BlueJays: Blue Jay Measurements

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Body measurements for a sample of blue jays


A data frame with 123 observations on the following 9 variables.

BirdID ID tag for bird
KnownSex Sex coded as F or M
BillDepth Thickness of the bill measured at the nostril (in mm)
BillWidth Width of the bill (in mm)
BillLength Length of the bill (in mm)
Head Distance from tip of bill to back of head (in mm)
Mass Body mass (in grams)
Skull Distance from base of bill to back of skull (in mm)
Sex Sex coded as 0=female or 1=male


Body measurements for captured blue jays. Values are averaged for birds captured more than once.


Data from Keith Tarvin, Department of Biology, Oberlin College

statmanrobin/Stat2Data documentation built on May 24, 2019, 1:34 a.m.