
Defines functions landStock discStock catchStock landWStock discWStock catchWStock stock.fleetInfo

#              - Functions to ease the work with FLFLeets -
#    - landStock: Extract total landings at age of a stock from a FLFleets obj.
#    - discStock: Extract total discards at age of a stock from a FLFleets obj.
#    - catchStock: Extract total catch at age of a stock from a FLFleets obj.
#    - landWStock, discWStock, catchWStock: The same but in weight.
#    - stock.fleetInfo: Return a matrix [ns,fl_mt]with rownames equal to the 
#           name of the stocks and colnames equal to fleet names '&&' metier names.
#           if element (i,j) = 0, ith stock is not caught by fleet/metier flname&&metiername.
# Created: 19/10/2010 16:15:49
# Author: Dorleta Garcia
# Changed: 12/01/2011 15:45:27

#  landStock(obj, stock)
#  obj : FLFleets object. 
#  Output: An FLQuant(age, year, unit, n_season,1,iter) with the total catch of 
#      the 'stock' in the FLFleets objetc.
landStock <- function(obj, stock){
    aux <- 0
    res <- FLQuant()
    for(f in obj){
        for(m in f@metiers){

            if(!(stock %in% catchNames(m)))
            if(aux == 0){
                aux <- 1
                res <- m@catches[[stock]]@landings.n 
                res[is.na(res)] <- 0
            resf <- m@catches[[stock]]@landings.n 
            resf[is.na(resf)] <- 0
            res <- res + resf
#  discStock(obj, stock)
#  obj : FLFleets object. 
#  Output: An FLQuant(age, year, unit, n_season,1,iter) with the total catch of 
#      the 'stock' in the FLFleets objetc.

discStock <- function(obj, stock){
    aux <- 0
    res <- FLQuant()
    for(f in obj){
        for(m in f@metiers){

            if(!(stock %in% catchNames(m)))
            if(aux == 0){
                aux <- 1
                res <- m@catches[[stock]]@discards.n 
                res[is.na(res)] <- 0
            resf <- m@catches[[stock]]@discards.n 
            resf[is.na(resf)] <- 0
            res <- res + resf


#  catchStock(obj, stock)
#  obj : FLFleets object. 
#  Output: An FLQuant(age, year, unit, n_season,1,iter) with the total catch of 
#      the 'stock' in the FLFleets objetc.

catchStock <- function(obj, stock){
    return(discStock(obj, stock) + landStock(obj,stock))

#  landWStock(obj, stock)
#  obj : FLFleets object. 
#  Output: An FLQuant(age, year, unit, n_season,1,iter) with the total catch of 
#      the 'stock' in the FLFleets objetc.
landWStock <- function(obj, stock){
    aux <- 0
    res <- FLQuant()
    for(f in obj){
        for(m in f@metiers){

            if(!(stock %in% catchNames(m)))
            if(aux == 0){
                aux <- 1
                res <- m@catches[[stock]]@landings.n*m@catches[[stock]]@landings.wt
                res[is.na(res)] <- 0
            resf <- m@catches[[stock]]@landings.n*m@catches[[stock]]@landings.wt 
            resf[is.na(resf)] <- 0
            res <- res + resf
#  discWStock(obj, stock)
#  obj : FLFleets object. 
#  Output: An FLQuant(age, year, unit, n_season,1,iter) with the total catch of 
#      the 'stock' in the FLFleets objetc.

discWStock <- function(obj, stock){
    aux <- 0
    res <- FLQuant()
    for(f in obj){
        for(m in f@metiers){

            if(!(stock %in% catchNames(m)))
            if(aux == 0){
                aux <- 1
                res <- m@catches[[stock]]@discards.n*m@catches[[stock]]@discards.wt 
                res[is.na(res)] <- 0
            resf <- m@catches[[stock]]@discards.n*m@catches[[stock]]@discards.wt 
            resf[is.na(resf)] <- 0
            res <- res + resf


#  catchWStock(obj, stock)
#  obj : FLFleets object. 
#  Output: An FLQuant(age, year, unit, n_season,1,iter) with the total catch of 
#      the 'stock' in the FLFleets objetc.

catchWStock <- function(obj, stock){
    return(discWStock(obj, stock) + landWStock(obj,stock))

#    - stock.fleetInfo: Return a matrix [ns,fl_mt]with rownames equal to the 
#           name of the stocks and colnames equal to fleet names '&&' metier names.
#           if element (i,j) = 0, ith stock is not caught by fleet/metier flname&&metiername.

stock.fleetInfo <- function(fleets){
    sts  <- catchNames(fleets)
    nf <- length(fleets)
    flmt <- unlist(lapply(1:nf, function(x) paste(fleets[[x]]@name, names(fleets[[x]]@metiers), sep = '&&')))
    res <- matrix(0, length(sts), length(flmt), dimnames = list(stock = sts, fleet_met = flmt))

    for(fm in flmt){
   # print(fm)
        xx   <- strsplit(fm, "&&")[[1]]
        fmst <- names(fleets[[xx[1]]]@metiers[[xx[2]]]@catches)
        res[fmst,fm] <- 1
ssanchezAZTI/FLBEIAane documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:42 a.m.