
# Borrowed directly from:
stackPoints <- function(x, levels = rep(1, length(x)), vp, y.min = 0.3,
                           y.max = unit(1, "npc")) {
    if (length(x) <= 1) y.min
    else {
        if (is.numeric(y.max))
            y.max <- unit(y.max, "npc")

        # Getting the necessary numeric unit values
        y.max <- convertY(y.max, "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
        pheight <- convertHeight(unit(1, "char"), "native",
                                 valueOnly = TRUE) * 0.8
        half.pwidth <- convertWidth(unit(1, "char"), "native",
                                    valueOnly = TRUE) * 0.5

        stack.y <- rep(1, length(x))

        for (level in unique(levels)) {
            which.x <- which(levels == level)
            level.xs <- x[which.x]
            y.pos <- rep(1, length(level.xs))
            for (i in 1:length(which.x)) {
                in.xrange <- which(level.xs > (level.xs[i] - half.pwidth) &
                                   level.xs < (level.xs[i] + half.pwidth))
                if (length(in.xrange) <= 1) {
                    y.pos[i] <- 1L
                } else if (i == min(in.xrange)) {
                    # When this is the first time we encounter any of the
                    # values in our range leave the current value at the first level
                    y.pos[i] <- 1L
                } else {
                    xrange.ypos <- sort(unique(y.pos[in.xrange]))
                    max.stack <- tail(xrange.ypos, n = 1)
                    y.pos.seq <- seq_len(max.stack)

                    if (min(xrange.ypos) > 1)
                        ypos[i] <- 1L
                    else {
                        # We know that we need to place a point higher
                        if (length(xrange.ypos) == length(y.pos.seq)) {
                            # Place at the top of an existing stack
                            if (all(y.pos.seq == xrange.ypos))
                                y.pos[i] <- max.stack + 1
                        } else {
                            # Place where there is a gap present
                            y.pos[i] <- min(which(! y.pos.seq %in% xrange.ypos))
            max.stack <- max(y.pos)
            ydist <- min(diff(c(y.min, y.max)) / max.stack,
            stack.y[which.x] <- ydist * (y.pos - 1) + y.min
sjp/sjpMScThesis documentation built on May 30, 2019, 12:06 a.m.