
Defines functions scoreMatrices

Documented in scoreMatrices

##' Create blank score matrices for the built-in instruments
##' This convenience function creates score matrices (for use in
##' \code{\link{createPerformance}} with the instruments included with
##' the \pkg{csound} package.
##' There are currently two instruments included with the \pkg{csound}
##' package: a basic FM synthesis instrument and a subtractive
##' synthesis instrument.
##' @param nFM The number of rows (each representing a note) desired
##' for the FM synthesis instrument.
##' @param nsubtractive The number of rows (each representing a note) desired
##' for the subtractive synthesis instrument.
##' @return A list of two matrices: \code{$FM}, the score events for
##' the FM instrument, and \code{$subtractive}, the score events for
##' the subtractive synthesis instrument. These can be used as the
##' \code{i} argument to \code{\link{createPerformance}()}.
##' @section Parameters for built-in instruments: The columns of the
##' returned matrices are parameters that Csound uses to render each
##' note. The two instruments share several parameters:
##' \describe{
##' \item{instr}{The instrument number. \code{scoreMatrices()} fills
##' this in for you and users should not need to alter this.}
##' \item{start}{The starting time of the note (in seconds).}
##' \item{dur}{The duration of the note (in seconds).}
##' \item{amp}{The volume of the note, as a proportion between 0 and
##' 1, where 1 is the maximum volume. Note that a multiple notes that happen
##' at the same time could add up to more than one, causing distortion an
##' clipping.}
##' \item{pan}{The stereo placement of the note; 0 means entirely on the left
##' speaker, and 1 means entirely on the right.}
##' \item{attkp}{The proportion of the note's length devoted to the initial (linear)
##' attack.}
##' \item{decayp}{The proportion of the note's length devoted to the (linear) decay.}
##' }
##' The FM instrument has these additional parameters:
##' \describe{
##' \item{cps}{The frequency of the carrier tone (in Hertz).}
##' \item{mod}{The modulating frequency, given as a \emph{multiple}
##' of the carrier tone.}
##' \item{indx}{The index of modulation.}
##' }
##' The subtractive synthesis instrument has these additional parameters:
##' \describe{
##' \item{cntr}{The central frequency of the band-pass filter (in Hertz).}
##' \item{bw}{The bandwidth of the band-pass filter (in Hertz).}
##' }
##' @note When using the built-in instruments with
##' \code{\link{createPerformance}()},  these matrices can be used as
##' the \code{i} argument and no \code{f} argument is needed.
##' @examples
##' sndcheck <- scoreMatrices(5, 5)
##' sndcheck
##' sndcheck$FM[, "start"] <- 0:4
##' sndcheck$FM[, "dur"] <- 0.5
##' sndcheck$FM[, "amp"] <- 0.5
##' sndcheck$FM[, "pan"] <- (0:4)/4
##' sndcheck$FM[, c("attkp", "decayp")] <- 0.01
##' sndcheck$FM[, "cps"] <- (1:5)*110
##' sndcheck$FM[, "mod"] <- (1:5)/2
##' sndcheck$FM[, "indx"] <- 4:0
##' sndcheck$subtractive[, "start"] <- 0:4 + 0.5
##' sndcheck$subtractive[, "dur"] <- 0.1
##' sndcheck$subtractive[, "amp"] <- 0.05
##' sndcheck$subtractive[, "pan"] <- (4:0)/4
##' sndcheck$subtractive[, c("attkp", "decayp")] <- 0.01
##' sndcheck$subtractive[, "cntr"] <- (5:1)*500
##' sndcheck$subtractive[, "bw"] <- (5:1)*500
##' sndcheck
##' \dontrun{createPerformance(sndcheck)}
##' @export
scoreMatrices <- function(nFM = 0, nsubtractive = 0) {
  if(nFM < 0 | nsubtractive < 0)
    stop("n cannot be negative")

  ## Create list of matrices. The "switch" element just returns NULL
  ## if nFM or nsubtractive are 0
  out <- list(FM = switch(nFM > 0, matrix(nrow = nFM, ncol = 10)),
              subtractive = switch(nsubtractive > 0,
                     matrix(nrow = nsubtractive, ncol = 9)))

  ## Name non-NULL matrices and remove NULL elements
  if(!is.null(out$FM)) {
    colnames(out$FM) <- c("instr", "start", "dur", "amp",
                           "pan", "attkp", "decayp", "cps",
                           "mod", "indx")
    out$FM[, "instr"] <- 1
  } else out$FM <- NULL
  if(!is.null(out$subtractive)) {
    colnames(out$subtractive) <- c("instr", "start", "dur",
                                   "amp", "pan", "attkp",
                                   "decayp", "cntr", "bw")
    out$subtractive[, "instr"] <- 2
  } else out$subtractive <- NULL

statisfactions/csound documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 1:33 p.m.