
Defines functions .minset_elements .check_maxisotopes .CountChemicalElements

#' @title .CountChemicalElements.
#' @description \code{.CountChemicalElements} will split a character (chemical formula)
#'  into its elements and count their occurrence.
#' @details No testing for any chemical alphabet is performed. Elements may occur
#'  several times and will be summed up in this case without a warning.
#'  Information within brackets, i.e. [13]C will be removed prior to counting
#'  together with other symbols not contained in the R set 'alnum'.
#'  The result is filtered and ordered according to parameter 'ele' if provided.
#' @param x Chemical formula.
#' @param ele Character vector of elements to count particularly or counting all contained in string if NULL.
#' @return A named numeric with counts for all contained or specified elements.
#' @references This function is a copy from the `CorMID` package by Jan Lisec.
#'   It is not (and should bot be) exported in Rdisop but only used internally.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
.CountChemicalElements <- function(x = NULL, ele = NULL) {
    # ensure character and length=1
    x <- as.character(x[1])
    # count all elements present within 'x'
    # remove square bracket constructs (e.g. [13]C6 --> C6) upfront
    x <- gsub("[[].+[]]", "", x)
    # all elements start with a LETTER...
    p <- gregexpr("[[:upper:]]", x)[[1]]
    p_end <- c(p[-1] - 1, nchar(x))
    # split initial string at the large letter positions
    out <- sapply(1:length(p), function(i) {
        # substr(x, p[i], ifelse(i == length(p), nchar(x), p[i + 1] - 1))
        substr(x, p[i], p_end[i])
    # remove all non letter/digit (e.g. further brackets, charges...)
    out <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "", out)
    count <- as.numeric(gsub("[^[:digit:]]", "", out))
    count[is.na(count)] <- 1
    names(count) <- gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "", out)
    # sum up in case that elements were found repeatedly
    if (any(duplicated(names(count)))) {
        for (i in rev(which(duplicated(names(count))))) {
            count[which((names(count) == names(count)[i]))[1]] <- count[which((names(count) == names(count)[i]))[1]] + count[i]
            count <- count[-i]
    # reorder or limit output vector according to 'ele' and 'order_ele'
    if (!is.null(ele)) {
        count <- sapply(ele, function(e) {
            ifelse(e %in% names(count), count[names(count) == e], 0)

#' @title .check_maxisotopes.
#' @description \code{.check_maxisotopes} will check this parameter in various
#'     functions to ensure that it is within the specifications.
#' @param x maxisotopes parameter.
#' @return Either the input or stops with an error message.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
.check_maxisotopes <- function(x) {
    if (!(is.numeric(x) && x>=1 && x<=100)) stop("maxisotopes is not a number within the allowed range (1..100)")

#' @title .minset_elements.
#' @description \code{.minset_elements} will check the formula parameter in various
#'     functions and return a minimal elements list to perform the functions
#'     calculations on this formula.
#' @param fml formula parameter.
#' @return The output of \code{\link{initializeElements}} required to process this formula.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
.minset_elements <- function(fml) {
    x <- names(.CountChemicalElements(fml))
sneumann/Rdisop documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 9:20 p.m.