
Defines functions verbose.net verbose.icm verbose.dcm

Documented in verbose.dcm verbose.icm verbose.net

#' @title Progress Print Module for Deterministic Compartmental Models
#' @description This function prints progress from deterministic compartmental
#'              models simulated with \code{\link{dcm}} to the console.
#' @param x If the \code{type} is "startup", then an object of class
#'        \code{control.dcm}, otherwise the main \code{df} object in \code{dcm}
#'        runs.
#' @param type Progress type, either of "startup" for starting messages before
#'        all runs, or "progress" for time step specific messages.
#' @param s Current run number, if type is "progress".
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
verbose.dcm <- function(x, type, s = 1) {

  if (type == "startup") {
    if (x$verbose == TRUE && x$nruns > 1) {
      cat("\nStarting DCM Simulation...")

  if (type == "progress") {
    if (x$verbose == TRUE && x$nruns > 1) {
      cat("\nRun = ", s, "/", x$nruns, sep = "")


#' @title Progress Print Module for Stochastic Individual Contact Models
#' @description This function prints progress from stochastic individual contact
#'              models simulated with \code{\link{icm}} to the console.
#' @param x If the \code{type} is "startup", then an object of class
#'        \code{control.icm}; otherwise, an object of class \code{icm_dat}, the
#'        main data object in \code{icm} simulations.
#' @param type Progress type, either of "startup" for starting messages before
#'        all simulations, or "progress" for time step specific messages.
#' @param s Current simulation number, if type is "progress".
#' @param at Current time step, if type is "progress".
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
verbose.icm <- function(x, type, s = 1, at = 2) {

  if (type == "startup") {
    if (x$verbose == TRUE) {
      cat("\nStarting ICM Simulation...")

  if (type == "progress") {
    if (x$control$verbose == TRUE) {
      if (x$control$verbose.int == 0 && at == x$control$nsteps) {
        cat("\nSim = ", s, "/", x$control$nsims, sep = "")
      if (x$control$verbose.int > 0 && (at %% x$control$verbose.int == 0)) {
        cat("\nEpidemic Simulation")
        cat("\nSimulation: ", s, "/", x$control$nsims, sep = "")
        cat("\nTimestep: ", at, "/", x$control$nsteps, sep = "")
        status <- x$attr$status
        if (inherits(status, "character")) {
          status <- ifelse(status == "i", 1, 0)
        cat("\nPrevalence:", sum(status, na.rm = TRUE))
        cat("\nPopulation Size:", sum(x$attr$active == 1))


#' @title Progress Print Module for Stochastic Network Models
#' @description This function prints progress from stochastic network models
#'              simulated with \code{\link{netsim}} to the console.
#' @param x If the \code{type} is "startup", then an object of class
#'        \code{control.net}; otherwise, an object of class \code{netsim_dat},
#'        the main data object in \code{\link{netsim}} simulations.
#' @param type Progress type, either of "startup" for starting messages before
#'        all simulations, or "progress" for time step specific messages.
#' @param s Current simulation number, if type is "progress".
#' @param at Current time step, if type is "progress".
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
verbose.net <- function(x, type, s = 1, at = 2) {

  if (type == "startup" && x$ncores == 1) {
    if (x$verbose == TRUE) {
      cat("\nStarting Network Simulation...")

  if (type == "progress" && x$control$ncores == 1) {
    if (x$control$verbose == TRUE) {
      if (x$control$verbose.int == 0 && at == x$control$nsteps) {
        cat("\nSim = ", s, "/", x$control$nsims, sep = "")
      if (x$control$verbose.int > 0 && (at %% x$control$verbose.int == 0)) {
        cat("\nEpidemic Simulation")
        cat("\nSimulation: ", s, "/", x$control$nsims, sep = "")
        cat("\nTimestep: ", at, "/", x$control$nsteps, sep = "")
        active <- get_attr(x, "active")
        status <- get_attr(x, "status", posit_ids = which(active == 1))
        if (inherits(status, "character")) {
          status <- ifelse(status == "i", 1, 0)
        cat("\nPrevalence:", sum(status, na.rm = TRUE))
        cat("\nPopulation Size:", sum(active == 1))

statnet/EpiModel documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 5:52 a.m.