#' Automatically Geocode Addresses
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description
#' Get discharged accounts from DSS and geocode them with Nominatim OpenStreet Maps
#' @details
#' - Requires a connection to DSS, uses both [db_connect()] and [db_disconnect()]
#' - Uses the [geocode_discharges_query()] internally.
#' - Saves a file to where you specify for accounts that could not be automatically geocoded
#' - This can be run numerous times a day since the records are inserted into a table after
#' geocoding and lookedup to make sure they do not already exist there.
#' - This will look back at discharges starting with a discharge date of six months prior
#' to the SQL GETEDATE() function
#' @return
#' A tibble
#' @export
geocode_discharges_automation <- function() {
# File path to save non-geocoded records
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
# Get discharges to geocode
query <- LICHospitalR::geocode_discharges_query() %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_sub(PtNo_Num, 1, 1) != 2)
# Exit with no records ----
# If there are no records then stop out of function
if (base::nrow(query) == 0) {
base::return(base::print("There were no records returned by the query."))
# Make intermediate tables
origAddress <- query %>%
dplyr::select(PtNo_Num, FullAddress, Pt_Addr_Zip, PartialAddress) %>%
Encounter = PtNo_Num,
ZipCode = Pt_Addr_Zip
geocoded <- base::data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# First Loop ----
for (i in 1:nrow(origAddress)) {
base::print(base::paste("Working on geocoding: ", origAddress$FullAddress[i]))
if (
) {
"Could not get record for: ",
". Trying next record..."
origAddress$lon[i] <- ""
origAddress$lat[i] <- ""
} else {
"Getting Result For: ",
result <- tmaptools::geocode_OSM(
return.first.only = T,
as.data.frame = T
origAddress$lon[i] <- base::as.numeric(result[3])
origAddress$lat[i] <- base::as.numeric(result[2])
# Clean known bad addresses ----
origAddress <- origAddress %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(PartialAddress = dplyr::case_when(
stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "PORT JEFF STA") ~ "PORT JEFFERSON STATION, NY, 11776"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "PORT JFFERSON STATION") ~ "PORT JEFFERSON STATION, NY, 11776"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "EPATCHOGUE") ~ "EAST PATCHOGUE, NY, 11772"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "E PATCHOGUE") ~ "EAST PATCHOGUE, NY, 11772"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "EAST PATCHOUGE") ~ "EAST PATCHOGUE, NY, 11772"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "PATCHOQUE") ~ "PATCHOGUE, NY, 11772"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "PATCHGOUE") ~ "PATCHOGUE, NY, 11772"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "HAUPPAGE") ~ "HAUPPAUGE, NY, 11788"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "HOLSTVILLE") ~ "HOLTSVILLE, NY, 11742"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "HOLTSVILE") ~ "HOLTSVILLE, NY, 11742"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "LAKE RONKONOMA") ~ "LAKE RONKONKOMA, NY, 11779"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "LAKE RONKOMONA") ~ "LAKE RONKONKOMA, NY, 11779"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "RONKONOKOMA") ~ "RONKONKOMA, NY, 11779"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "SHRILEY") ~ "SHIRLEY, NY, 11967"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "CTR MORICHS") ~ "CENTER MORICHES, NY, 11934"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "COPIAGE") ~ "COPIAGUE, NY, 11726"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "COPAIGUE") ~ "COPIAGUE, NY, 11726"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "BELPORT") ~ "BELLPORT, NY, 11713"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "FAR ROCKAWY") ~ "FAR ROCKAWAY, NY, 