
Defines functions as.networkLite.networkLite as.networkLite.network as.networkLite add.edges.networkLite network.naedgecount.networkLite print.networkLite mixingmatrix.networkLite as.edgelist.networkLite network.edgecount.networkLite list.network.attributes.networkLite set.network.attribute.networkLite get.network.attribute.networkLite list.vertex.attributes.networkLite set.vertex.attribute.networkLite get.vertex.attribute.networkLite networkLite.edgelist networkLite.numeric networkLite

Documented in add.edges.networkLite as.edgelist.networkLite as.networkLite as.networkLite.network as.networkLite.networkLite get.network.attribute.networkLite get.vertex.attribute.networkLite list.network.attributes.networkLite list.vertex.attributes.networkLite mixingmatrix.networkLite network.edgecount.networkLite networkLite networkLite.edgelist networkLite.numeric network.naedgecount.networkLite print.networkLite set.network.attribute.networkLite set.vertex.attribute.networkLite

#' @title networkLite Constructor Utilities
#' @description Constructor methods for \code{networkLite} objects.
#' @param x either an \code{edgelist} class network representation (including network
#'        attributes in its \code{attributes} list), or a number specifying the network
#'        size.
#' @param attr a named list of vertex attributes for the network represented by \code{x}.
#' @param directed,bipartite,loops,hyper,multiple common network attributes that
#'        may be set via arguments to the \code{networkLite.numeric} method.
#' @param ... additional arguments used by other methods.
#' @details Currently there are two distinct \code{networkLite} constructor methods available.
#'          The \code{edgelist} method takes an \code{edgelist} class object \code{x} with network
#'          attributes attached in its \code{attributes} list, and a named list of vertex
#'          attributes \code{attr}, and returns a \code{networkLite} object, which is a named
#'          list with fields \code{el}, \code{attr}, and \code{gal}; the fields \code{el} and \code{attr} match
#'          the arguments \code{x} and \code{attr} respectively, and the field \code{gal} is the list
#'          of network attributes (copied from \code{attributes(x)}). Missing attributes
#'          \code{directed}, \code{bipartite}, \code{loops}, \code{hyper}, and \code{multiple} are defaulted to
#'          \code{FALSE}; the network size attribute \code{n} must not be missing.  Attributes
#'          \code{class}, \code{dim}, and \code{vnames} (if present) are not copied from \code{x} to the
#'          \code{networkLite}.  (For convenience, a \code{matrix} method, identical to the
#'          \code{edgelist} method, is also defined, to handle cases where the edgelist is,
#'          for whatever reason, not classed as an \code{edgelist}.)
#'          The \code{numeric} method takes a number \code{x} as well as the network attributes
#'          \code{directed}, \code{bipartite}, \code{loops}, \code{hyper}, and \code{multiple} (defaulting to
#'          \code{FALSE}), and returns an empty \code{networkLite} with these network attributes
#'          and number of nodes \code{x}.
#'          Within \code{tergmLite}, the \code{networkLite} data structure is used in the
#'          calls to \code{ergm} and \code{tergm} \code{simulate} functions.
#' @return  A networkLite object with edge list \code{el}, vertex attributes \code{attr}, and
#'          network attributes \code{gal}.
#' @rdname networkLite
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library("EpiModel")
#' nw <- network_initialize(100)
#' formation <- ~edges
#' target.stats <- 50
#' coef.diss <- dissolution_coefs(dissolution = ~offset(edges), duration = 20)
#' x <- netest(nw, formation, target.stats, coef.diss, verbose = FALSE)
#' param <- param.net(inf.prob = 0.3)
#' init <- init.net(i.num = 10)
#' control <- control.net(type = "SI", nsteps = 100, nsims = 5, tergmLite = TRUE)
#' # networkLite representation after initialization
#' dat <- crosscheck.net(x, param, init, control)
#' dat <- initialize.net(x, param, init, control)
#' # Conversion to networkLite class format
#' nwl <- networkLite(dat$el[[1]], dat$attr)
#' nwl
#' }
networkLite <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname networkLite
#' @export
networkLite.numeric <- function(x, directed = FALSE, bipartite = FALSE, loops = FALSE, hyper = FALSE, multiple = FALSE, ...) {
  x <- as.numeric(x) # so it's not of class integer

