
Defines functions sm_plot_clean

Documented in sm_plot_clean

#' Remove xticklabels and yticklabels in selected panels for proper subplotting
#' @param all_plots
#' all_plots should be list, which should contain all panels
#' that are to be combined into one figure.
#' @param ncol
#' Number of columns in the combined plot
#' @param nrow
#' Number of rows in the combined plot
#' @param hmargin
#' The amount of height of blank space between subplots. It sets the size of the empty space (i.e., margin) between panels. T
#' he default is set to 1, which should reduce the empty space (right and left side of each panel)
#' between the panels.
#' @param wmargin
#' The amount of width of blank space between subplots.  It sets the size of the empty space (i.e., margin) between panels. T
#' he default is set to 1, which should reduce the empty space (right and left side of each panel)
#' between the panels.
#' @return
#' Returns a list of plots with new layouts.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(smplot2)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(data = mtcars, mapping = aes(x = drat, y = mpg)) +
#'   geom_point(shape = 21, fill = '#0f993d', color = 'white',
#'              size = 3) -> p1
#' ggplot(data = mtcars, mapping = aes(x = drat, y = mpg)) +
#'   geom_point(shape = 21, fill = '#0f993d', color = 'white', size = 3) +
#'   sm_hvgrid() -> p2
#' sm_plot_clean(list(p1,p2), ncol=2,nrow=1,wmargin=-2, hmargin=-2)

sm_plot_clean <- function(all_plots, ncol, nrow, wmargin=wmargin, hmargin=hmargin) { # returns list
  output <- lapply(1:length(all_plots), function(iPlot) {

    aX = (iPlot-1) %% ncol + 1 # column
    aY = (iPlot-1) %/% ncol + 1 # row

    if (nrow > 1) {

      if (aX == 1 & aY == 1) {
        all_plots[[iPlot]] <- all_plots[[iPlot]] + sm_common_axis('topleft', wmargin=wmargin, hmargin=hmargin)
      } else if (aX > 1 & aX < ncol & aY == 1) {
        all_plots[[iPlot]] <- all_plots[[iPlot]] + sm_common_axis('topcenter', wmargin=wmargin, hmargin=hmargin)
      } else if (aX == ncol & aY == 1) {
        all_plots[[iPlot]] <- all_plots[[iPlot]] + sm_common_axis('topright', wmargin=wmargin, hmargin=hmargin)
      } else if (aX == 1 & aY > 1 & aY < nrow) {
        all_plots[[iPlot]] <- all_plots[[iPlot]] + sm_common_axis('centerleft', wmargin=wmargin, hmargin=hmargin)
      } else if (aX > 1 & aX < ncol & aY > 1 & aY < nrow) {
        all_plots[[iPlot]] <- all_plots[[iPlot]] + sm_common_axis('center', wmargin=wmargin, hmargin=hmargin)
      } else if (aX == ncol & aY > 1 & aY < nrow) {
        all_plots[[iPlot]] <- all_plots[[iPlot]] + sm_common_axis('centerright', wmargin=wmargin, hmargin=hmargin)
      } else if (aX == 1 & aY == nrow) {
        all_plots[[iPlot]] <- all_plots[[iPlot]] + sm_common_axis('bottomleft', wmargin=wmargin, hmargin=hmargin)
      } else if (aX > 1 & aX < ncol & aY == nrow) {
        all_plots[[iPlot]] <- all_plots[[iPlot]] + sm_common_axis('bottomcenter', wmargin=wmargin, hmargin=hmargin)
      } else if (aX == ncol & aY == nrow) {
        all_plots[[iPlot]] <- all_plots[[iPlot]] + sm_common_axis('bottomright', wmargin=wmargin, hmargin=hmargin)
    } else if (nrow == 1) {
      if (aX == 1 & aY == 1) {
        all_plots[[iPlot]] <- all_plots[[iPlot]] + sm_common_axis('bottomleft2x', wmargin=wmargin, hmargin=hmargin)
      } else if (aX > 1 & aX < ncol & aY == 1) {
        all_plots[[iPlot]] <- all_plots[[iPlot]] + sm_common_axis('bottomcenter2x', wmargin=wmargin, hmargin=hmargin)
      } else if (aX == ncol & aY == 1) {
        all_plots[[iPlot]] <- all_plots[[iPlot]] + sm_common_axis('bottomright2x', wmargin=wmargin, hmargin=hmargin)

smin95/sesplot documentation built on July 2, 2024, 9:35 a.m.