#' Rescale SDM predictions
#' Rescale SDM predictions and (if applicable) associated uncertainties
#' @param x object of class \code{sf}
#' @param x.idx vector of column names or column indices;
#' indicates columns in \code{x} with prediction values that will be rescaled
#' @param y rescaling method; must be either "abundance" or "sumto1".
#' See 'Details' section for descriptions of the rescaling methods
#' @param y.abund numeric value; ignored if \code{y} is not \code{"abundance"}
#' @param x.var.idx vector of column names or column indices;
#' indicates columns in \code{x} with variance values that will be rescaled.
#' If \code{x.var.idx} is specified, it must be the same length as \code{x.idx}.
#' Use \code{x.var.idx = NULL} (the default) if none of the predictions have associated uncertainty values;
#' see the 'Details' section for more information
#' @details \code{ensemble_rescale} is intended to be used after overlaying predictions with
#' \code{\link{overlay_sdm}} and before creating ensembles with \code{\link{ensemble_create}}.
#' The provided rescaling methods are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item'abundance' - Rescale the density values so that the predicted abundance is \code{y.abund}
#' \item'sumto1' - Rescale the density values so their sum is 1
#' }
#' SDM uncertainty values must be rescaled differently than the prediction values.
#' Columns specified in \code{x.var.idx} must contain variance values.
#' These values will be rescaled using the formula \code{var(c * x) = c^2 * var(x)},
#' where \code{c} is the rescaling factor for the associated predictions.
#' If \code{x.var.idx} is not \code{NULL}, then the function assumes
#' \code{x.var.idx[1]} contains the variance values associated with the predictions in \code{x.idx[1]},
#' \code{x.var.idx[2]} contains the variance values associated with the predictions in \code{x.idx[2]}, etc.
#' Use \code{NA} in \code{x.var.idx} to indicate a set of predictions that does not have
#' associated uncertainty values (e.g., \code{x.var.idx = c(4, NA, 5)})
#' @return The \code{sf} object \code{x} with the columns specified by \code{x.idx} and \code{x.var.idx} rescaled.
#' The \code{agr} attributes of \code{x} will be conserved
#' @examples
#' ensemble_rescale(preds.1, c("Density", "Density2"), "abundance", 50)
#' ensemble_rescale(preds.1, c(1, 2), "sumto1")
#' ensemble_rescale(
#' preds.1, c("Density", "Density2"), "abundance", 100, c(3,4)
#' )
#' @export
ensemble_rescale <- function(x, x.idx, y, y.abund = NULL, x.var.idx = NULL) {
# Check inputs
### General checks
inherits(x, "sf"),
length(x.idx) < ncol(x)
### Check/process x.idx
x.df <- st_set_geometry(x, NULL)
x.geom <- st_geometry(x)
if (inherits(x.idx, "character")) {
if (!all(x.idx %in% names(x.df))) {
stop("If x.idx is a character vector, then all elements of x.idx must ",
"be the name of a column of x (and not the geometry list-column)")
} else if (inherits(x.idx, c("integer", "numeric"))) {
if (!(max(x.idx) < ncol(x))) {
stop("If x.idx is a numeric vector, then all values of x must be ",
"less than ncol(x)")
x.idx <- names(x)[x.idx]
} else {
stop("x.idx must be a vector of class character, integer, or numeric")
### Check/process x.var.idx
if (!is.null(x.var.idx)) {
if (length(x.idx) != length(x.var.idx)) {
stop("If specified, x.var.idx must be the same length as x.idx. ",
"Use 'NA' in in x.var.idx for predictions that ",
"do not have uncertainty values")
if (inherits(x.var.idx, "character")) {
if (!all(x.var.idx %in% c(names(x.df), NA))) {
stop("If x.var.idx is a character vector, then all elements of x.var.idx must ",
"be the name of a column of x (not including the geometry list-column)")
} else if (inherits(x.var.idx, c("integer", "numeric"))) {
if (!(max(x.var.idx, na.rm = TRUE) < ncol(x))) {
stop("If x.var.idx is a numeric vector, then all values of x must be ",
"less than ncol(x)")
x.var.idx <- names(x)[x.var.idx]
} else {
stop("If it is not NULL, x.var.idx must be a vector of class ",
"character, integer, or numeric")
# Check that x.idx and x.var.idx do not share any elements
if (any(x.idx %in% x.var.idx))
stop("x.idx and x.var.idx cannot point to any of the same columns of x")
### Check/process y
if (!(y %in% c("abundance", "sumto1"))) {
stop("y must be either 'abundance' or 'sumto1'")
# Rescale values
### Prep
# Use select rather than [,] to ensure object is data frame
x.df.idx <- x.df %>% select(!!x.idx)
# x.df.var.idx <- x.df %>% select(!x.var.idx)
x.df.var.idx <- data.frame(lapply(x.var.idx, function(i) {
if (is.na(i)) NA else x.df %>% select(!!i)
### Get rescaling factors
if (y == "abundance") {
if (!length(y.abund) == 1)
stop ("If y is 'abundance', y.abund must be a single number greater than 0")
if (!(y.abund > 0 & inherits(y.abund, c("integer", "numeric"))))
stop ("If y is 'abundance', y.abund must be a single number greater than 0")
d <- vapply(x.df.idx, function(i, j, k) {
tmp.sf <- st_sf(pred = i, geometry = j, agr = "constant")
eSDM::model_abundance(tmp.sf, "pred") / k
}, 1, j = x.geom, k = y.abund, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
} else { #y == "sumto1"
d <- vapply(x.df.idx, sum, 1, na.rm = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
### Replace original values with rescaled values
x.df.idx.rescaled <- map2_df(x.df.idx, d, function(i, j) i / j)
x.df[, x.idx] <- x.df.idx.rescaled
if (!is.null(x.var.idx)) {
x.df.var.idx.rescaled <- map2_df(x.df.var.idx, d, function(i, j) i / (j^2)) #%>% select(which(!is.na(x.var.idx)))
x.df[, x.var.idx] <- x.df.var.idx.rescaled
st_sf(x.df, geometry = x.geom, agr = st_agr(x))
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