filter based on tracklength(must be greater than 2) plotting feature
## can be enabled when plot=TRUE is set. limits on the variance range
## can be set by providing a vector of length 2.
##' @export dispVariance
dispVariance = function(trackll, min = 7, plot = FALSE, limits = c(),
log = FALSE, output = FALSE) {
if (min < 3) {
stop("min value should be at least 3")
# filter by length
filtered = filterTrack(trackll, filter = c(min = min, max = Inf))
result = lapply(filtered, dispVariance.trackl)
if (plot == TRUE) {
melted = reshape2::melt(result) #convert to dataframe
# rename columns to more reasonable ones
names(melted) = c("variance", "track.name", "trackList")
if (log) {
melted$variance = log10(melted$variance)
# different tracklists will show up as different colors with some
# transparency
plt = ggplot2::ggplot(melted, ggplot2::aes_string(x = "variance",
color = "trackList")) + ggplot2::geom_line(alpha = 0.5,
position = "identity", stat = "density")
if (length(limits) != 2) {
} else {
plot(plt + ggplot2::xlim(limits)) #apply range limits
if (output == TRUE) {
for (i in seq_along(result)) {
track.df = reshape2::melt(result[[i]])
names(track.df) = c("dispVariance", "track.name")
track.df = track.df[, c(2, 1)]
fileName = paste("DispVariance Individual-",
.timeStamp(names(result)[i]), ".csv", sep = "")
cat("\nOutput dispVariance for individual trajectories.\n")
write.csv(file = fileName, track.df)
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