
title: RStanARM Developer Notes author: Imad Ali March 10, 2017 numbersections: True


This note is designed to help a developer contribute to rstanarm, which requires an understanding of how the various components of the package fit together.

Some things to keep in mind going forward:

Before working on including a model into rstanarm you should get the general form of the model(s) working using rstan. Include generated quantities such as posterior predictions, log_lik, and the mean posterior predictive distribution (mean_PPD). This will be useful in debugging the same model that you'll implement in rstanarm.

Model Fitting

Below we break things down into stuff you need to do in R and stuff you need to do in Stan to get the model working.

R Stuff

First add the package you plan on emulating in the DESCRIPTION file under suggests:.

You'll need to write an rstanarm function for each of the models you plan on emulating. These functions should call a .fit workhorse function which will run Stan. Essentially, the workflow will look something like the following:

                     ┏━━━━━━ USER ━━━━━━┓
                  model_A.R                  model_B.R
                      ┗━━━━ ━━━━┛

Regarding the above diagram, the model_*.R and files are in the R folder and the model.stan file is in the exec folder. You should include existing snippets of stan code in your model.stan file. These are located in the inst/chunks folder.

In the .fit function you should,

Conditionals should be set up so that the .fit workhorse function can deal with the following algorithm arguments.


Stan Stuff

In the Stan file you should try to minimize the number of loops, storing n-dimensional objects, redoing calculations that only need to be done once, calculating inverses (e.g. use the precision multinormal instead of multinormal).

Because we center the covariates when there is an intercept, you have to separate the intercept out of the linear predictor matrix (i.e. X should not contain a vector of ones). If gamma is the intercept parameter fit using centered predictors and alpha is the intercept parameter you want to report then do the following transformation in generated quantities:

generated quantities {
  array[has_intercept] real alpha;
  if (has_intercept) {
    alpha[1] = gamma[1] - dot_product(beta, xbar)

Don't forget to evaluate mean_PPD (the mean of the posterior predictive distribution) in the generated quantities block.

For efficiency posterior predictions and the log likelihood is computed in R.



This varies from model to model.

In the Stan file you should be able to use existing code in inst/chunks to apply priors on the intercept (if it exists) and independent priors on the parameters of the predictors.

User prior_aux to take care of single scalar parameters in the model (e.g. the spatial autocorrelation coefficient in spatial models)

If you need the user to define a prior distribution that is not currently available then add the function in R/priors.R. (Use the existing functions as a guide). Include the appropriate documentation so that prior distribution is defined in the ?priors help page.


The main things to deal with here are the coefficients and the linear predictors/fitted values.

The first few conditionals deal with picking up the estimated coefficients. Sometimes object$family$family isn't sufficient to pick up on this so you might have to use is(object, "class_name") to determine whether the object is of a certain class (in addition to the class "stanreg").

The linear.predictors should be an N-dimensional vector of predictions that have not been transformed by the link function. The fitted.values are the linear predictors transformed by the link function. (e.g. if object$family$family == "gaussian" then the linear predictor and fitted values will be identical since the link function is the identity function.)

Lastly, at the end of out <- list(...) you should include any other stuff that you might need for the methods (e.g. spatial models need the spatial weight matrix, stan_betareg needs the info associated with the "z" linear predictor if declared, etc.)


Most of the *.stanreg methods are in R/stanreg-methods.R, but as long as things are done appropriately in the .fit file and in stanreg.R all the methods here should work fine.


The main thing here is to make sure predict works appropriately when the user declares new data. As a rough check, the predictions should match the predictions made by the function you're emulating.

Also, if no new data is declared then predict(fit) and fit$fitted.values should be identical.


This is a little more involved than the predict method. Essentially you need to return and $N \times S$ dimensional matrix where $N$ is the number of observations and $S$ is the number of draws from the posterior distribution. There are two parts to this:

  1. Specify pp_fun
  2. pp_fun will call on the posterior prediction function of the form .pp_*. So you need to specify the (stochastic) data generating process within .pp_*. We use sapply() to iterate over the number of draws and compute the fitted values.

