eval.with.error.trace: Evals the expression such that if an error is encountered a...

View source: R/restorepoint.R

eval.with.error.traceR Documentation

Evals the expression such that if an error is encountered a traceback is added to the error message.


This function is mostly useful within a tryCatch clause Adapted from code in tools:::.try_quietly as suggested by Kurt Hornik in the following message https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2005-September/034546.html


eval.with.error.trace(expr, max.lines = 4, remove.early.calls = 0,
  error.string.fun = default.error.string.fun)



the expression to be evaluated


as in traceback()


an integer specifying a number of calls that won't be shown in the trace.


a function(e,tb) that takes as arguments an error e and a string vector tb of the stack trace resulting from a call to calls.to.trace() and returns a string with the extended error message


If no error occurs the value of expr, otherwise an error is thrown with an error message that contains the stack trace of the error.

skranz/restorepoint documentation built on June 30, 2024, 11:13 p.m.