Man pages for sjdlabgroup/MutSigTools
Mutational signature analysis

addSignatureAdd new signature(s) to an existing set of mutation...
caseControlSigIdentify signatures with significantly higher mutation burden...
clusterSignatureHierarchical clustering of mutational signature.
confidenceSigProvides interval of uncertainty for estimated weights of...
contextSNVPartition mutations according to their genomic contexts
deleteSignatureDelete selected signatures from an existing set of mutation...
enrichSigIdentify enrichment for signatures in individual samples...
mergeSignatureCreates a new mutational signature by taking a linear...
persistSigMutation signatures in different allele frequency spectrum
processSNVEstimate mutation frequency in tri-nucleotide motif contexts.
renameSignatureRename selected signatures from an existing set of...
signatureHeatmapCreate a heatmap of motif weights for signatures.
signaturePCACreate three PCA plots for signatures.
signature_tSNECreate tSNE plot of signatures.
vcfToSNVConvert vcf file to snv dataframe
sjdlabgroup/MutSigTools documentation built on Oct. 5, 2019, 3:31 a.m.