
#' @title demography_dynamics objects
#' @name demography_dynamics
#' @rdname demography_dynamics
#' @description demography_dynamics are functions for altering the underlying demographic process in the \code{experiment}. 
#' Demography_dynamics are functions which either directly affect the stage-based demographic matrix or other demographic processes excluding dispersal, any functions which alter dispersal are called from \link[dhmpr]{dispersal}.
#' \code{demography_dynamics} sets up internal or custom functions to work with \code{demography} and \code{experiment} objects.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' ## Create population
#' library(raster)
#' library(dhmpr)
#' #set a demography matrix
#' mat <- matrix(c(.53,0,.62,0.15,0.87,0,0,0.12,0.9),nrow = 3,ncol = 3,byrow = TRUE)
#' colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat) <- c('larvae','juvenile','adult') 
#' demog <- as.demography(mat)

as.demography_dynamics <- function(fun, params, check=FALSE, ...){
  if(!is.function(fun))stop("demography_dynamics needs to be a function - see the documents for details")
  if(check) {
    message('checking to see your function works with demography(XXX)')
    test <-,params)
    attr(test, "demography") <- "demography"
  fun_params <- structure(list(fun,params),class='demography_dynamics')

#' @rdname demography_dynamics
#' @export
is.demography_dynamics <- function (x) inherits(x, 'demography_dynamics')

#' @rdname demography_dynamics
#' @name run_demography_dynamics
#' @export
#' @description this bad boy will run the demography_dynamics in a experiment.
run_demography_dynamics <- function(demography_dynamics, demography_object, time_step, ...){
    stop("you need to define a demography_dynamics module in order to run it within an experiment - see the documents for details")
  fun <- demography_dynamics[[1]]
  params <- list(demography_object, demography_dynamics[[2]][[time_step]])
  altered_demography <-,params)
  attr(altered_demography, "demography") <- "demography"

alter_adult_survival <- function(demography, stage='adult', survial=0.9){
                                #first check that demography is a demography class
                                if(!is.demography(demography))stop('check that demography is a demography object')
                                if(length(which(stages(demography)==stage))==0)stop('check names of the stage and make sure you have the right name')
                                idx <-which(stages(demography)==stage)

# playing with code that will manipulate the underlying stage matrices. 
# library(raster)
# library(dhmpr)
# # set a demography matrix
# mat <- matrix(c(.53,0,.62,0.15,0.87,0,0,0.12,0.9),nrow = 3,ncol = 3,byrow = TRUE)
# colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat) <- c('larvae','juvenile','adult') 
# demog <- as.demography(mat)
# n_stages <- length(states(demog))
# print(demog)
# survival <- calc(habsuit,function(x){x[x<0.5] <- runif(1,0,.5) ;return(x)})
# c(adult_survival[])
# all_cells_stage_matricies <- matrix(rep(c(demog$stage_matrix),npops),npops,length(c(demog$stage_matrix)),byrow = TRUE)
# stages_all <- 1:9
# stages_lar <- 1:3
# stages_juv <- 4:6
# stages_adl <- 7:9
# # survival prob affects which stage?
# # let's try with adult
# all_cells_stage_matricies[,stages_adl]<-c(survival[])*all_cells_stage_matricies[,stages_adl]
# pop_mat_new <- t(sapply(1:npops,function(i)pop_mat[i,]%*%matrix(all_cells_stage_matricies[i,],dim(demog$stage_matrix)[1],dim(demog$stage_matrix)[2])))
# r <- habitat_suitability(habitat)
# pops_updated <- lapply(split(pop_mat_new, rep(1:ncol(pop_mat_new), each = nrow(pop_mat_new))),function(x){r[]<-x;return(r)})
# # looks like adult pops are going down in less suitable areas - maholla.
# plot(stack(c(pops_updated,habsuit)))
skiptoniam/dlmpr documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 10:40 a.m.