
Defines functions flock_plot bird_day

Documented in bird_day flock_plot

#' Creates a dataframe of birds spotted on a single day for a region (default United States)
#' For specific states or counties use pick_UScode to generate the country ID. 
#' @description returns dataframe of all birds spotted on a single day for a region
#' @param country string of country letter abreviation, default is United States
#' @param year string of 4 digit year
#' @param month string of month 1-12 
#' @param day string of day 1-31 
#' @param key The users eBird key
#' @return bird_obs dataframe
#' @examples
#' dylan_bday <- bird_day(year = "1999", month = "1", day = "28", key = my_birdkey)
#' @importFrom httr GET add_headers
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom tidyr drop_na
#' @export
bird_day <- function(country = "US", year, month, day, key ){

  url <- glue("https://api.ebird.org/v2/data/obs/{country}/historic/{year}/{month}/{day}")

  bird_obs <- GET(url,
                  add_headers("x-ebirdapitoken" = key),
                  query = list(fmt = "json"))
  bird_obs <- fromJSON(rawToChar(bird_obs$content)) %>%

#' Creates a leaflet map of birds spotted on a single day for a region 
#' To be used with bird_day as this function is expecting the data from bird_day 
#' @description returns dataframe of all birds spotted on a single day for a region
#' @param data a dataframe prepared by bird_day
#' @return a leaflet map of birds for a specific day!
#' @examples
#' dylan_bday <- bird_day(year = "1999", month = "1", day = "28", key = my_birdkey)
#' flock_plot(dylan_bday)
#' @importFrom leaflet makeIcon leaflet addTiles addMarkers
#' @export
flock_plot <- function(data) {

bird_icon <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "https://www.stickpng.com/assets/images/584ab28ee583a46e8c837a2f.png", iconWidth = 25, iconHeight = 25)

bird_plot <- leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
  addMarkers(lng = data$lng, lat = data$lat, label = data$comName, popup = paste0("Scientific Name: ", data$sciName, "<br>", "Number Seen: ", data$howMany), icon = bird_icon) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron)

sjmarks/Birdr documentation built on May 12, 2020, 5:48 p.m.