  el <- matrix(0L, nrow = 0L, ncol = 2L)
  attr <- list()
  gal <- list(n = x, directed = directed, bipartite = bipartite, loops = loops, hyper = hyper, multiple = multiple)

  nw <- list(el = el, attr = attr, gal = gal)

  class(nw) <- c("networkLite", "network")

#' @rdname networkLite
#' @export
networkLite.edgelist <- function(x, attr = list(), ...) {
  nw <- list(el = x,
             attr = attr,
             gal = attributes(x)[setdiff(names(attributes(x)), c("class", "dim", "vnames"))])

  # network size attribute is required
  if (is.null(nw$gal[["n"]])) {
    stop("edgelist passed to networkLite constructor must have the `n` attribute.")
  # other common attributes default to FALSE
  if (is.null(nw$gal[["directed"]])) {
    nw$gal[["directed"]] <- FALSE
  if (is.null(nw$gal[["bipartite"]])) {
    nw$gal[["bipartite"]] <- FALSE
  if (is.null(nw$gal[["loops"]])) {
    nw$gal[["loops"]] <- FALSE
  if (is.null(nw$gal[["hyper"]])) {
    nw$gal[["hyper"]] <- FALSE
  if (is.null(nw$gal[["multiple"]])) {
    nw$gal[["multiple"]] <- FALSE

  ## for consistency with network,
  ## we want nw$gal[["n"]] to be of
  ## type numeric, not integer
  nw$gal[["n"]] <- as.numeric(nw$gal[["n"]])

  ## some "double" edgelists have been coming through...
  storage.mode(nw$el) <- "integer"

  class(nw) <- c("networkLite", "network")

#' @rdname networkLite
#' @export
networkLite.matrix <- networkLite.edgelist

#' @name networkLitemethods
#' @title networkLite Methods
#' @description S3 methods for networkLite class, for generics defined in
#'              network package.
#' @param x a \code{networkLite} object.
#' @param attrname the name of an attribute in \code{x}.
#' @param ... any additional arguments.
#' @details Allows use of networkLite objects in \code{ergm_model}.
#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @export
get.vertex.attribute.networkLite <- function(x, attrname, ...) {

#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @param value attribute value.
#' @param v indices at which to set vertex attribute values.
#' @export
set.vertex.attribute.networkLite <- function(x, attrname, value, v = seq_len(network.size(x)), ...) {
  xn <- substitute(x)

  if(!(attrname %in% list.vertex.attributes(x))) {
    x$attr[[attrname]] <- rep(NA, length = network.size(x))

  x$attr[[attrname]][v] <- value

  on.exit(eval.parent(call("<-", xn, x)))

#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @export
list.vertex.attributes.networkLite <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @export
get.network.attribute.networkLite <- function(x, attrname, ...) {

#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @export
set.network.attribute.networkLite <- function(x, attrname, value, ...) {
  xn <- substitute(x)

  x$gal[[attrname]] <- value

  on.exit(eval.parent(call("<-", xn, x)))

#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @export
list.network.attributes.networkLite <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @export
network.edgecount.networkLite <- function(x, ...) {

#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @param output Type of edgelist to output.
#' @export
as.edgelist.networkLite <- function(x, output = c("matrix", "tibble"), ...) {
  output <- match.arg(output)

  if(output == "matrix") {
    m <- x$el
  } else {
    m <- as_tibble(list(.tail = x$el[,1], .head = x$el[,2]))
    class(m) <- c("tibble_edgelist", "edgelist", class(m))

  attr(m, "n") <- as.integer(network.size(x))
  attr(m, "directed") <- as.logical(is.directed(x))
  bip <- if(is.bipartite(x)) x %n% "bipartite" else FALSE
  attr(m, "bipartite") <- if(is.numeric(bip)) as.integer(bip) else bip
  attr(m, "loops") <- as.logical(has.loops(x))
  attr(m, "vnames") <- network.vertex.names(x)


