GWASTools-package: Tools for Genome Wide Association Studies

GWASTools-packageR Documentation

Tools for Genome Wide Association Studies


This package contains tools for facilitating cleaning (quality control and quality assurance) and analysis of GWAS data.


GWASTools provides a set of classes for storing data and annotation from Genome Wide Association studies, and a set of functions for data cleaning and analysis that operate on those classes.

Genotype and intensity data are stored in external files (GDS or NetCDF), so it is possible to analyze data sets that are too large to be contained in memory. The GenotypeReader class and IntensityReader class unions provide a common interface for GDS and NetCDF files.

Two sets of classes for annotation are provided. SnpAnnotationDataFrame and ScanAnnotationDataFrame extend AnnotatedDataFrame and provide in-memory containers for SNP and scan annotation and metadata. SnpAnnotationSQLite and ScanAnnotationSQLite provide interfaces to SNP and scan annotation and metadata stored in SQLite databases.

The GenotypeData and IntensityData classes combine genotype or intensity data with SNP and scan annotation, ensuring that the data in the NetCDF files is consistent with annotation through unique SNP and scan IDs. A majority of the functions in the GWASTools package take GenotypeData and/or IntensityData objects as arguments.


Stephanie M. Gogarten, Cathy Laurie, Tushar Bhangale, Matthew P. Conomos, Cecelia Laurie, Caitlin McHugh, Ian Painter, Xiuwen Zheng, Jess Shen, Rohit Swarnkar, Adrienne Stilp

Maintainer: Stephanie M. Gogarten


Laurie, C. C., Doheny, K. F., Mirel, D. B., Pugh, E. W., Bierut, L. J., Bhangale, T., Boehm, F., Caporaso, N. E., Cornelis, M. C., Edenberg, H. J., Gabriel, S. B., Harris, E. L., Hu, F. B., Jacobs, K. B., Kraft, P., Landi, M. T., Lumley, T., Manolio, T. A., McHugh, C., Painter, I., Paschall, J., Rice, J. P., Rice, K. M., Zheng, X., and Weir, B. S., for the GENEVA Investigators (2010), Quality control and quality assurance in genotypic data for genome-wide association studies. Genetic Epidemiology, 34: 591-602. doi: 10.1002/gepi.20516

smgogarten/GWASTools documentation built on May 18, 2024, 1:19 a.m.