Man pages for skranz/gtree
gtree basic functionality to model and solve games

actionSpecify an action in a stage
case_distinctionA simple function to define case distinctions
eq_cond_expected_outcomesReturn conditional expected equilibrium outcomes
eq_cond_outcomesReturn conditional equilibrium outcomes
eq_expected_outcomesReturn a data frame of expected equilibrium outcomes
eq_liReturn the computed equilibria using the internal...
eq_outcomesReturn a data frame of all equilibrium outcomes
eq_tablesReturn solved equilibrium in a table format
game_change_paramChanges one or several parameters of a game
game_compileCompile a game defined with 'new_game'
game_copyMake a deep copy of a game
game_fix_action_preferencesSet add a large amount of utility if a player plays a...
game_fix_actionsFix move probabilities of actions
game_gambit_solveSolve equilibria of a game using Gambit
game_gambit_solve_qreSolve for quantal response equilibria using Gambit
game_prefer_outcomesSet add a large amount of utility if a player plays a...
game_set_optionsChange options of an already created game object
game_set_preferencesSet players' preferences
game_solve_speSolve equilibria of a game
game_write_efgWrite game as a Gambit efg file
get_outcomesReturn a data frame of all possible outcomes
is_trueReturns logical vector replacing NA by FALSE
make_game_optionsSpecify the game options inside 'new_game'
make_game_paramsSpecify the game parameters This function is only to be used...
natureMoveSpecify a random move of nature in a stage
new_gameCreate a new gtree game
pref_change_paramsChange the parameters of a preference object
pref_customCreate a custom preference
pref_envyFehr-Schmidt inequality aversion with envy only
pref_heterogeneous_playersCombine preferences for different players
pref_ineqAvFehr-Schmidt inequality aversion.
pref_lossAv'Linear loss aversion preferences with a single reference...
pref_payoffUtility is equal to monetary payoff.
stageSpecify a stage for a game
skranz/gtree documentation built on March 27, 2021, 6:03 a.m.