#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @param object a \code{networkLite} object
#' @param attr specification of a vertex attribute in \code{object} as
#'             described in \code{\link[ergm]{nodal_attributes}}
#' @export
mixingmatrix.networkLite <- function(object, attr, ...) {
  nw <- object

  all_attr <- ergm_get_vattr(attr, nw, multiple = "paste")

  if(is.bipartite(nw)) {
    row_levels <- sort(unique(ergm_get_vattr(attr, nw, bip = "b1", multiple = "paste")))
    col_levels <- sort(unique(ergm_get_vattr(attr, nw, bip = "b2", multiple = "paste")))
  } else {
    row_levels <- sort(unique(all_attr))
    col_levels <- row_levels

  el <- as.edgelist(nw)

  m <- table(from = factor(all_attr[el[,1]], levels = row_levels),
             to = factor(all_attr[el[,2]], levels = col_levels))

  if(!is.bipartite(nw) && !is.directed(nw)) {
    m <- m + t(m) - diag(diag(m))


#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @param i,j Nodal indices (must be missing for networkLite method)
#' @param value Value to set edges to (must be FALSE for networkLite method)
#' @export
"[<-.networkLite" <- function(x, i, j, value) {
  if(missing(i) && missing(j) && isTRUE(all(value == FALSE))) {
    x$el <- structure(x$el[NULL,,drop=FALSE], class = class(x$el), n = x$gal$n)
  } else {
    stop("networkLite `[<-` operator only supports removing all edges at this time")

#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @export
print.networkLite <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("networkLite with properties:\n")
  cat("  Network size:", x$gal$n, "\n")
  cat("  Edge count:", NROW(x$el), "\n")
  cat("  Network attributes:", sort(unique(names(x$gal))), "\n")
  cat("  Vertex attributes:", sort(unique(names(x$attr))), "\n")

#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @export
network.naedgecount.networkLite <- function(x, ...) {
  0 # for now

#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @param tail vector of tails of edges to add to the networkLite
#' @param head vector of heads of edges to add to the networkLite
#' @param names.eval currently unsupported by add.edges.networkLite
#' @param vals.eval currently unsupported by add.edges.networkLite
#' @param check.unique should a check to ensure uniqueness of edges
#'                     in the final edgelist be performed?
#' @export
add.edges.networkLite <- function(x, tail, head, names.eval = NULL, vals.eval = NULL, ..., check.unique = FALSE) {
  if(!is.null(names.eval) || !is.null(vals.eval)) {
    stop("add.edges.networkLite does not currently support ", sQuote("names.eval"), " or ", sQuote("vals.eval"), " arguments.")

  xn <- substitute(x)

  if(length(tail) > 0) {
    new_el <- rbind(x$el, cbind(tail, head))
    new_el <- new_el[order(new_el[,1], new_el[,2]),]
    if(check.unique) {
      ## this could be made faster by exploiting
      ## the fact that new_el is sorted
      new_el <- unique(new_el)
    class(new_el) <- c("edgelist", class(new_el))
    attr(new_el, "n") <- x$gal$n
    x$el <- new_el

  on.exit(eval.parent(call("<-", xn, x)))

#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @export
as.networkLite <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @export
as.networkLite.network <- function(x, ...) {
  edgelist <- as.edgelist(x)
  vertex_attributes <- list()
  for(name in list.vertex.attributes(x)) {
    vertex_attributes[[name]] <- x %v% name
  rv <- networkLite(edgelist, vertex_attributes)
  for(name in list.network.attributes(x)) {
    rv$gal[[name]] <- x %n% name

#' @rdname networkLitemethods
#' @export
as.networkLite.networkLite <- function(x, ...) {
statnet/tergmLite documentation built on July 25, 2022, 11 p.m.