11694"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "MASTICE BEACH") ~ "MASTIC BEACH, NY, 11951"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "MASTCIC NEACHJ") ~ "MASTIC BEACH, NY, 11951"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "BELLLPORT") ~ "BELLPORT, NY, 11713"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "NESCONSETT") ~ "NESCONSET, NY, 11767"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "YAHPANK") ~ "YAPHANK, NY, 11980"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "ISLIP TERRANCE") ~ "ISLIP TERRACE, NY, 11752"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL") ~ "PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL, 34952"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "PATCHOUGE, NY") ~ "PATCHOGUE, NY, 11772"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "SHILREY, NY") ~ "SHIRLEY, NY, 11967"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "EAST PATCHGUE, NY") ~ "EAST PATCHOGUE, NY, 11772"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "AMITY HABOR, NY") ~ "AMITY HARBOR, NY, 11701"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "ROCAWAY PARK, NY") ~ "ROCKAWAY PARK, NY, 11693"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "LAKE RONKONKONA, NY") ~ "LAKE RONKONKOMA, NY, 11779"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "MIDDLE ISLNAD, NY") ~ "MIDDLE ISLAND, NY, 11953"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "ROCKVILLE CENTER, NY") ~ "ROCKVILLE CENTER, NY, 11570"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "FARMIINGVILLE, NY") ~ "FARMINGVILLE, NY, 11738"
, stringr::str_detect(PartialAddress, "MI SIANI, NY") ~ "MOUNT SINAI, NY, 11766"
, TRUE ~ PartialAddress
# Get Non Found Records ----
# Get all records that were not found and geocode on city/town, state, zip
for (i in 1:nrow(origAddress)) {
if (origAddress[i, "lon"] == "") {
"Working on geocoding:",
result <- tryCatch(
return.first.only = T,
as.data.frame = T
warning = function(w) {
base::print("Can't get record")
error = function(e) {
print("geocode_OSM() function failed to produce result")
origAddress$lon[i] <- as.numeric(result[3])
origAddress$lat[i] <- as.numeric(result[2])
} else {
base::print("Trying next record...")
# Clean up Records ----
geocoded <- origAddress %>%
origAddress$lat != "" | origAddress$lon != ""
) %>%
dplyr::select(Encounter, FullAddress, ZipCode, lon, lat)
# Connect to DSS ----
db_con_obj <- LICHospitalR::db_connect()
# Insert into tbl ----
conn = db_con_obj,
schema = "smsdss",
table = "c_geocoded_address"
append = T
# Delete Duplicates ----
conn = db_con_obj,
statement = base::paste0(
SELECT Encounter
, FullAddress
, ZipCode
, lon
, lat
, FullAddress
, ZipCode
, lon
, lat
ORDER BY Encounter
, FullAddress
, ZipCode
, lon
, lat
FROM SMSDSS.c_geocoded_address
) X
# DB Disconnect ----
LICHospitalR::db_disconnect(.connection = db_con_obj)
# Save Missing records ----
missing_records_tbl <- origAddress %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::filter(base::is.na(lat) | lat == "") %>%
dplyr::select(Encounter, FullAddress, ZipCode, PartialAddress)
missing_records_tbl %>%
path = base::paste0(file_path, "geocoded_failures.xlsx"),
col_names = TRUE
# Return missing records
#' CDI QEC Numbers
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description Gather Admit / Discharges counts for CDI QEC dashboard
#' @details
#' - Requires a connection to DSS, uses both [db_connect()] and [db_disconnect()]
#' - Will ask you where you want to save the file so you can email it out
#' - Uses the [qec_cdi_query()] to automatically set the .data argument internally
#' - Email currently goes to PMcKenna at LICommunityHospital.org, should this change
#' please call Steven Sanderson at 2995 to update the email, and redistribute package.
#' - Outlook may ask you to Allow the message to send
#' @param .delete_file Default is FALSE, TRUE will delete the file.
