
Defines functions sequence_input_control_list split_input_control write_meme_input_path motif_input.universalmotif motif_input.list motif_input.data.frame motif_input.universalmotif_df motif_input.character sequence_input.AAStringSet sequence_input.BStringSet sequence_input.DNAStringSet sequence_input.character

#' @export
sequence_input.character <- function(input){
  # character input should be file path unless input == "shuffle"
  if (input == "shuffle") return(input)


#' @export
sequence_input.DNAStringSet <- function(input){
  # stringset is written to temporary fasta file

#' @export
sequence_input.BStringSet <- function(input){

#' @export
sequence_input.AAStringSet <- function(input){

#' @export
motif_input.character <- function(input, path = NULL){
  # character input must be file path,
  # subsequent type checking will be carried out by commandline utility
  # path != NULL, copy & rename to this name
  if (length(input) > 1){
    stop("input must be character of length == 1")
  if (!is.null(path)){
    if (path != "" | !is.na(path)){
      file.copy(input, path)
      input <- path

  # Expand paths, etc.
  input <- search_meme_database_path(input)

  out <- list(metadata = NULL,
              path = input)

#' @export
motif_input.universalmotif_df <- function(input, path = tempfile(fileext = ".meme")){

  path <- input %>%
    universalmotif::to_list(extrainfo = TRUE) %>%
    write_meme_input_path(path = path)

  out <- list(metadata = input,
              path = path)

#' @export
motif_input.data.frame <- function(input, path = tempfile(fileext = ".meme")){
  if (is(input, "universalmotif_df")) {
    # This is needed because inheritance is weird & NextMethod() doesn't work right...
    # TODO: make sure this isn't too hacky
    return(motif_input.universalmotif_df(input, path))
  # This function will catch if a universalmotif_df was manipulated by tidyverse
  # thus stripping it's `universalmotif_df` class

  if (!("motif" %in% names(input))) {
    stop("input data.frame must contain \"motif\" column")

  if (!is_universalmotif_list(input$motif)) {
    stop("motif column is not in universalmotif format")

  path <- input$motif %>%
    write_meme_input_path(path = path)

  out <- list(metadata = input,
              path = path)

#' @export
motif_input.list <- function(input, path = tempfile(fileext = ".meme")){
  # check list is universalmotif list
  if (!is_universalmotif_list(input)) error_universalmotif_list(list)

  df <- as_universalmotif_dataframe(input)

  path <- input %>%
    write_meme_input_path(path = path)

  out <- list(metadata = df,
              path = path)


#' @export
motif_input.universalmotif <- function(input, path = tempfile(fileext = ".meme")){

  df <- as_universalmotif_dataframe(input) %>%

  path <- input %>%
    write_meme_input_path(path = path)

  out <- list(metadata = df,
              path = path)


#' Helper for exporting universalmotif data to temp files
#' @param input universalmotif list
#' @param path if path = "" (or NULL or NA) use tempfile, default: tempfile
#' @return
#' @noRd
write_meme_input_path <- function(input, path){
  if (is.null(path)){
      path <- tempfile(fileext = ".meme")
  if (path == "" | is.null(path) | is.na(path)) {
    path <- tempfile(fileext = ".meme")

  input %>%
    write_meme_list(path = as.character(path))

#' filter out control entries from list input
#' @param input list of Biostrings::XStringSet objects
#' @param control character vector matching names in input
#' @return list with `input` and `control` values
#' @noRd
split_input_control <- function(input, control){
  # input = list
  # control = character vector
  input_minus_control <- input %>%

  control_seq <- input %>%
    cmdfun::cmd_list_keep_named(control) %>%
    Biostrings::BStringSetList(., use.names = FALSE) %>%

  input <- input_minus_control
  control <- control_seq

    list(input = input,
         control = control)


#' Correctly handle input/control input logic when input is a list
#' This is the backend that allows operations like using a name in input as control
#' or when passing a list of sequences to control to use the pool of them. used
#' in runDreme and runAme, or any other command that takes sequences as input and control
#' @param input sequences
#' @param control control
#' @return list w/ correct input & controls
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom Biostrings BStringSetList
#' @noRd
sequence_input_control_list <- function(input, control){

  if (is.character(control)){

    if (all(control %in% names(input))){
      x <- split_input_control(input, control)

      input <- x$input
      control <- x$control
    } else if (!all(control %in% names(input)) & !identical(control, "shuffle")){
      # Handle control = "shuffle"
      # If input is a list with a "shuffle" entry, use the "shuffle" entry
      # this may need revision if shuffle behavior is different across tools, or some tools don't have shuffle feature?
      missing <- control[!(control %in% names(input))]
      stop(paste0("The following names passed to control do not exist in the input names: ", missing))

  if (is.list(control)){
    ctrl <- Biostrings::BStringSetList(control)
    control <- unlist(ctrl)

  if (methods::is(control, "BStringSetList")){
    control <- unlist(control)

  return(list(input = input,
              control = control))
snystrom/dremeR documentation built on May 1, 2024, 7:14 a.m.