
#' Random Forest Trainer
#' @description Trains a Random Forest model. A random forest is a meta estimator that fits a number of decision tree classifiers on various sub-samples of the dataset and use averaging to improve the predictive accuracy and control over-fitting.
#' This implementation uses ranger R package which provides faster model training.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @section Usage:
#' For usage details see \bold{Methods, Arguments and Examples} sections.
#' \preformatted{
#' bst = RFTrainer$new(n_estimators=100, max_features="auto", max_depth=5, min_node_size=1,
#'                               criterion, classification=1, class_weights, verbose=TRUE,
#'                               seed=42, always_split)
#' bst$fit(X_train, "target")
#' prediction <- bst$predict(X_test)
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{$new()}}{Initialises an instance of random forest model}
#'   \item{\code{$fit()}}{fit model to an input train data and trains the model.}
#'   \item{\code{$predict()}}{returns predictions by fitting the trained model on test data.}
#'   \item{\code{$get_importance()}}{Get feature importance from the model}
#' }
#' @section Arguments:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{n_estimators}{the number of trees in the forest, default= 100}
#'  \item{max_features}{the number of features to consider when looking for the best split.
#'                      Possible values are \code{auto(default)} takes sqrt(num_of_features),
#'                          \code{sqrt} same as auto,
#'                          \code{log} takes log(num_of_features),
#'                          \code{none} takes all features}
#'  \item{max_depth}{the maximum depth of each tree}
#'  \item{min_node_size}{the minumum number of samples required to split an internal node}
#'  \item{criterion}{the function to measure the quality of split. For classification, \code{gini} is used which
#'      is a measure of gini index. For regression, the \code{variance} of responses is used.}
#'  \item{classification}{whether to train for classification (1) or regression (0)}
#'  \item{class_weights}{weights associated with the classes for sampling of training observation}
#'  \item{verbose}{show computation status and estimated runtime}
#'  \item{always_split}{vector of feature names to be always used for splitting}
#'  \item{seed}{seed value}
#'  \item{importance}{Variable importance mode, one of 'none', 'impurity', 'impurity_corrected', 'permutation'. The 'impurity' measure is the Gini index for classification, the variance of the responses for regression. Defaults to "impurity"}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("iris")
#' bst <- RFTrainer$new(n_estimators=50,
#'                      max_depth=4,
#'                      classification=1,
#'                      seed=42,
#'                      verbose=TRUE)
#' bst$fit(iris, 'Species')
#' predictions <- bst$predict(iris)
#' bst$get_importance()
RFTrainer <- R6Class("RFTrainer",
      public = list(
          n_estimators = 100,
          max_features = "auto",
          max_depth = 5,
          min_node_size = 1,
          criterion = NULL,
          classification = 1,
          verbose = TRUE,
          seed = 42,
          class_weights = NULL,
          always_split = NULL,
          importance = "impurity",

          initialize = function(n_estimators,

              if(!(missing(n_estimators))) self$n_estimators <- n_estimators
              if(!(missing(max_features))) self$max_features <- max_features
              if(!(missing(max_depth)))    self$max_depth <- max_depth
              if(!(missing(min_node_size))) self$min_node_size <- min_node_size
                  self$classification <- classification

              if (self$classification == 1) self$criterion <- "gini"
              else if(self$classification == 0) self$criterion <- "variance"

              if(!(missing(seed))) self$seed <- seed
              if(!(missing(class_weights)))  self$class_weights <- class_weights
              if(!(missing(always_split))) self$always_split <- always_split


          fit = function(X, y) {

              superml::testdata(X, y)

              # dependent variable should be passed as factor if classification
              if(self$classification == 1) X[[y]] <- as.factor(X[[y]])

              # set max_features parameter
              if(self$max_features %in% c('auto','sqrt')) {
                  self$max_features <- round(sqrt(ncol(X)))
              } else if(self$max_features == 'log'){
                  self$max_features <- round(log(ncol(X)))
              } else if(self$max_features == 'none'){
                  self$max_features <- ncol(X)

              # check for crazy values in max_features
              if(self$max_features < 1)
                  assert_that('max_features value should be > 1.')

              if(self$max_features == 1)
                  message('You are training this model with 1 feature.
                          Please check.')

              private$trained_model <- ranger::ranger(
                  dependent.variable.name = y,
                  data = X,
                  mtry = self$max_features,
                  num.trees = self$n_estimators,
                  min.node.size = self$min_node_size,
                  splitrule = self$criterion,
                  case.weights = self$class_weights,
                  always.split.variables = self$always_split,
                  verbose = self$verbose,
                  seed = self$seed,
                  importance = self$importance


          predict = function(df) {

              return (stats::predict(private$trained_model, df)$predictions)

          get_importance = function(){

              tmp <- ranger::importance(private$trained_model)
              return(data.frame(tmp[order(tmp, decreasing = TRUE)]))

      private = list( trained_model = NA )
ssi-ashraf/superml documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 9:18 a.m.