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' qec_cdi_automation(.email = "someone@@email.com")
#' }
#' @export
qec_cdi_automation <- function(.delete_file = FALSE, .email) {
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# * Get Data ----
data_tbl <- LICHospitalR::qec_cdi_query()
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_name <- "\\QEC_CDI.xlsx"
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
writexl::write_xlsx(x = data_tbl, path = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "CDI QEC Numbers"
Email[["body"]] <- "Please see the attached for the latest CDI QEC numbers"
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
#' Code 64 Email Automation
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description
#' Run the [code64_charged_accounts_query()] and email them to Performance Improvement
#' and the Medical Chairperson
#' The RDCOMClient Library must be called into the `namespace` first with any of the following
#' - library(RDCOMClient)
#' - require(RDCOMClient)
#' - if(!require(pacman)) {install.packages("pacman")}
#' - pacman::p_load("RDCOMClient")
#' @details
#' - Requires a connection to DSS, uses both [db_connect()] and [db_disconnect()]
#' - Will ask you where you want to save the file so you can email it out, will
#' delete the file upon email send.
#' - Uses the [code64_charged_accounts_query()] internally.
#' @param .delete_file Default is FALSE, TRUE will delete file.
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' code64_automation(.email = "someone@@email.com")
#' }
#' @export
code64_automation <- function(.delete_file = FALSE, .email) {
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# * Get Data ----
data_tbl <- LICHospitalR::code64_charged_accounts_query()
end_date <- data_tbl %>%
dplyr::select(actv_date) %>%
dplyr::pull() %>%
base::max() %>%
file_rundate <- base::Sys.Date() %>% stringr::str_replace_all("-", "_")
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_month <- end_date %>% lubridate::month()
file_year <- end_date %>% lubridate::year()
file_name <- base::paste0(
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
writexl::write_xlsx(x = data_tbl, path = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "Accounts Charged with a Code 64"
Email[["body"]] <- "Please see the attached for the latest report for Accounts Charged with a Code 64"
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
#' ORSOS to SPROC Case Reconcilliation Automation
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description
#' This automation uses the [orsos_to_sproc_query()] to get data that is then
#' manipulated to find the cases done by providers in the smsdss.c_ORSOS_Post_Case_Rpt_tbl
#' but not in smsmir.sproc, meaning they have not for some reason been coded by
#' HIM.
#' The RDCOMClient Library must be called into the `namespace` first with any of the following
#' - library(RDCOMClient)
#' - require(RDCOMClient)
#' - if(!require(pacman)) {install.packages("pacman")}
#' - pacman::p_load("RDCOMClient")
#' @details
#' - Takes data from the [orsos_to_sproc_tbl()] function, and makes an excel file to save off
#' for sending
#' @param .data The data that is passed from [orsos_to_sproc_tbl()]
#' @param .delete_file Default is FALSE, TRUE will delete file
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' orsos_to_sproc_query() %>%
#' orsos_to_sproc_tbl() %>%
#' orsos_to_sproc_automation(.email = "someone@@email.com")
#' }
#' @export
orsos_to_sproc_automation <- function(.data, .delete_file = FALSE, .email) {
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# * Get Data ----
data_tbl <- .data
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_name <- "\\orsos_to_sproc_reconcilliation.xlsx"
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
writexl::write_xlsx(x = data_tbl, path = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "ORSOS to SPROC Reconcilliation"
Email[["body"]] <- "
Please see the attached for the latest report for accounts in ORSOS that cannot
be found in our data warehouse as coded for the provider specified.
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
#' Congenital Malformation Automation for HIM
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description
#' This automation will send information on congenital malformations that comes
#' from the [congenital_malformation_query()] to HIM
#' The RDCOMClient Library must be called into the `namespace` first with any of the following
#' - library(RDCOMClient)
#' - require(RDCOMClient)
#' - if(!require(pacman)) {install.packages("pacman")}
#' - pacman::p_load("RDCOMClient")
#' @details
#' - Uses the [congenital_malformation_query()] internally.
#' - Requires a connection to DSS and uses [db_connect()] and [db_disconnect()]
#' @param .delete_file Default is FALSE, TRUE will delete file
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' congenital_malformation_automation(.email= "someone@@email.com")
#' }
#' @export
congenital_malformation_automation <- function(.delete_file = FALSE, .email) {
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# * Get Data ----
data_tbl <- LICHospitalR::congenital_malformation_query()
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_name <- "\\congenital_malformation.xlsx"
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
writexl::write_xlsx(x = data_tbl, path = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "Congenital Malformation Data"
Email[["body"]] <- "
Please see the attached for the latest report for accounts that meet the
congenital malformation criteria.
