Man pages for skranz/RelationalContracts
Characterize relational contracts in repated or stochastic games

animate_capped_rne_historyUse ggplotly to show an animation of the payoff sets of a...
animate_eq_liUse ggplotly to show an animation of the payoff sets of a...
compare_eqHelper function to find differences between two equilibria
diagnose_transitionsTake a look at the computed transitions for each state using...
eq_combine_xgroupAggregate equilibrium behavior in games with random active...
eq_diagramDraws a diagram of equilibrium state transition
eq_diagram_xgroupDraws a diagram of equilibrium state transition
get_eqGet the last computed equilibrium of game g
get_repgames_resultsGet the results of all solved repeated games assuming the...
get_rneGet the last computed RNE of game g
get_rne_detailsRetrieve more details about the last computed RNE
get_speGet the last computed SPE of game g
get_T_rne_historyGet the intermediate steps in from t = T to t = 1 for a T-RNE...
irvHelper functions to specify state transitions
irv_joint_distHelper function to specify state transitions
irv_valHelper functions to specify state transitions
plot_eq_payoff_setShow a base R plot of equilibrium payoff set
rel_after_cap_actionsFix action profiles for the equilibrium path (ae) and during...
rel_after_cap_payoffsSpecify the SPE payoff set(s) of the truncated game(s) after...
rel_capped_rneSolve an RNE for a capped version of a game
rel_change_paramAdd parameters to a relational contracting game
rel_compileCompiles a relational contracting game
rel_eq_as_discounted_sumsTranslate equilibrium payoffs as discounted sum of payoffs
rel_first_bestCompute first-best.
rel_gameCreates a new relational contracting game
rel_is_eq_rneChecks if an equilibrium eq with negotiation payoffs is an...
rel_mpeTries to find a MPE by computing iteratively best replies
rel_optionsSet some game options
rel_paramAdd parameters to a relational contracting game
rel_rneFind an RNE for a (weakly) directional game
rel_scale_eq_payoffsScale equilibrium payoffs
rel_solve_repgamesSolves for all specified states the repeated game assuming...
rel_speFinds an optimal simple subgame perfect equilibrium of g....
rel_state_probsCompute the long run probability distribution over states if...
rel_statesAdd one or multiple states. Allows to specify action spaces,...
rel_transitionAdd a state transition from one state to one or several...
rel_T_rneCompute a T-RNE
skranz/RelationalContracts documentation built on March 6, 2021, 11:54 a.m.