
Defines functions update_network.ergm_state update_network.matrix update_network.data.frame update_network.matrix_edgelist update_network update.network

Documented in update_network update.network update_network.data.frame update_network.ergm_state update_network.matrix update_network.matrix_edgelist

#  File R/network.update.R in package ergm, part of the
#  Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org .
#  This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
#  open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at
#  https://statnet.org/attribution .
#  Copyright 2003-2023 Statnet Commons
# This file contains the following 3 functions used to update networks:
#          <network.update>
#          <as.edgelist.compressed>
#          <as.network.uncompressed>

# The <network.update> function returns the given network with with only the
# ties specified by a given matrix
#   nw         : a network object
#   newmatrix  : the matrix specifying the new set of ties with which to
#                update 'nw' 
#   matrix.type: the type of matrix that 'newmatrix' is, as "adjacency" or
#                "edgelist"; default=which.matrix.type(newmatrix)
#   output     : a string indicating whether the output should be an
#                edgelist (using "edgelist.compressed") or should be a 
#                network (using any other string); default="network"
#   unw:  the updated network, having only those ties specified by 'newmatrix'

#' Update the edges in a network based on a matrix
#' Replaces the edges in a [`network`] object with the edges corresponding
#' to the sociomatrix or edge list specified by \code{new}.
#' @param object a [`network`] object.
#' @param new Either an adjacency matrix (a matrix of values
#'   indicating the presence and/or the value of a tie from i to j) or
#'   an edge list (a two-column matrix listing origin and destination
#'   node numbers for each edge, with an optional third column for the
#'   value of the edge).
#' @param matrix.type One of `"adjacency"` or `"edgelist"` telling
#'   which type of matrix \code{new} is.  Default is to use the
#'   \code{\link[network]{which.matrix.type}} function.
#' @param attrname For a network with edge weights gives the name of
#'   the edge attribute whose names to set.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments; currently unused.
#' @return A new [`network`] object with the edges specified by
#'   \code{new} and network and vertex attributes copied from
#'   the input network `object`. Input network is not modified.
#' @seealso [ergm()], [`network`]
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' #
#' data(florentine)
#' #
#' # test the network.update function
#' #
#' # Create a Bernoulli network
#' rand.net <- network(network.size(flomarriage))
#' # store the sociomatrix 
#' rand.mat <- rand.net[,]
#' # Update the network
#' update(flomarriage, rand.mat, matrix.type="adjacency")
#' # Try this with an edgelist
#' rand.mat <- as.matrix.network.edgelist(flomarriage)[1:5,]
#' update(flomarriage, rand.mat, matrix.type="edgelist")
#' @export
update.network <- function(object, ...){
  update_network(object, ...)

#' @describeIn update.network dispatcher for network update based on the type of updating information.
#' @export
update_network <- function(object, new, ...){
  UseMethod("update_network", new)

#' @describeIn update.network a method for updating a network based on a matrix-form edgelist
#' @export
update_network.matrix_edgelist <- function(object, new, attrname=if(ncol(new)>2) names(new)[3], ...){
  NVL(colnames(new)) <- c(".tail",".head",attrname)
  new <- as_tibble(new)
  update_network(object, new, attrname=attrname, ...)

#' @describeIn update.network a method for updating a network based on an edgelist
#' @export
update_network.data.frame <- function(object, new, attrname=if(ncol(new)>2) names(new)[3], ...){
  # Empty the network.
  object[,] <- FALSE
      names.eval <- rep(list(attrname), nrow(new))
      vals.eval <- {tmp <- new[[3]]; mode(tmp) <- "list"; tmp}
      names.eval <- vals.eval <- NULL
    add.edges(object,tail=new[[1]],head=new[[2]],names.eval=names.eval, vals.eval=vals.eval)

#' @describeIn update.network a method for updating a network based on a matrix
#' @export
update_network.matrix <- function(object, new, matrix.type=NULL, attrname=NULL, ...){
    warning("Don't leave matrix type to chance! Pass matrix.type to update.network!")
    matrix.type <- which.matrix.type(new)
    if(nrow(new)==0){matrix.type <- "edgelist"}

  if(! matrix.type%in%c("adjacency","edgelist")) stop("Only edge lists and adjacency matrices are supporeted at this time.")

  # Empty the network.
  object[,] <- FALSE

    object[,,names.eval=attrname,add.edges=TRUE] <- new
    object <- update_network.matrix_edgelist(object, new, matrix.type=matrix.type, attrname=attrname, ...)

#' @describeIn update.network a method for updating a network based on an [`ergm_state`] object.
#' @export
update_network.ergm_state <- function(object, new, ...){
  update.network(object, new$el)  
statnet/ergm documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 2:26 a.m.