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
#' Discharge Order to Discharge Automation
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description
#' Uses the [discharge_order_to_discharge_query()] to get information from DSS
#' for processing.
#' The RDCOMClient Library must be called into the `namespace` first with any of the following
#' - library(RDCOMClient)
#' - require(RDCOMClient)
#' - if(!require(pacman)) {install.packages("pacman")}
#' - pacman::p_load("RDCOMClient")
#' @details
#' - Gets the last discharge order written for a visit and compares that with the
#' time that was input as the discharge date time
#' - Uses the [discharge_order_to_discharge_query()] internally to get the data.
#' @param .delete_file Default is FALSE, TRUE will delete file
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' discharge_order_to_discharge_automation(.email = "someone@@gmail.com")
#' }
#' @export
discharge_order_to_discharge_automation <- function(.delete_file = FALSE, .email) {
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# * Get Data ----
data_tbl <- LICHospitalR::discharge_order_to_discharge_query()
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_name <- "\\discharge_order_to_discharge.xlsx"
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
writexl::write_xlsx(x = data_tbl, path = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "Discharge Order to Discharge Time"
Email[["body"]] <- "Please see the attached for the latest numbers"
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
#' Duplicate Coded Cataracts Query
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description
#' Uses the [duplicate_coded_cataract_query()] to get information from DSS
#' for processing.
#' The RDCOMClient Library must be called into the `namespace` first with any of the following
#' - library(RDCOMClient)
#' - require(RDCOMClient)
#' - if(!require(pacman)) {install.packages("pacman")}
#' - pacman::p_load("RDCOMClient")
#' @details
#' - Gets the last discharge order written for a visit and compares that with the
#' time that was input as the discharge date time
#' - Uses the [duplicate_coded_cataract_query()] internally to get data.
#' @param .delete_file Default is FALSE, TRUE will delete file
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' discharge_order_to_discharge_automation(.email = "someone@@email.com")
#' }
#' @export
duplicate_coded_cataracts_automation <- function(.delete_file = FALSE, .email) {
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# * Get Data ----
data_tbl <- LICHospitalR::duplicate_coded_cataract_query()
# Check if data exists
if(nrow(data_tbl) == 0){
return(print("No data - exiting function"))
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_name <- "\\duplicate_coded_cataracts.xlsx"
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
writexl::write_xlsx(x = data_tbl, path = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "Duplicate Cataracts"
Email[["body"]] <- "Please see the attached for the latest report"
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
#' Inpatient Coding Lag Automation
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description
#' This takes in data from the function [inpatient_coding_lag_tbl()]
#' The RDCOMClient Library must be called into the `namespace` first with any of the following
#' - library(RDCOMClient)
#' - require(RDCOMClient)
#' - if(!require(pacman)) {install.packages("pacman")}
#' - pacman::p_load("RDCOMClient")
#' @details
#' - This function will ask you where you want to save the data so that it can be emailed out
#' - After the email is sent the function will delete the saved file
#' @param .data The data that comes in typically from the [inpatient_coding_lag_tbl()]
#' @param .delete_file Default is FALSE, TRUE will delete file
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' inpatient_coding_lag_query() %>%
#' inpatient_coding_lag_tbl() %>%
#' inpatient_coding_lag_automation(.email = "someone@@email.com")
#' }
#' @export
inpatient_coding_lag_automation <- function(.data, .delete_file = FALSE, .email) {
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# * Get Data ----
data_tbl <- .data
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_date <- base::Sys.Date()
rpt_date <- lubridate::floor_date(file_date, "months") - base::months(1)
file_year <- lubridate::year(rpt_date)
file_month <- lubridate::month(rpt_date, abbr = FALSE, label = TRUE) %>%
file_name <- base::paste0(
file_month, file_year, "_IP_Coding_Lag.xlsx"
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
writexl::write_xlsx(x = data_tbl, path = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "IP Coding Lag Report"
Email[["body"]] <- "Please see the attached for the latest report"
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
#' Monthly PSY Admit and Discharge Automation
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description
#' This takes in the data from [monthly_psy_admits_query()] and [monthly_psy_discharges_query()]
#' puts them in a single excel workbook on different sheets and sends.
