
Defines functions calibration_slope

Documented in calibration_slope

#' Compute performance in terms of various typical calibration and discrimination measures.
#' Here we provide several functions to compute some typical performance measures 
#' for calibration and discrimination (calibration slope, calibration-in-the-large, 
#' c-Statistic / AUC, O:E ratio, Brier score, integrated calibration index, and 
#' related E50, E90, and Emax). This is however not intended to be an 
#' exhaustive set of performance measures.
#' Please note that \code{\link{compute_performance}} will use \code{try}, and return \code{NA} if the function has an error. Of the potentially large number of cohort, score and bootstrap sample, this was a straightforward way to prevent \code{\link{compute_performance}} from returning an error for the whole dataset. However, if the function to compute performance generally does not work (for example, if the package \code{pROC} is required but not loaded), this behavior also prevents warning message for, say, unloaded R packages from being printed. See the example for how to redefine the provided functions with a transformation. 
#' @seealso Austin, PC, Steyerberg, EW. The Integrated Calibration Index (ICI) and related metrics for quantifying the calibration of logistic regression models. Statistics in Medicine. 2019; 1– 15. https://doi.org/10.1002/sim.8281
#' @seealso Debray, T. P., Damen, J. A., Riley, R. D., Snell, K., Reitsma, J. B., Hooft, L., … Moons, K. G. (2018). A framework for meta-analysis of prediction model studies with binary and time-to-event outcomes. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/0962280218785504
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix pnorm qnorm glm qlogis offset update na.omit as.formula coef predict quantile loess
#' @importFrom pROC roc auc
#' @param dd A dataset. 
#' @param fm The formula that will be called by the model, of the form \code{outcome ~ score} (character).
#' @return A single performance measure (numeric). 
#' @examples
#' n <- 100
#' x <- rnorm(n)
#' y <- as.numeric(rnorm(n, x) > 1)
#' dat <- data.frame(x, y)
#' # log calibration slope
#' log_cs <- function(dd, fm){
#'     log(calibration_slope(dd, fm))
#' }
#' calibration_slope(dat, "y ~ x")
#' log_cs(dat, "y ~ x")
#' @describeIn calibration_slope Estimate calibration slope
#' @export
calibration_slope <- function(dd, fm){
    fm <- as.formula(fm)
    fm <- update(fm, . ~ qlogis(.))
    m <- glm(fm, dd, family = binomial, na.action = na.omit)

#' @describeIn calibration_slope Estimate calibration-in-the-large
#' @export
calibration_large <- function(dd, fm){
    fm <- as.formula(fm)
    fm <- update(fm, . ~ offset(qlogis(.)))
    m <- glm(fm, dd, family = binomial, na.action = na.omit)

#' @describeIn calibration_slope Estimate c-Statistics / Area under the ROC curve
#' @export
c_statistic <- function(dd, fm){
    if (!requireNamespace("pROC", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package \"pROC\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
             call. = FALSE)
    fm <- as.formula(fm)
    m <- roc(fm, dd, quiet = TRUE)

#' @describeIn calibration_slope Estimate ratio of observed to expected number of events
#' @export
oe_ratio <- function(dd, fm){
        fm <- trimws(strsplit(fm, "~")[[1]])
    } else {
        fm <- as.character(fm)
        fm <- fm[fm != "~"]
    this.dd <- dd[, fm] 
    this.dd <- na.omit(this.dd)
    obs <- this.dd[, fm[1]]
    pred <- this.dd[, fm[2]]
    sum(obs) / sum(pred)

#' @describeIn calibration_slope Estimate Brier score
#' @export
brier_score <- function(dd, fm){
        fm <- trimws(strsplit(fm, "~")[[1]])
    } else {
        fm <- as.character(fm)
        fm <- fm[fm != "~"]
    obs <- dd[, fm[1]]
    pred <- dd[, fm[2]]
    brier.score <- (obs - pred) ^ 2
    mean(brier.score, na.rm = TRUE)

#' @describeIn calibration_slope Estimate Integrated Calibration Index (ICI) (mean)
#' @aliases ICI
#' @export
int_calib_index <- function(dd, fm){
        fm <- trimws(strsplit(fm, "~")[[1]])
    } else {
        fm <- as.character(fm)
        fm <- fm[fm != "~"]
    obs <- dd[, fm[1]]
    pred <- dd[, fm[2]]
    loess.calibrate <- loess(obs ~ pred)
    P.calibrate <- predict(loess.calibrate, newdata = pred)
    p.diff <- abs(P.calibrate - pred)
    mean(p.diff, na.rm = TRUE)

#' @describeIn calibration_slope Estimate Integrated Calibration Index (ICI) (median)
#' @export
E50 <- function(dd, fm){
        fm <- trimws(strsplit(fm, "~")[[1]])
    } else {
        fm <- as.character(fm)
        fm <- fm[fm != "~"]
    obs <- dd[, fm[1]]
    pred <- dd[, fm[2]]
    loess.calibrate <- loess(obs ~ pred)
    P.calibrate <- predict(loess.calibrate, newdata = pred)
    p.diff <- abs(P.calibrate - pred)
    median(p.diff, na.rm = TRUE)

#' @describeIn calibration_slope Estimate Integrated Calibration Index (ICI) (90th percentile)
#' @export
E90 <- function(dd, fm){
        fm <- trimws(strsplit(fm, "~")[[1]])
    } else {
        fm <- as.character(fm)
        fm <- fm[fm != "~"]
    obs <- dd[, fm[1]]
    pred <- dd[, fm[2]]
    loess.calibrate <- loess(obs ~ pred)
    P.calibrate <- predict(loess.calibrate, newdata = pred)
    p.diff <- abs(P.calibrate - pred)
    quantile(p.diff, probs = 0.9, na.rm = TRUE)

#' @describeIn calibration_slope Estimate Integrated Calibration Index (ICI) (maximum)
#' @export
Emax <- function(dd, fm){
        fm <- trimws(strsplit(fm, "~")[[1]])
    } else {
        fm <- as.character(fm)
        fm <- fm[fm != "~"]
    obs <- dd[, fm[1]]
    pred <- dd[, fm[2]]
    loess.calibrate <- loess(obs ~ pred)
    P.calibrate <- predict(loess.calibrate, newdata = pred)
    p.diff <- abs(P.calibrate - pred)
    max(p.diff, na.rm = TRUE)
srhaile/mscpredmodel documentation built on Sept. 13, 2019, 3:44 p.m.