
Defines functions yt_search

Documented in yt_search

#' Search YouTube
#' Search for videos, channels and playlists. (By default, the function
#' searches for videos.)
#' @param term Character. Search term; required; no default
#' For using Boolean operators, see the API documentation.
#' Here's some of the relevant information:
#' "Your request can also use the Boolean NOT (-) and OR (|) operators to
#' exclude videos or to
#' find videos that are associated with one of several search terms. For
#' example, to search
#' for videos matching either "boating" or "sailing", set the q parameter
#' value to boating|sailing.
#' Similarly, to search for videos matching either "boating" or "sailing"
#' but not "fishing",
#' set the q parameter value to boating|sailing -fishing"
#' @param max_results Maximum number of items that should be returned.
#' Integer. Optional. Can be between 0 and 50. Default is 50.
#' Search results are constrained to a maximum of 500 videos if type is
#' video and we have a value of \code{channel_id}.
#' @param channel_id Character. Only return search results from this
#' channel; Optional.
#' @param channel_type Character. Optional. Takes one of two values:
#' \code{'any', 'show'}. Default is \code{'any'}
#' @param event_type Character. Optional. Takes one of three values:
#' \code{'completed', 'live', 'upcoming'}
#' @param location  Character.  Optional. Latitude and Longitude within
#' parentheses, e.g. "(37.42307,-122.08427)"
#' @param location_radius Character.  Optional. e.g. "1500m", "5km",
#' "10000ft", "0.75mi"
#' @param published_after Character. Optional. RFC 339 Format.
#' For instance, "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
#' @param published_before Character. Optional. RFC 339 Format.
#' For instance, "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
#' @param type Character. Optional. Takes one of three values:
#' \code{'video', 'channel', 'playlist'}. Default is \code{'video'}.
#' @param video_caption Character. Optional. Takes one of three values:
#' \code{'any'} (return all videos; Default), \code{'closedCaption', 'none'}.
#' Type must be set to video.
#' @param video_type Character. Optional. Takes one of three values:
#' \code{'any'} (return all videos; Default), \code{'episode'}
#' (return episode of shows), 'movie' (return movies)
#' @param video_syndicated Character. Optional. Takes one of two values:
#' \code{'any'} (return all videos; Default), \code{'true'}
#' (return only syndicated videos)
#' @param video_definition Character. Optional.
#' Takes one of three values: \code{'any'} (return all videos; Default),
#' \code{'high', 'standard'}
#' @param video_license Character. Optional.
#' Takes one of three values: \code{'any'} (return all videos; Default),
#' \code{'creativeCommon'} (return videos with Creative Commons
#' license), \code{'youtube'} (return videos with standard YouTube license).
#' @param region_code Character. i18nRegion. Default is NULL.
#' @param relevance_language Character. Default is "en".
#' @param simplify Boolean. Return a data.frame if \code{TRUE}.
#' Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, it returns a list that carries additional information.
#' @param page_token specific page in the result set that should be
#' returned, optional
#' @param get_all get all results, iterating through all the results
#' pages. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' Result is a \code{data.frame}. Optional.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{tuber_GET}}.
#' @return data.frame with 16 elements: \code{video_id, publishedAt,
#' channelId, title, description,
#' thumbnails.default.url, thumbnails.default.width, thumbnails.default.height,
#' thumbnails.medium.url,
#' thumbnails.medium.width, thumbnails.medium.height, thumbnails.high.url,
#' thumbnails.high.width,
#' thumbnails.high.height, channelTitle, liveBroadcastContent}
#' @export
#' @references \url{https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/search/list}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set API token via yt_oauth() first
#' yt_search(term = "Barack Obama")
#' yt_search(term = "Barack Obama", published_after = "2016-10-01T00:00:00Z")
#' yt_search(term = "Barack Obama", published_before = "2016-09-01T00:00:00Z")
#' yt_search(term = "Barack Obama", published_before = "2016-03-01T00:00:00Z",
#'                                published_after = "2016-02-01T00:00:00Z")
#' yt_search(term = "Barack Obama", published_before = "2016-02-10T00:00:00Z",
#'                                published_after = "2016-01-01T00:00:00Z")
#' }

yt_search <- function(term = NULL, max_results = 50, channel_id = NULL,
                      channel_type = NULL, type = "video", event_type = NULL,
                      location = NULL, location_radius = NULL,
                      published_after = NULL, published_before = NULL,
                      video_definition = "any", video_caption = "any",
                      video_license = "any", video_syndicated = "any",
                      region_code = NULL, relevance_language = "en",
                      video_type = "any", simplify = TRUE, get_all = TRUE,
                      page_token = NULL, ...) {

  if (!is.character(term)) stop("Must specify a search term.\n")

  if (max_results < 0 | max_results > 50) {
    stop("max_results only takes a value between 0 and 50.")