#' The RDCOMClient Library must be called into the `namespace` first with any of the following
#' - library(RDCOMClient)
#' - require(RDCOMClient)
#' - if(!require(pacman)) {install.packages("pacman")}
#' - pacman::p_load("RDCOMClient")
#' @details
#' Takes the output from [monthly_psy_admits_discharges_tbl()] and saves it to
#' an excel workbook using the [xlsx::saveWorkbook()] function. The file is saved
#' to a location specified by the user and upon successful function completion the
#' file is deleted.
#' @param .data The output from the tbl function [monthly_psy_admits_discharges_tbl()]
#' @param .delete_file Default is FALSE, TRUE will delete file
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' monthly_psy_admits_discharges_tbl() %>%
#' monthly_psy_admits_discharges_automation(.email = "someone@@email.com")
#' }
#' @export
monthly_psy_admits_discharges_automation <- function(.data, .delete_file = FALSE, .email) {
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# * Get Data ----
data_wb <- .data
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_name <- "\\monthly_psy_admits_discharges.xlsx"
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
# Save file
xlsx::saveWorkbook(wb = data_wb, file = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "Monthly PSY Admits and Discharges"
Email[["body"]] <- "Please see the attached for the latest report"
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
#' Monthly Trauma Automation
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description
#' This takes in the data from [monthly_trauma_tbl()] and puts the results into
#' and excel file with the admits on one sheet and the discharges on another. The
#' file is saved to a location specified by the user and upon successful completion
#' the file is deleted.
#' The RDCOMClient Library must be called into the `namespace` first with any of the following
#' - library(RDCOMClient)
#' - require(RDCOMClient)
#' - if(!require(pacman)) {install.packages("pacman")}
#' - pacman::p_load("RDCOMClient")
#' @param .data The output from the tbl function [monthly_trauma_tbl()]
#' @param .delete_file Default is FALSE, TRUE will delete file
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' monthly_trauma_tbl() %>%
#' monthly_trauma_automation(.email = "someone@@email.com")
#' }
#' @export
monthly_trauma_automation <- function(.data, .delete_file = FALSE, .email) {
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# * Get Data ----
data_wb <- .data
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_name <- "\\monthly_trauma_data.xlsx"
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
# Save file
xlsx::saveWorkbook(wb = data_wb, file = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "Monthly Trauma Data"
Email[["body"]] <- "Please see the attached for the latest report"
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
#' MyHealth Monthly Surgery Automation
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II
#' @description
#' This function will send out the results of the [myhealth_monthly_surgery_tbl()]
#' The RDCOMClient Library must be called into the `namespace` first with any of the following
#' - library(RDCOMClient)
#' - require(RDCOMClient)
#' - if(!require(pacman)) {install.packages("pacman")}
#' - pacman::p_load("RDCOMClient")
#' @details
#' - Takes in the results of [myhealth_monthly_surgery_tbl()] function
#' - Asks user where to save the temporary file
#' - Will delete file after sending if parameter is set to true
#' @param .data The data from [myhealth_monthly_surgery_tbl()]
#' @param .delete_file FALSE is the default, so the file will be kept, TRUE will
#' delete the file after function completion
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' myhealth_monthly_surgery_query() %>%
#' myhealth_monthly_surgery_tbl() %>%
#' myhealth_monthly_surgery_automation(.email = "someone@@email.com")
#' }
#' @export
myhealth_monthly_surgery_automation <- function(.data, .delete_file = FALSE, .email) {
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# Checks
if (!is.data.frame(.data)) {
stop(call. = FALSE, "(.data) is not a data.frame. Please supply.")
