
#load the library 
#If you need to obtain the catch MSY package use:
# devtools::install_github("smartell/CatchMSY",build.vignettes=TRUE)

.NSAMP <- 5000
.NCORE <- 2
.THEME <- theme_bw(12)

# Create a new stockID
lutjanid     <- new_sID(id="Lutjanidae",dfile="./inst/extdata/lutj.dat")

# Use Beverton Holt factors to establish M,ah,
# Growth parameters taken for Taape (lutjanus kasmira)
# Reference:(Moralis-Nin & Ralston, 1989)
lutjanid$linf <- 34.0
lutjanid$vbk  <- 0.29
lutjanid$ <- 0.07
lutjanid$a    <- 2.447128e-05 #units are lbs
lutjanid$b    <- 3.154
lutjanid$winf <- lutjanid$a * lutjanid$linf^lutjanid$b

lutjanid$m    <- 1.50 * lutjanid$vbk
lutjanid$ah   <- 1.65 / lutjanid$m
lutjanid$gh   <- 0.10 * lutjanid$ah

# Set default MSY and FMSY values based on data
lutjanid$msy  <- median(lutjanid$data$catch)
lutjanid$fmsy <- 0.6 * lutjanid$m

# Set age-at-entry to the fishery.
lutjanid$sel50 <- 3
lutjanid$sel95 <- 4

# Add option to specify selectivity in terms of length.

# Set parameter sampling frame
lutjanid$dfPriorInfo$dist[1] = "lnorm"
lutjanid$dfPriorInfo$par1[1] = log(lutjanid$m)
lutjanid$dfPriorInfo$par2[1] = 0.05 * lutjanid$m
lutjanid$dfPriorInfo$dist[2] = "unif"
lutjanid$dfPriorInfo$par1[2] = 0.20 * lutjanid$m
lutjanid$dfPriorInfo$par2[2] = 1.50 * lutjanid$m
lutjanid$dfPriorInfo$dist[3] = "unif"
lutjanid$dfPriorInfo$par1[3] = quantile(lutjanid$data$catch,0.05)
lutjanid$dfPriorInfo$par2[3] = quantile(lutjanid$data$catch,0.95)

#|	CATCH ONLY METHOD                                              |#
		M0      <- lutjanid
		# remove biomass data for the Catch only Method
		M0$data <- M0$data[,1:2]

		# generate samples from parameter samples
		M0      <- sample.sid(M0,.NSAMP)

		# run model with each sample
		M0      <- sir.sid(M0,ncores=.NCORE)

	# Get MSY statistics
	M0$msy.stats <- summary(M0$S[M0$idx,3])

	xmax <- max(M0$S[,"msy"])*2
	ymax <- 1200
	hist(M0$S[M0$idx,"msy"], xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(0,ymax), xlab="MSY", main="Compare MSY distributions")

#|	CATCH WITH BIOMASS                                        |#
#|----------------------------------------------------------- |#
	M1      <- lutjanid
	M1      <- sample.sid(M1,.NSAMP)
	M1      <- sir.sid(M1,ncores=.NCORE)
	M1$msy.stats <- summary(M1$S[M1$idx,3])

	hist(M1$S[M1$idx,"msy"], xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(0, ymax), col="#AA000050", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", main="")

	## adjust prior to have larger upper bound on possible MSY
	M2      <- lutjanid
	M2$dfPriorInfo$par1[3] = quantile(lutjanid$data$catch,0.05)
	M2$dfPriorInfo$par2[3] = 1.5*quantile(lutjanid$data$catch,0.95)

	# generate random samples from parameter ranges
	M2      <- sample.sid(M2,.NSAMP)

	# run model with each sample
	M2      <- sir.sid(M2,ncores=.NCORE)

	# Get MSY statistics
	M2$msy.stats <- summary(M2$S[M2$idx,3])

	hist(M2$S[M2$idx,"msy"], xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(0, ymax), col="#33000050", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", main="")

#|----------------------------------------------------------- |#
#|	SIMULATION MODEL                                          |#
	S1      <- lutjanid
	R1      <- catchMSYModel(S1)
	ii      <- which(!$data$biomass))
	# xx      <- R1$bt[ii]*exp(rnorm(length(ii),0,S1$data$biomass.lse[ii]))
	# S1$data$biomass[ii] <- xx
	S1$data$biomass[ii] <- rlnorm(length(ii),log(R1$bt[ii]),S1$data$biomass.lse[ii])


