
Defines functions .onLoad

.ShapeDefs <- new.env()

## Actually create the list containing all shapeDefs for use in
## various functions throughout the packag
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  ## defines option for real-time play if not already defined
    options("render_real_time" = FALSE)

  loadShapeDefs <- function() {
    ## Function to take all shape files--lists saved in separate files
    ## with extension .rda--from the inst/shapeDefs directory and then
    ## load them.

    ## Get file paths of all .rda files with saved shape information
    shapefiles <- dir(system.file("shapeDefs", package="playitbyr"),
                      full.names=T, pattern = "^.*\\.rda$")
    ## and load them
    for(i in shapefiles) load(i)

    ## Remove unused variables so that everything in the current
    ## environment is one of the lists in the shapefiles that we just
    ## loaded
    rm(i, shapefiles)

    ## Coerce current environment to list and return
    allShapes <- as.list(environment())
  assign("allShapeDefs", loadShapeDefs(), envir = .ShapeDefs)

## instrument constants
instFM <- 1
instsubtractive <- 2
instSnare <- 34
instSnareSupport <- 33
instPlaySound <- 3
statisfactions/playitbyr documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 1:33 p.m.