env.console: Emulates an R console that evaluates expressions in the...

View source: R/restorepoint.R

env.consoleR Documentation

Emulates an R console that evaluates expressions in the specified environement env. You return to the standard R console by pressing ESC


Emulates an R console that evaluates expressions in the specified environement env. You return to the standard R console by pressing ESC


env.console(env = new.env(parent = parent.env), parent.env = parent.frame(),
  dots = NULL, prompt = ": ",
  startup.message = "Press ESC to return to standard R console",
  multi.line.parse.error = get.restore.point.options()$multi.line.parse.error,
  local.variables = NULL)



The environment in which expressions shall be evaluated. If not specified then a new environment with the given parent.env is created.


If env is not specified the parent environemnt in which the new environment shall be created


a list that contains values for the ellipsies ... that will be used if you call other functions like fun(...) from within the console. You can access the values inside the console by typing list(...)


The prompt that shall be shown in the emulated console. Default = ": "


The text that is shown when env.console is started


A substring used to identify an error by parse that is due to parsing the beginning of a multi-line expression. The substring can depend on the language of R error messages. The packages tries to find a correct substring automatically as default.


additional variables that shall be locally available


Returns nothing since the function must be stopped by pressing ESC.

skranz/restorepoint documentation built on June 30, 2024, 11:13 p.m.