  3. Specify pp_args

  4. Include anything you might need for posterior predictions within the args list in the pp_args function. (Make sure you do any necessary link function transformations here.)


loo and log_lik

You need to check whether,

  1. loo() is using the correct log likelihood specified in log_lik.R. This is the log likelihood function that corresponds to object$family (or some other identifier that you can subset from object). If it does then you're done.
  2. If not then you need to specify the appropriate log likelihood to be used in loo().

Getting the loo function to work on a stanreg object can be tricky. It involves creating a log likelihood function for the posterior llfun and a set of arguments to be passed through this function llargs.


The best way to think about this is that you want to create a $S \times N$ matrix point-wise log likelihood, where $S$ is the number of draws and $N$ is the number of observations (i.e. you're evaluating the log-likelihood of the posterior for each datum and draw from the marginal posterior).

The approach taken with using loo on a stanreg object is to declare a function that iterates over the data, rather than specifying the entire point-wise log likelihood matrix.


Within the llargs list data needs to be a data frame or matrix that can be iterated over $N$ times. draws should be a list containing the draws of $S$ dimension. One way to think about it is that data is what you need to iterate over and draws is fixed. ~~This is useful in cases where some variables may be considered as data but you don't actually want to iterate over them, or in cases where you only have one observation and actually need to iterate over the draws (e.g. a multinormal outcome with correlated errors.)~~


The prior_summary function is used to report the prior distributions specified on the parameters when the sampler iterates over the target distribution (which is not necessarily identical to what the user declares).

  1. Define a summarize_*_prior function at the end of the model's .fit file to capture all the prior information. See for a comprehensive example or for a simple example.
    • If the user can call prior_aux then you need to give this parameter a name in $prior_aux$aux_name = "prior_aux_name_here". (e.g. in spatial models we have $prior_aux$aux_name = "rho" and in stan_betareg we have $prior_aux$aux_name = "phi")
  2. Call prior_info <- summarize_*_prior(...) before you do any model fitting.
  3. At end of the "optimizing" and "sampling" conditionals make sure you return(structure(stanfit, = prior_info)).

If you do this right then everything should work out swimmingly in the prior_summary.R file. If it so happens that you've introduced a new prior then you'll need to update the conditional in the relevant .prior_*_prior function to pick this information up.

Documentation and Examples

We use roxygen for documentation and examples. Some advice follows,

Note, every time you make a change to the documentation you need to rebuild the documentation (e.g. run devtools::document()) to make sure it works. If you want to check that links to other packages work then you'll have to rebuild the package (e.g. run devtools::build()).


All tests go in tests/testthat. Test everything you could possibly think of. If you think it should be a test, then that probably means it should be a test. Arguably, before writing any code you should write (at the very least) some basic tests first.

Make sure you add a test file for the model you're including as tests/testthat/test_stan_*.R. Also don't forget to add the relevant tests for the methods associated with your model in the other test files.

For speed, most of the tests should be specified using algorithm = 'optimizing', QR = TRUE, and around 200 iterations.

You should have tests for the following,

Run a comprehensive test of rstanarm often. Especially if you're altering Stan files. This will help you catch any bugs early on (which means they'll be easier to fix).

This script should be sufficient (at the time of writing) to run all the tests (excluding the vignettes):

### script to run all rstanarm tests locally

# library(rstantools)
# library(bayesplot)

### run prerequisite functions
example_model <-
  stan_glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ size
  + period + (1|herd),
             data = lme4::cbpp, family = binomial,
             # this next line is only to keep the example small in size!
             chains = 2, cores = 1, seed = 12345, iter = 500)
last_dimnames <- function(x) {
  ndim <- length(dim(x))

### run tests


This should be pretty straightforward if you use the existing vignettes as a template. You should cover the following,

  1. Mathematically define the posterior distribution of the model.
  2. An example using simulated data.
  3. An example using real data.

In both examples above you should,

Where possible use existing templates in vignettes/children. You can include them with:

{r, child="children/*.txt"}

An outline of what goes where

A brief description of what (generally) goes into each the various files/folders.



For example, continuous.stan contains all the models that can be declared by stan_glm (as well as some others). You can view the compiled model in R by executing rstanarm:::stanmodels$continuous.


This folder can include separate header files (ending with .hpp) that implement custom C++ functions. If you add something, be sure to include it in meta_header.hpp and test it inside tests.cpp.





stan-dev/rstanarm documentation built on April 15, 2024, 11:11 p.m.