
Defines functions cnlp_annotate

Documented in cnlp_annotate

#' Run the annotation pipeline on a set of documents
#' Runs the clean_nlp annotators over a given corpus of text
#' using the desired backend. The details for which annotators to run and
#' how to run them are specified by using one of:
#' \code{\link{cnlp_init_stringi}}, \code{\link{cnlp_init_spacy}},
#' \code{\link{cnlp_init_udpipe}}, or \code{\link{cnlp_init_corenlp}}.
#' @param input          an object containing the data to parse. Either a
#'                       character vector with the texts (optional names can
#'                       be given to provide document ids) or a data frame. The
#'                       data frame should have a column named 'text' containing
#'                       the raw text to parse; if there is a column named
#'                       'doc_id', it is treated as a a document identifier.
#'                       The name of the text and document id columns can be
#'                       changed by setting \code{text_name} and \code{doc_name}
#'                       This conforms with corpus objects respecting the Text
#'                       Interchange Format (TIF), while allowing for some
#'                       variation.
#' @param backend        name of the backend to use. Will default to the last
#'                       model to be initalized.
#' @param verbose        set to a positive integer n to display a progress
#'                       message to display every n'th record. The default is
#'                       10. Set to a non-positive integer to turn off messages.
#'                       Logical input is converted to an integer, so it also
#'                       possible to set to TRUE (1) to display a message for
#'                       every document and FALSE (0) to turn off messages.
#' @param text_name      column name containing the text input. The default
#'                       is 'text'. This parameter is ignored when \code{input}
#'                       is a character vector.
#' @param doc_name       column name containing the document ids. The default
#'                       is 'doc_id'. This parameter is ignored when
#'                       \code{input} is a character vector.
#' @return  a named list with components "token", "document" and (when
#'          running spacy with NER) "entity".
#' @details
#'  The returned object is a named list where each element containing a data
#'  frame. The document table contains one row for each document, along with
#'  with all of the metadata that was passed as an input. The tokens table
#'  has one row for each token detected in the input. The first three columns
#'  are always "doc_id" (to index the input document), "sid" (an integer index
#'  for the sentence number), and "tid" (an integer index to the specific
#'  token). Together, these are a primary key for each row.
#'  Other columns provide extracted data about each token, which differ slightly
#'  based on which backend, language, and options are supplied.
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item \bold{token}: detected token, as given in the original input
#'    \item \bold{token_with_ws}: detected token along with white space; in,
#'         theory, collapsing this field through an entire document will yield
#'         the original text
#'    \item \bold{lemma}: lemmatised version of the token; the exact form
#'         depends on the choosen language and backend
#'    \item \bold{upos}: the universal part of speech code; see
#'         \url{https://universaldependencies.org/u/pos/all.html}
#'         for more information
#'    \item \bold{xpos}: language dependent part of speech code; the specific
#'         categories and their meaning depend on the choosen backend, model
#'         and language
#'    \item \bold{feats}: other extracted linguistic features, typically given
#'         as Universal Dependencies
#'         (\url{https://universaldependencies.org/u/feat/index.html}), but can
#'         be model dependent; currently only provided by the udpipe backend
#'    \item \bold{tid_source}: the token id (tid) of the head word for the
#'         dependency relationship starting from this token; for the token
#'         attached to the root, this will be given as zero
#'    \item \bold{relation}: the dependency relation, usually provided using
#'         Universal Dependencies (more information available here
#'         \url{https://universaldependencies.org/}
#'         ), but could be different for a specific model
#'  }
#' @author Taylor B. Arnold, \email{taylor.arnold@@acm.org}
#' @export
cnlp_annotate <- function(
  input, backend = NULL, verbose = 10, text_name = 'text', doc_name = 'doc_id'
) {

  # validate input variables
  backend <- ifnull(backend, volatiles$model_init_last)
    backend %in% c("stringi", "spacy", "corenlp", "udpipe"),
    "No initialized backends found."

  if (!inherits(input, "data.frame")) {
    assert(is.vector(input), "'input' must be a data frame or vector object.")
    input <- data.frame(
      doc_id=ifnull(names(input), seq_len(length(input))),
  assert(text_name %in% names(input),
    sprintf("'input' data frame must contain a column named '%s'", text_name)
  names(input)[names(input) == text_name] <- "text"

  # add an identifier to the dataset if not already included
  if (!(doc_name %in% names(input)))
    input$doc_id <- seq_len(nrow(input))
  names(input)[names(input) == doc_name] <- "doc_id"
  assert(all(!duplicated(input$doc_id)), "duplicate values found in 'id'")

  # pass to the respective backend
  if (backend == "stringi")    anno <- annotate_with_stringi(input, verbose)
  if (backend == "spacy")      anno <- annotate_with_spacy(input, verbose)
  if (backend == "corenlp")    anno <- annotate_with_corenlp(input, verbose)
  if (backend == "udpipe")     anno <- annotate_with_udpipe(input, verbose)

  class(anno) <- c("cnlp_annotation", "list")
statsmaths/cleanNLP documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 1:43 p.m.