
Defines functions acts_msm

Documented in acts_msm

#' @title Sexual Acts Module
#' @description Module function for setting the number of sexual acts on the
#'              discordant edgelist.
#' @inheritParams aging_msm
#' @details
#' The number of acts at each time step is specified as a function of the race of
#' both members in a pair and the expected values within black-black, black-white,
#' and white-white combinations. For one-off partnerships, this is deterministically
#' set at 1, whereas for main and causal partnerships it is a stochastic draw
#' from a Poisson distribution. The number of total acts may further be modified
#' by the level of HIV viral suppression in an infected person.
#' @keywords module msm
#' @export
acts_msm <- function(dat, at) {

  # Attributes
  status <- dat$attr$status
  diag.status <- dat$attr$diag.status
  race <- dat$attr$race
  age <- dat$attr$age
  stage <- dat$attr$stage
  vl <- dat$attr$vl
  uid <- dat$attr$uid

  plist <- dat$temp$plist

  # Parameters
  acts.mod <- dat$param$epistats$acts.mod
  acts.aids.vl <- dat$param$acts.aids.vl
  acts.scale <- dat$param$acts.scale

  # Construct edgelist
  el <- rbind(dat$el[[1]], dat$el[[2]], dat$el[[3]])
  ptype  <- rep(1:3, times = c(nrow(dat$el[[1]]),
  st1 <- status[el[, 1]]
  st2 <- status[el[, 2]]

  el <- cbind(el, st1, st2, ptype)
  colnames(el) <- c("p1", "p2", "st1", "st2", "ptype")

  # Subset to main/casual
  el.mc <- el[el[, "ptype"] != 3, ]

  # Base AI rates based on Poisson model for main/casual
  race.combo <- rep(NA, nrow(el.mc))
  race.combo[race[el.mc[, 1]] == 1 & race[el.mc[, 2]] == 1] <- 1
  race.combo[race[el.mc[, 1]] == 1 & race[el.mc[, 2]] %in% 2:3] <- 2
  race.combo[race[el.mc[, 1]] == 2 & race[el.mc[, 2]] %in% c(1, 3)] <- 3
  race.combo[race[el.mc[, 1]] == 2 & race[el.mc[, 2]] == 2] <- 4
  race.combo[race[el.mc[, 1]] == 3 & race[el.mc[, 2]] %in% 1:2] <- 5
  race.combo[race[el.mc[, 1]] == 3 & race[el.mc[, 2]] == 3] <- 6

  comb.age <- age[el.mc[, 1]] + age[el.mc[, 2]]

  # Current partnership durations
  pid_plist <- plist[, 1]*1e7 + plist[, 2]
  pid_el <- uid[el.mc[, 1]]*1e7 + uid[el.mc[, 2]]
  matches <- match(pid_el, pid_plist)
  durations <- (at - plist[, "start"])[matches]

  # HIV-positive concordant
  hiv.concord.pos <- rep(0, nrow(el.mc))
  cp <- which(diag.status[el.mc[, 1]] == 1 & diag.status[el.mc[, 2]] == 1)
  hiv.concord.pos[cp] <- 1

  # Model predictions
  x <- data.frame(ptype = el.mc[, "ptype"],
                  duration = durations,
                  race.combo = race.combo,
                  comb.age = comb.age,
                  hiv.concord.pos = hiv.concord.pos,
                  city = 1)
  rates <- unname(predict(acts.mod, newdata = x, type = "response"))/52
  rates <- rates * acts.scale
  ai <- rpois(length(rates), rates)
  el.mc <- cbind(el.mc, durations, ai)

  # Add one-time partnerships
  el.oo <- el[el[, "ptype"] == 3, ]
  ai <- durations <- rep(1, nrow(el.oo))
  el.oo <- cbind(el.oo, durations, ai)

  # Bind el back together
  el <- rbind(el.mc, el.oo)

  # For AIDS cases with VL above acts.aids.vl, reduce their their acts to 0
  p1HIV <- which(el[, "st1"] == 1)
  p1AIDS <- stage[el[p1HIV, "p1"]] == 4 & vl[el[p1HIV, "p1"]] >= acts.aids.vl
  el[p1HIV[p1AIDS == TRUE], "ai"] <- 0

  p2HIV <- which(el[, "st2"] == 1)
  p2AIDS <- stage[el[p2HIV, "p2"]] == 4 & vl[el[p2HIV, "p2"]] >= acts.aids.vl
  el[p2HIV[p2AIDS == TRUE], "ai"] <- 0

  # Flip order of discordant edges
  disc <- abs(el[, "st1"] - el[, "st2"]) == 1
  disc.st2pos <- which(disc == TRUE & el[, "st2"] == 1)
  el[disc.st2pos, 1:4] <- el[disc.st2pos, c(2, 1, 4, 3)]

  # Remove inactive edges from el
  el <- el[-which(el[, "ai"] == 0), ]

  # Save out
  dat$temp$el <- el

statnet/EpiModelHIVmsm documentation built on Aug. 28, 2020, 11:07 p.m.