
Defines functions pull_model_coefficients pull_model_r_squared pull_model_mse pull_model_slope pull_model_intercept pull_model_p_value pull_model_f_statistic pull_model_degrees_of_freedom

Documented in pull_model_coefficients pull_model_degrees_of_freedom pull_model_f_statistic pull_model_intercept pull_model_mse pull_model_p_value pull_model_r_squared pull_model_slope

#' Functions to pull useful pieces out of model objects. 
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @param model A model object. 
#' @param named Should the return vector be named? 
#' @return A vector, either named or unnamed. 
#' @export
pull_model_coefficients <- function(model, named = FALSE) {
  if (class(model)[1] == "lm") {
    # Extract
    x <- coefficients(model)
    # Better names, or drop them
    if (named) {
      names(x) <- c("intercept", "slope")
    } else {
      x <- unname(x)
  } else {
    stop("`model` not recognised...", call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname pull_model_coefficients
#' @export
pull_model_r_squared <- function(model) {
  if (class(model)[1] == "lm") {
    x <- summary(model)$r.squared
  } else if (class(model)[1] == "randomForest.formula") {
    x <- max(model$rsq)
  } else {
    stop("`model` not recognised...", call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname pull_model_coefficients
#' @export
pull_model_mse <- function(model) {
  if (class(model)[1] == "randomForest.formula") {
    x <- min(model$mse)
  } else {
    stop("`model` not recognised...", call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname pull_model_coefficients
#' @export
pull_model_slope <- function(model) {
  if (class(model)[1] == "lm") {
    x <- unname(coefficients(model)[2])
  } else {
    stop("`model` not recognised...", call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname pull_model_coefficients
#' @export
pull_model_intercept <- function(model) {
  if (class(model)[1] == "lm") {
    x <- unname(coefficients(model)[1])
  } else {
    stop("`model` not recognised...", call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname pull_model_coefficients
#' @export
pull_model_p_value <- function(model) {
  if (class(model)[1] == "lm") { 
    x <- summary(model)$coefficients[2, 4]
  } else {
    stop("`model` not recognised...", call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname pull_model_coefficients
#' @export
pull_model_f_statistic <- function(model) {
  if (class(model)[1] == "lm") { 
    x <- unname(summary(model)$fstatistic[1])
  } else {
    stop("`model` not recognised...", call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname pull_model_coefficients
#' @export
pull_model_degrees_of_freedom <- function(model) {
  if (class(model)[1] == "lm") { 
    x <- summary(model)$df
  } else {
    stop("`model` not recognised...", call. = FALSE)
skgrange/enlightenr documentation built on May 30, 2019, 1:03 a.m.