# * Get Data ----
data_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(.data)
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_name <- "\\myhealth_monthly_surgery_file.xlsx"
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
# Save file
writexl::write_xlsx(x = data_tbl, path = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "Monthly Surgery Data"
Email[["body"]] <- "Please see the attached for the latest report"
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
#' Weekly PSY Discharges Automation
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description
#' This takes in data directly from the [weekly_psy_discharges_query()] as the
#' data argument
#' @details
#' - Will automatically keep the file unless otherwise specified
#' - Sends file via email in Outlook
#' @param .data The data from [myhealth_monthly_surgery_tbl()]
#' @param .delete_file FALSE is the default, so the file will be kept, TRUE will
#' delete the file after function completion
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' weekly_psy_discharges_query() %>%
#' weekly_psy_discharges_automation(.email = "someone@@email.com")
#' }
#' @export
weekly_psy_discharges_automation <- function(.data, .delete_file = FALSE, .email) {
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# Checks
if (!is.data.frame(.data)) {
stop(call. = FALSE, "(.data) is not a data.frame. Please supply.")
# * Get Data ----
data_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(.data)
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_name <- "\\weekly_psy_discharges.xlsx"
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
# Save file
writexl::write_xlsx(x = data_tbl, path = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "Weekly PSY Discharges"
Email[["body"]] <- "Please see the attached for the latest report"
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
#' ORSOS J Accounts Automation
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description
#' This takes in data directly from the [orsos_j_accounts_query()] as the
#' data argument.
#' The RDCOMClient Library must be called into the `namespace` first with any of the following
#' - library(RDCOMClient)
#' - require(RDCOMClient)
#' - if(!require(pacman)) {install.packages("pacman")}
#' - pacman::p_load("RDCOMClient")
#' @details
#' - Takes in the results of [orsos_j_accounts_query()] function
#' - Asks user where to save the temporary file
#' - Will delete file after sending if parameter is set to true
#' @param .data The data from [orsos_j_accounts_query()]
#' @param .delete_file FALSE is the default, so the file will be kept, TRUE will
#' delete the file after function completion
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' orsos_j_accounts_query() %>%
#' orsos_j_accounts_automation(.email = "somone@@email.com")
#' }
#' @export
orsos_j_accounts_automation <- function(.data, .delete_file = FALSE, .email) {
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# Checks
if (!is.data.frame(.data)) {
stop(call. = FALSE, "(.data) is not a data.frame. Please supply.")
# * Get Data ----
data_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(.data)
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_name <- "\\orsos_j_accounts.xlsx"
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
# Save file
writexl::write_xlsx(x = data_tbl, path = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "ORSOS J Accounts"
Email[["body"]] <- "Please see the attached for the latest report"
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
#' Patient Days for Infection Prevention Automation
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description
#' This takes in the data from [infection_prevention_patient_days_query()] and [infection_prevention_patient_days_tbl()]
#' puts them in a single excel workbook on different sheets and sends.
#' The RDCOMClient Library must be called into the `namespace` first with any of the following
#' - library(RDCOMClient)
#' - require(RDCOMClient)
#' - if(!require(pacman)) {install.packages("pacman")}
#' - pacman::p_load("RDCOMClient")
#' @details
#' Takes the output from [infection_prevention_patient_days_tbl()] and saves it to
#' an excel workbook using the [xlsx::saveWorkbook()] function. The file is saved
#' to a location specified by the user and upon successful function completion the
#' file is deleted.
#' @param .data The output from the tbl function [infection_prevention_patient_days_tbl()]
#' @param .delete_file Default is FALSE, TRUE will delete file
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \\email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' infection_prevention_patient_days_query() %>%
#' infection_prevention_patient_days_tbl() %>%
#' infection_prevention_patient_days_automation(.email = "someone@@email.com")
#' }
#' @export
infection_prevention_patient_days_automation <- function(.data, .delete_file = FALSE, .email) {
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# * Get Data ----
data_wb <- .data
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_name <- "\\infection_prevention_patient_days.xlsx"
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
# Save file
xlsx::saveWorkbook(wb = data_wb, file = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "Infection Prevention Patient Days"
Email[["body"]] <- "Please see the attached for the latest report"
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
#' Respiratory VAE Automation
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description This will email out the Respiratory VAE file to the email specified
#' in the function. It is expected that the `.data` parameter be filled in with the
#' results of the [respiratory_vae_tbl()] function.