  if (type == "video" && !(video_license %in% c("any", "creativeCommon", "youtube"))) {
    stop("video_license can only take values: any, creativeCommon, or youtube.")

  if (type == "video" && !(video_syndicated %in% c("any", "true"))) {
    stop("video_syndicated can only take values: any or true.")

  if (type == "video" && !(video_type %in% c("any", "episode", "movie"))) {
    stop("video_type can only take values: any, episode, or movie.")

  if (is.character(published_after)) {
    if (is.na(as.POSIXct(published_after,  format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))) {
      stop("The date is not properly formatted in RFC 339 Format.")

  if (is.character(published_before)) {
    if (is.na(as.POSIXct(published_before, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))) {
      stop("The date is not properly formatted in RFC 339 Format.")

  if (type != "video") {
    video_caption <- video_license <- video_definition <-
    video_type <- video_syndicated <- NULL
  if (!is.null(location) && is.null(location_radius)) {
    stop("Location radius must be specified with location")

  querylist <- list(part = "snippet",
                    q = term,
                    maxResults = max_results,
                    channelId = channel_id,
                    type = type,
                    channelType = channel_type,
                    eventType = event_type,
                    location = location,
                    locationRadius = location_radius,
                    publishedAfter = published_after,
                    publishedBefore = published_before,
                    videoDefinition = video_definition,
                    videoCaption = video_caption,
                    videoType = video_type,
                    videoSyndicated = video_syndicated,
                    videoLicense = video_license,
                    regionCode = region_code,
                    relevanceLanguage	= relevance_language,
                    pageToken = page_token)

  # Sending NULLs to Google seems to short its wiring
  querylist <- querylist[names(querylist)[sapply(querylist, function(x) !is.null(x))]]

  res <- tuber_GET("search", querylist, ...)

  if (identical(get_all, TRUE)) {

    if (type == "video") {

      simple_res  <- lapply(res$items,
                                   function(x) {
                                   c(video_id = x$id$videoId, unlist(x$snippet))
      } else {

       simple_res  <- lapply(res$items, function(x) unlist(x$snippet))

    fin_res     <- ldply(simple_res, rbind)

    page_token  <- res$nextPageToken

    while (is.character(page_token)) {

      a_res <- yt_search(part = "snippet",
                         term = term,
                         max_results = max_results,
                         channel_id = channel_id,
                         type = type,
                         relevance_language = relevance_language,
                         region_code = region_code,
                         channel_type = channel_type,
                         event_type = event_type,
                         location = location,
                         location_radius = location_radius,
                         published_after  = published_after,
                         published_before  = published_before,
                         video_definition = video_definition,
                         video_caption = video_caption,
                         video_type = video_type,
                         video_syndicated = video_syndicated,
                         video_license = video_license,
                         simplify = FALSE, get_all = FALSE,
                         page_token = page_token)

      if (type == "video") {

        a_simple_res  <- lapply(a_res$items,
                                function(x) {
                                c(video_id = x$id$videoId, unlist(x$snippet))
      } else {

        a_simple_res  <- lapply(a_res$items, function(x)  unlist(x$snippet))

      a_resdf       <- ldply(a_simple_res, rbind)

      fin_res       <- rbind(fin_res, a_resdf)

      page_token    <- a_res$nextPageToken

  if (identical(simplify, TRUE)) {

    if (res$pageInfo$totalResults != 0) {
      if (type == "video") {

      simple_res  <- lapply(res$items,
                                   function(x) {
                                   c(video_id = x$id$videoId, unlist(x$snippet))
      } else {

       simple_res  <- lapply(res$items, function(x) unlist(x$snippet))
      resdf       <- ldply(simple_res, rbind)
    } else {
soodoku/tuber documentation built on April 15, 2024, 10:19 p.m.