aprioriVars: Turn the data into abstracted variables for the model.

Description Usage Arguments Details Value


For computer time, memory and simplicity it is easier to deal with the aggregated variables in the actual biological model than the actual data. The main variable calculated is the growth of corn over the year. Other variables include Fall Army worm growth and wind mangitude northward. Other variables that can be included is the decision to fly in the form of a set of logicals including precipitation, biotic factors or temperature. The parameters are saved with the variables as global attributes in the final ncdf file. This file is loaded at the begining of iterateHYSPLIT


aprioriVars(dirTrees, pathOut, plantTimes, harvestTimes, CornThres,
  TGDDbaseCrop, TGDDbaseFAW, windTOThres, tempTOThres, precTOThres)



a list of all the character vectors of where the data lives


the path where the ncdf file will be located


a vector of length 4, that defines the three sections of corn development. The first two numbers are latitudes that divide the country into three parts. The second two numbers are the planting dates of at those latitudes with the dates being interpolated between the two points and held constant anywhere else.


a vector with the same stucture as panting dates but for the time of harvest.


a hectare amount of recognizable corn in one grid cell. Represents a minimum desnsity of hectares /1600 km^2


The base temperature value for the degree day calculations of corn growth in units of celcius.


The base temperature value for the degree day calculations of insect growth in units of celcius.


If the wind speed (m/s) is greater than this value then don't fly


If the temp (degC) is lower than this value then don't fly


If the precipitation (3hr acc. m) is greater than this value then don't fly


The units for the ouput values are set up to reduce the size of the data. The degree day values are done in 0.1*C*day or 0.1*F*day so they can be stored as integers.


Works as a byproduct of the saving of the ncdf file.

sidjai/biosplit documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:59 p.m.