
Defines functions digits2zero val_or_zero is.int abc best.unit convert_to_bytes get_power get_units check_type mu_error

# Constructor error message
mu_error <- function() stop("Badly formed 'memuse' object", call.=FALSE)

check_type <- function(type, intsize)
  if (type == "double")
    bytes <- 8
  else if (type == "float")
    bytes = 4
  else if (type == "integer")
    bytes <- intsize
  return( bytes )

# Function to grab the printable units from the convoluted .units data structure
get_units <- function(x)
  return( .units[[x@unit.names]][[x@unit.prefix]][["print"]] )

# Get the correct power for the factor that determines which unit is to be used
get_power <- function(x)
  units <- get_units(x)
  power <- which(units == x@unit)
  if (length(power) > 0)
    return( power - 1L )

# Convert a memuse object to one stored in bytes
convert_to_bytes <- function(x)
  size <- x@size
  n <- which(x@unit == .units[[x@unit.names]][[x@unit.prefix]][["print"]]) - 1
  if (x@unit.prefix == "IEC")
    f <- 1024
  else if (x@unit.prefix == "SI")
    f <- 1e3
#  size <- size * f^n
  size <- abc(size, f, n)
  x@size <- size
  x@unit <- .units[[x@unit.names]][[x@unit.prefix]][["print"]][1L]
  return( x )

# Find the best unit representation for an object
best.unit <- function(x)
  if (x@unit.prefix == "IEC"){
    f <- 1024
    fun <- function(x) log2(abs(x))
    dgts <- 10
  } else if (x@unit.prefix == "SI"){
    f <- 1e3
    fun <- function(x) log10(abs(x))
    dgts <- 3
  } else {
  size <- convert_to_bytes(x)@size
  if (size == 0){
    x@unit.names <- .units[[x@unit.names]][[x@unit.prefix]][["print"]][1L]
    return( x )
  num.digits <-fun(size)
  for (i in seq.int(9)){
    if (num.digits < dgts*i){
      unit <- .units[i]
  size <- size/(f^(i-1))
  x@size <- size
  x@unit <- .units[[x@unit.names]][[x@unit.prefix]][["print"]][i]
  return( x )

# stable a*b^c with c an integer
abc <- function(a, b, c)
  if (c==0)
  p <- a
  for (i in seq.int(c)){
    p <- p*b
  return( p )

# whole number checker
is.int <- function(x)
  # IEEE arithmetic gives 52 bit mantissa, so instead of doing that
  # weird shit R suggests in help('is.integer'), we will just use
  # machine epsilon for the tolerance.  Deal with it, nerd.
  # With this tolerance, this is probably equivalent to just doing
  # x==floor(x), but for some reason this makes me less nervous.
  tol <- 2^(-53)
  if (!is.numeric(x))
    return( FALSE )
    return( abs(x - floor(x)) < tol )

# return the value or 0 if NULL
val_or_zero <- function(x)
  if (is.null(x))

# Zero's digits of a string after the first 15 digits
digits2zero <- function(str)
  if (nchar(str) <= 15)
    return( str )
  split <- simplify2array(strsplit(x=str, split=""))
  n <- length(split) - 15L
  ret <- paste(paste(split[1L:15L], collapse=""), paste(rep(0, n), collapse=""), collapse="", sep="")
  return( ret )
shinra-dev/memuse documentation built on Jan. 25, 2023, 6:26 p.m.