Man pages for skranz/restorepoint
Debugging with Restore Points

add.restore.point.testAdd one or several test functions
assertChecks whether cond holds true if not throws an error
break.pointSets a break point that can be debugged like a restore point a list returned by sys.calls into a vector of...
can.parse.multi.lineChecks whether for the installed R version the function...
clone.environmentDeep copy of an environment
copy.into.envCopies all members of a list or environment into an...
default.error.string.funA default error string function for eval with error trace
disable.restore.pointsGlobally disable or enable restore points
env.consoleEmulates an R console that evaluates expressions in the...
eval.with.error.traceEvals the expression such that if an error is encountered a...
get.restore.point.optionsGet global options for restore points
get.stored.dotsReturns the ellipsis (...) that has been stored in...
get.stored.object.listRetrieves the list of all restore.points with the stored...
is.storingCheck whether objects currently are stored or not
restore.objectsRestore stored objects by copying them into the specified...
restore.pointSets a restore point
restore.point.browserExaming a previously stored restore point by invoking the...
restore.point.optionsSet global options for restore points
set.storingSet whether objects shall be stored or not
store.objectsStores all local objects of the calling environment to be...
skranz/restorepoint documentation built on June 30, 2024, 11:13 p.m.