
Defines functions get_fixed

Documented in get_fixed

#' make prediction plots for lm and glm objects using ggformula
#' @param data a data frame, or a fitted model object (from which the data will be extracted)
#' @export
#' @return a data frame with one row, containing the same variables as data, in which each variable takes on its median value (continuous variables) or its most commonly observed value (categorical variables)

get_fixed <- function(data){
  if (all('data.frame' %in% class(data)) == FALSE){
    if ("glmmTMB" %in% class(data)){
      data <- data$frame
      if ("glmerMod" %in% class(data) | "lmerMod" %in% class(data)){
        data <- data@frame
        data <- data$model
    namez <- names(data)
    # deal with offsets
    if (sum(stringr::str_detect(names(data), stringr::fixed("offset(log(")))){
    data[,stringr::str_detect(names(data), stringr::fixed("offset(log("))] <-
      exp(data[,stringr::str_detect(names(data), stringr::fixed("offset(log("))] )
    namez <- namez |>
      stringr::str_remove(stringr::fixed("offset(log(")) |>
#    data <- data.frame(data[,2:ncol(data)]) #don't include response
    names(data) <- namez

  data_out <- data.frame(data[1,]) #set up shape
  data_out[,] <- NA
  ci <- unlist(lapply(data,class)) %in% c('character', 'factor')
  qi <- which(ci==FALSE)
  ci <- which(ci==TRUE)
  # find most common level of categorical
  for (v in ci){
    if (class(data[,v]) == 'character'){
      data[,v] <- factor(data[,v])
    fv <- data[,v]
    data_out[1,v] <- levels(fv)[which.max(table(fv))]
    data_out[,v] <- factor(data_out[,v], levels=levels(fv))
  # find median of quant
  for (v in qi){
    data_out[1,v] <- stats::median(data[,v], na.rm=TRUE)
stacyderuiter/s245 documentation built on July 31, 2023, 11:04 p.m.