#' The RDCOMClient Library must be called into the `namespace` first with any of the following
#' - library(RDCOMClient)
#' - require(RDCOMClient)
#' - if(!require(pacman)) {install.packages("pacman")}
#' - pacman::p_load("RDCOMClient")
#' @details
#' Takes the output from [respiratory_vae_tbl()] and saves it to
#' an excel workbook using the [writexl::write_xlsx()] function. The file is saved
#' to a location specified by the user and upon successful function completion the
#' file is deleted.
#' @param .data The output from the tbl function [respiratory_vae_tbl()]
#' @param .delete_file Default is FALSE, TRUE will delete file
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' respiratory_vae_query() %>%
#' respiratory_vae_tbl() %>%
#' respiratory_vae_automation()
#' }
#' @export
respiratory_vae_automation <- function(.data, .delete_file = FALSE, .email) {
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# Checks
if (!is.data.frame(.data)) {
stop(call. = FALSE, "(.data) is not a data.frame. Please supply.")
# * Get Data ----
data_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(.data)
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_name <- "\\respiratory_vae.xlsx"
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
# Save file
writexl::write_xlsx(x = data_tbl, path = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "Respiratory VAE File"
Email[["body"]] <- "Please see the attached for the latest report"
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
#' Readmit Psyh To Psyc Automation
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description
#' This takes in the data from [readmit_psy_to_psy_query()] and [readmit_psy_to_psy_tbl()]
#' puts it into an excel file using save_to_excel.
#' The RDCOMClient Library must be called into the `namespace` first with any of the following
#' - library(RDCOMClient)
#' - require(RDCOMClient)
#' - if(!require(pacman)) {install.packages("pacman")}
#' - pacman::p_load("RDCOMClient")
#' @details
#' Takes the output from [readmit_psy_to_psy_tbl()] and saves it to
#' an excel workbook using the [writexl::write_xlsx] function. The file is saved
#' to a location specified by the user and upon successful function completion the
#' file is deleted.
#' @param .data The output from the tbl function [readmit_psy_to_psy_tbl()]
#' @param .delete_file Default is FALSE, TRUE will delete file
#' @param .email Provide the email address for the recipient. The email must be
#' in double quotes like so: \\email{c("person@@licommunityhospital.org;person2@@licommunityhospital.org")}
#' using a semi-colon if there is more than one address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(RDCOMClient)
#' library(magritter)
#' readmit_psy_to_psy_query() %>%
#' readmit_psy_to_psy_tbl() %>%
#' readmit_psy_to_psy_automation(.email = "someone@@email.com")
#' }
#' @export
readmit_psy_to_psy_automation <- function(.data, .delete_file = FALSE, .email){
# * Tidyeval ----
email <- .email
# * Get Data ----
data_wb <- .data
# * File Path ----
file_path <- utils::choose.dir()
file_name <- "\\psy_to_psy_readmits.xlsx"
f_pn <- base::paste0(file_path, file_name)
# Save file
writexl::write_xlsx(x = data_tbl, path = f_pn)
# * Compose Email ----
# Open Outlook
Outlook <- RDCOMClient::COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
# Create Email
Email <- Outlook$CreateItem(0)
# Set fields
Email[["to"]] <- email
Email[["cc"]] <- ""
Email[["bcc"]] <- ""
Email[["subject"]] <- "Psych to Psych Readmits"
Email[["body"]] <- "Please see the attached for the latest report"
# Send the email
# Delete saved file
if (.delete_file == TRUE) {
if (file.exists(f_pn)) {
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