chicago: Chicago Crime Data

chicagoR Documentation

Chicago Crime Data


This dataset is a record of spatial locations of crimes reported in the period 25 April to 8 May 2002, in an area of Chicago (Illinois, USA) close to the University of Chicago. The original crime map was published in the Chicago Weekly News in 2002.

The data give the spatial location (street address) of each crime report, and the type of crime. The type labels are interpreted as follows:

assault battery/assault
burglary burglary
cartheft motor vehicle theft
damage criminal damage
robbery robbery
theft theft
trespass criminal trespass

All crimes occurred on or near a street. The data give the coordinates of all streets in the survey area, and their connectivity.

Spatial coordinates are expressed in feet (one foot is 0.3048 metres).

The dataset chicago is an object of class "lpp" representing a point pattern on a linear network. See lpp for further information on the format.

These data were published and analysed in Ang, Baddeley and Nair (2012).




Object of class "lpp". See lpp.


Chicago Weekly News, 2002. Manually digitised by \adrian.


Ang, Q.W. (2010) Statistical methodology for events on a network. Master's thesis, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Western Australia.

Ang, Q.W., Baddeley, A. and Nair, G. (2012) Geometrically corrected second-order analysis of events on a linear network, with applications to ecology and criminology. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 39, 591–617.

Chicago Weekly News website:


  if(require(spatstat.linnet)) {
plot(as.linnet(chicago), main="Chicago Street Crimes",col="green")
plot(as.ppp(chicago), add=TRUE, col="red", chars=c(16,2,22,17,24,15,6))

spatstat/ documentation built on July 16, 2024, 5:51 p.m.