	S1 <- sample.sid(S1,.NSAMP)
	S1 <- sir.sid(S1,ncores=.NCORE)
	S1$msy.stats <- summary(S1$S[S1$idx,3])

#|	CATCH WITH SIZE COMP                                 |#

	## simulate length comp data
	Ssim <- lutjanid
	Ssim$ <- 0.10 ## adjust length CV to simulate messy data
	Rsim <- catchMSYModel(Ssim)

	## add generated length comp data over time to observed catch data
	M3 <- lutjanid
	lc <- t(Rsim$LF)
	M3$data <- cbind(lutjanid$data[,-grep("biomass", colnames(lutjanid$data))], lc)

	# generate samples from parameter samples
	M3      <- sample.sid(M3,.NSAMP)

	# run model with each sample
	M3      <- sir.sid(M3,ncores=.NCORE)

	# Get MSY statistics
	M3$msy.stats <- summary(M3$S[M3$idx,3])

	hist(M3$S[M3$idx,"msy"], xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(0, ymax), col="#00AA0050", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", main="")

	## add generated length comp data over time to observed catch data and biomass data
	M4 <- lutjanid
	lc <- t(Rsim$LF)
	M4$data <- cbind(lutjanid$data, lc)

	# generate samples from parameter samples
	M4      <- sample.sid(M4,.NSAMP)

	# run model with each sample
	M4      <- sir.sid(M4,ncores=.NCORE)

	# Get MSY statistics
	M4$msy.stats <- summary(M4$S[M4$idx,3])

	hist(M4$S[M4$idx,"msy"], xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(0, ymax), col="#0000AA50", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", main="")

	## less than all years of length comp data
	lc_sub <- lc
	lc_sub[1:(nrow(lc)-1),] <- NA
	M3v2 <- M3
	M3v2$data <- cbind(lutjanid$data[,-grep("biomass", colnames(lutjanid$data))], lc_sub)

	M3v2 <- sample.sid(M3v2,.NSAMP)
	M3v2 <- sir.sid(M3v2,ncores=.NCORE)
	M3v2$msy.stats <- summary(M3v2$S[M3v2$idx,3])

	hist(M3v2$S[M3v2$idx,"msy"], xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(0, ymax), col="#FFFF0050", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")

#|	CATCH WITH MEAN LENGTH                               |#

	## simulate length comp data
	Ssim <- lutjanid
	Ssim$ <- 0.10 ## adjust length CV to simulate messy data
	Rsim <- catchMSYModel(Ssim)

	## add generated mean length to observed catch data
	M5 <- lutjanid
	M5$data <- cbind(lutjanid$data[,-grep("biomass", colnames(lutjanid$data))], "meanlength"=Rsim$ML, ""=rep(0.6, length(Rsim$ML)))

	# generate samples from parameter samples
	M5      <- sample.sid(M5,.NSAMP)

	# run model with each sample
	M5      <- sir.sid(M5,ncores=.NCORE)

	# Get MSY statistics
	M5$msy.stats <- summary(M5$S[M5$idx,3])

	hist(M5$S[M5$idx,"msy"], xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(0, ymax), col="#0000AA50", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")

	## less than all years of mean length
	ML_sub <- c(rep(NA, length(Rsim$ML)-10), Rsim$ML[(length(Rsim$ML)-9):length(Rsim$ML)])
	ML_sub_se <- rep(NA, length(ML_sub))
	ML_sub_se[which(] <- 0.6
	M5v2 <- M5
	M5v2$data <- cbind(lutjanid$data[,-grep("biomass", colnames(lutjanid$data))], "meanlength"=ML_sub, ""=ML_sub_se)

	M5v2 <- sample.sid(M5v2,.NSAMP)
	M5v2 <- sir.sid(M5v2,ncores=.NCORE)
	M5v2$msy.stats <- summary(M5v2$S[M5v2$idx,3])

	hist(M5v2$S[M5v2$idx,"msy"], xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(0, ymax), col="#0000FF50", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")

#|	GRAPHICS AND SUMMARY STATISTICS                                         |#

	M1$sel50 <- 3
	M1$sel95 <- 4
	Q <- catchMSYModel(M1)$Q

	M1$sel50 <- 2
	M1$sel95 <- 3
	Q <- catchMSYModel(M1)$Q
smartell/CatchMSY documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:07 a.m.