Man pages for skgallagher/TBornotTB
Analyze Tuberculosis Patients in Maryland

assign_infectorAssign an infector ID to someone in previous generation
assign_smearAssign a fixed number of smears to the group
cluster_like_smearCalculate the likelihood for a cluster of this size
count_infectionsCount the number of infections each person gives
draw_n_genDraw the number of generations for a fixed cluster size
draw_partDraw the number in each generation g
draw_part_from_listDraw partition from pre-computed list
flip_til_failureSimulate the process of flipping until failure for a single...
format_to_outsiderMake the root node an outsider and adjust accordingly
generate_part_listGenerate list of lists of partitions
generate_partsGenerate all unique partitions* of size n
generation_infectionInfect the current generation given the previous generation
get_iCount the number of smear positive transmissions
get_weight_listGet the weights of g
get_weights_from_tableGet empirical weights from a pre-computed table
idistrib1e4Pre-computed table of empirical distributions
impute_rootImpute the root node for an observed cluster
impute_root_innerImpute the root node for an observed cluster (inner function)
iter_est_wsIterative Step to find best parameters with weighted sampling
likelihood_weightedCalculate average likelihood over isomorphic trees
like_sampled_condCalculate the likelihood for a cluster of size n and n_pos
loglike_all_clustsCalculate the log likelihood for data
loglike_clust_condCalculate the log likelihood of a cluster conditioned on size...
loglike_cluster_summaryCalculate the log likelihood for data
loglike_cond_fastCalculate the log likelihood of a cluster conditioned on size...
loglike_fastCalculate the log likelihood of a cluster conditioned on size...
loglike_obs_dataCalculate the log likelihood of a cluster conditioned on size...
loglike_weighted_totalCalculate the log likelihood using weighted sampling
move_up_genChange ID by subtracting one to the generation
part_to_clusterTake the partitions by generations and turn it into a full...
pipePipe operator
prob_transGet the probability of transferring infection based on smear
sample_connectionsSample connections and form a tree
sample_iSample and summarize a tree for given generation sizes
sample_tree_permSample the actual tree for given permutation
sample_uniform_treesSample uniform trees
sample_uniform_trees_nxSample uniform trees
sample_uniform_trees_nxoSample uniform trees many root nodes
sample_unique_permsSample unique permutations from a partition space
sample_unique_perms_oSample unique permutations from a partition space (now with...
simulate_cond_bpSimulate a single branching process conditioned on the given...
simulate_flip_til_failureSimulate the process of flipping until failure for K clusters
simulate_many_cond_bpWrapper for simulate_cond_bp
simulate_outbreakSimulate the process of flipping until failure for K clusters
summarize_clustersSummarize the clusters
summarize_cond_treesSummarize sampled trees
unique_permGenerate unique permutations
skgallagher/TBornotTB documentation built on April 21, 2020, 1:19 p.m.