Man pages for sidjai/biosplit
Model for continental seasonal migration of insects

aprioriVarsTurn the data into abstracted variables for the model.
biosplitbiosplit: A model for national insect migration
changeConfigChange the configuration file
collectAprioriVarsA wrapper for aprioriVars
loadConfigLoad configuration parameters for the run, biological and...
makeDiagnosticMapMake a diagonstic map for a layer
makeRunFunA functionfactory for running scripts in this package
NASS2TIFsDownload the Cropscape files
ncdf2trapdataPost-processing: Extract model output at trap locations for...
ncdf2trapgridPost-processing: Summarize the simulation details in a nicely...
rawCrop2nicencManipulate the input slices into a nice netCDF file
rawMet2nicencProcess the daily grid files into a nice netCDF file
rebuildNcRebuild the sparse matrices with raw data
runBiosplitRun the biosplit model for a year
scrubHaploMake the haplotype data easier to look at
scrubTrapScrub the trap data from PestWatch
simAreaStatssimAreaStats: Interrogate the final simulation on specific...
summarizeValidSummarize the validation data
valAreaStatsInterrogate the validation data on specific areas
sidjai/biosplit documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:59 p.m.