
Defines functions collapse_values_with_name leaflet_plot

Documented in leaflet_plot

#' Function to quickly plot spatial geometries on a leaflet map.
#' @param sp Spatial object to be plotted. 
#' @param popup Vector of variables to be used as a pop-up on the map. 
#' @param force Should the projection be forced to WGS84? 
#' @param colour Colour of geometry. 
#' @param opacity Opacity of the edge of the geometry.
#' @param fill_opacity Internal opacity of the geometry.
#' @param hill_shading Should hill shading be displayed on the map? 
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @return A leaflet map.
#' @import leaflet
#' @export
leaflet_plot <- function(sp, popup = NULL, force = TRUE, colour = "#03F", 
                         opacity = 0.5, fill_opacity = 0.2, 
                         hill_shading = FALSE) {
  # Find geom type
  sp_class <- sp_class(sp)
  # Convert to sp if sf and find the class again
  if (sp_class == "sf") {
    sp <- sf::as_Spatial(sp)
    sp_class <- sp_class(sp)
  # Sort out popups
  # Use name variable even if not declared
  if (stringr::str_detect(sp_class(sp), "Data")) {
    # Use name as the default
    if (is.null(popup) && "name" %in% names(sp@data)) {
      popup <- "name"
    if (!is.null(popup)) {
      # Select variables in data slot, will only select variables that exist,
      # useful when sf objects are passed and they have a geometry name
      df_sp <- sp %>% 
        .@data %>% 
      # Catch hms variables if they exist
      df_sp <- df_sp %>% 
          across(tidyselect::vars_select_helpers$where(hms::is_hms), as.character)
      # Catch nas, make an empty string
      df_sp[is.na(df_sp)] <- ""
      # Get variable names
      names <- names(df_sp)
      # Give names column-wise
      popup_string <- apply(df_sp, 1, collapse_values_with_name, name = names)
      # Collapse row-wise, now just a vector
      if (class(popup_string)[1] == "matrix") {
        popup_string <- apply(popup_string, 2, stringr::str_c, collapse = "<br>")
      # No names for the vector
      popup_string <- unname(popup_string)
      # Reassign to function's argument name
      popup <- popup_string
  # Force projection
  if (force) {
    sp <- sp_transform(sp, to = projection_wgs84(with_ellps = TRUE), warn = FALSE)
  # Create map
  map <- sp %>% 
    leaflet() %>%
      group = "OpenStreetMap", 
      urlTemplate = "http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
    ) %>%
     addProviderTiles("Stadia.StamenToner", group = "Toner") %>%
     addProviderTiles("Stadia.StamenTonerLite", group = "Toner lite") %>%
      urlTemplate = "https://{s}.tile.thunderforest.com/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey={apikey}",
      attribution = "&copy; <a href='http://www.thunderforest.com/'>Thunderforest</a>,  &copy; <a href='http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright'>OpenStreetMap</a>",
      options = tileOptions(
        variant = "landscape", apikey = "25ef91f0102248f4a181998ec2b7a1ad"
      group = "Landscape"
    ) %>%
      urlTemplate = "https://{s}.tile.thunderforest.com/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey={apikey}",
      attribution = "&copy; <a href='http://www.thunderforest.com/'>Thunderforest</a>,  &copy; <a href='http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright'>OpenStreetMap</a>",
      options = tileOptions(
        variant = "transport-dark", apikey = "25ef91f0102248f4a181998ec2b7a1ad"
      group = "Transport dark"
    ) %>% 
      urlTemplate = "https://{s}.tile.thunderforest.com/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey={apikey}",
      attribution = "&copy; <a href='http://www.thunderforest.com/'>Thunderforest</a>,  &copy; <a href='http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright'>OpenStreetMap</a>",
      options = tileOptions(
        variant = "outdoors", apikey = "25ef91f0102248f4a181998ec2b7a1ad"
      group = "Outdoors"
    ) %>% 
      layers = "SRTM30-Hillshade",
      options = WMSTileOptions(transparent = TRUE, opacity = 0.28),
      attribution = "Elevation data from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) & served by terrestris GmbH & Co. KG",
      group = "Hill shading"
    ) %>% 
    addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldImagery", group = "Images") %>% 
      baseGroups = c(
        "OpenStreetMap", "Landscape", "Toner", "Toner lite", "Transport dark", 
        "Outdoors", "Images"
      overlayGroups = "Hill shading"
  # Drop hill shading if not desired
  if (!hill_shading) {
    map <- hideGroup(map, "Hill shading")
  # Add layers
  if (grepl("points", sp_class, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    map <- map %>% 
        popup = popup, 
        color = colour, 
        opacity = opacity,
        fillOpacity = fill_opacity
  } else if (grepl("lines", sp_class, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    map <- map %>% 
        popup = popup, 
        color = colour, 
        opacity = opacity,
        fillOpacity = fill_opacity
  } else if (grepl("polygons", sp_class, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    map <- map %>% 
        popup = popup, 
        color = colour, 
        opacity = opacity,
        fillOpacity = fill_opacity
  } else if (inherits(sp_class, "RasterLayer")) {
    # Just a first step
    map <- leaflet() %>% 
        group = "OpenStreetMap", 
        urlTemplate = "http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
      ) %>% 
      addRasterImage(sp, colors = "viridis", opacity = opacity)

collapse_values_with_name <- function(x, name, sep = ": ") {
  stringr::str_c(name, sep, x)
skgrange/gissr documentation built on June 20, 2024, 12:02 a.m.