#' dirichlet_multinomial_glm main
#' @description This function runs the data modelling and statistical test for the hypothesis that a cell_type includes outlier biological replicate.
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @importFrom magrittr %$%
#' @importFrom magrittr divide_by
#' @importFrom magrittr multiply_by
#' @importFrom purrr map2
#' @importFrom purrr map_int
#' @importFrom magrittr multiply_by
#' @importFrom magrittr equals
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom tibble rowid_to_column
#' @importFrom purrr map_lgl
#' @param .data A tibble including a cell_type name column | sample name column | read counts column | covariate columns | Pvaue column | a significance column
#' @param formula A formula. The sample formula used to perform the differential cell_type abundance analysis
#' @param .sample A column name as symbol. The sample identifier
#' @param .cell_type A column name as symbol. The cell_type identifier
#' @param .count A column name as symbol. The cell_type abundance (read count)
#' @param approximate_posterior_inference A boolean. Whether the inference of the joint posterior distribution should be approximated with variational Bayes. It confers execution time advantage.
#' @param cores An integer. How many cored to be used with parallel calculations.
#' @param seed An integer. Used for development and testing purposes
#' @return A nested tibble `tbl` with cell_type-wise information: `sample wise data` | plot | `ppc samples failed` | `exposure deleterious outliers`
#' @export
dirichlet_multinomial_glm = function(.data,
formula = ~ 1,
check_outliers = FALSE,
approximate_posterior_inference = T,
verbose = TRUE,
cores = detect_cores(), # For development purpose,
seed = sample(1:99999, size = 1)
) {
# Prepare column same enquo
.sample = enquo(.sample)
.cell_type = enquo(.cell_type)
.count = enquo(.count)
data_for_model =
data_to_spread (.data, formula, !!.sample, !!.cell_type, !!.count) %>%
data_spread_to_model_input(formula, !!.sample, !!.cell_type, !!.count)
# Produce data list
data_for_model %>%
# Run the first discovery phase with permissive false discovery rate
fit_model(stanmodels$glm_dirichlet_multinomial, censoring_iteration, chains= 4, pars = c("beta", "precision")) %>%
parse_fit(data_for_model, ., censoring_iteration = 1, chains) %>%
# Add precision as attribute
fit %>% extract(., "precision") %$% precision,
} %>%
beta_to_CI(censoring_iteration = 1 ) %>%
# Join filtered
significant =
!!as.symbol(sprintf(".lower_%s", colnames(data_for_model$X)[2])) *
!!as.symbol(sprintf(".upper_%s", colnames(data_for_model$X)[2])) > 0
) %>%
# Clesn
select(-M) %>%
mutate(!!.cell_type := data_for_model$y %>% colnames()) %>%
select(!!.cell_type, everything())
.data_1 =
.data %>%
fit_model_and_parse_out_no_missing_data(data_for_model, formula, !!.sample, !!.cell_type, !!.count, iteration = 1, chains = 4, seed = seed)
.data_2 =
.data_1 %>%
select(-contains("posterior")) %>%
fit_model_and_parse_out_missing_data(formula, !!.sample, !!.cell_type, !!.count, iteration = 2, seed = seed)
.data_2 %>%
# Join filtered
significant =
!!as.symbol(sprintf(".lower_%s", colnames(data_for_model$X)[2])) *
!!as.symbol(sprintf(".upper_%s", colnames(data_for_model$X)[2])) > 0
) %>%
# #Join unfiltered
# mutate(significant_pre_filtering = map_lgl(
# beta_quantiles_1,
# ~ .x$`2.5%` * .x$`97.5%` > 0
# )) %>%
# Define outlier
rename(outlier = outlier_2 ) %>%
# Clean
select(-N, -M, -contains("posterior")) %>%
select(!!.cell_type, everything())
#' @importFrom purrr map2_lgl
fit_model_and_parse_out_no_missing_data = function(.data, data_for_model, formula, .sample, .cell_type, .count, iteration = 1, chains, seed){
# Prepare column same enquo
.sample = enquo(.sample)
.cell_type = enquo(.cell_type)
.count = enquo(.count)
# Run the first discovery phase with permissive false discovery rate
fit_and_generated = fit_and_generate_quantities(data_for_model, stanmodels$glm_dirichlet_multinomial, iteration, chains= 4, output_samples = 5000, seed= seed)
# Integrate
.data %>%
left_join(tibble(.sample = rownames(data_for_model$y), N = 1:nrow(data_for_model$y)), by = ".sample" %>% setNames(quo_name(.sample))) %>%
left_join(tibble(.cell_type = colnames(data_for_model$y), M = 1:ncol(data_for_model$y)), by = ".cell_type" %>% setNames(quo_name(.cell_type))) %>%
# Add covariate from design
left_join(fit_and_generated, by = c("M", "N")) %>%
# Add theoretical data quantiles
mutate(!!as.symbol(sprintf("generated_data_quantiles_%s", iteration)) := map(
!!as.symbol(sprintf("generated_data_posterior_%s", iteration)),
~ quantile(
probs = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.975)
) %>%
enframe() %>%
spread(name, value)
)) %>%
# # Attach beta
# mutate(!!as.symbol(sprintf("beta_quantiles_%s", iteration)) := map(
# !!as.symbol(sprintf("beta_posterior_%s", iteration)),
# ~ quantile(
# .x$.value,
# probs = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.975)
# ) %>%
# enframe() %>%
# spread(name, value)
# )) %>%
# # Join slope
# left_join( beta_posterior %>% select(M, !!as.symbol(sprintf("slope_%s", iteration)) := `50%`) ) %>%
mutate(!!as.symbol(sprintf("outlier_%s", iteration)) := map2_lgl(
!!.count, !!as.symbol(sprintf("generated_data_quantiles_%s", iteration)),
~ .x < .y$`5%` | .x > .y$`95%`)
) %>%
# Add precision as attribute
add_attr( attr(fit_and_generated, "precision"), "precision" )
fit_model_and_parse_out_missing_data = function(.data, formula, .sample, .cell_type, .count, iteration, seed){
# Prepare column same enquo
.sample = enquo(.sample)
.cell_type = enquo(.cell_type)
.count = enquo(.count)
# Produce data list
data_for_model =
.data %>%
data_to_spread (formula, !!.sample, !!.cell_type, !!.count) %>%
data_spread_to_model_input(formula, !!.sample, !!.cell_type, !!.count)
# .count = enquo(.count)
# .data_wide =
# .my_data %>%
# select(N, M, !!.count, parse_formula(formula)) %>%
# distinct() %>%
# spread(M, !!.count)
# .data_wide_no_covariates = .data_wide %>% select(-parse_formula(formula))
to_exclude =
.data %>%
filter(!!as.symbol(sprintf("outlier_%s", iteration - 1)) ) %>%
distinct(N, M)
to_include =
.data %>%
filter(!!as.symbol(sprintf("outlier_%s", iteration - 1)) %>% `!` ) %>%
distinct(N, M)
# To mix with imputed data
.data_parsed_inliers =
.data %>%
anti_join(to_exclude,by = c("N", "M")) %>%
select(.value = count, N, M)
# Dirichlet with missing data
fit_imputation =
data_for_model %>%
pass_fit = pass_fit,
to_include = to_include,
tol_rel_obj = tol_rel_obj,
#truncation_compensation = 0.7352941, # Taken by approximation study
seed = seed,
precision = .data %>% attr("precision")
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
if (find.package("furrr", quiet = TRUE) %>% length %>% equals(0)) {
message("Installing furrr")
install.packages("furrr", repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org")
beta_posterior_corrected =
fit_imputation %>%
draws_to_tibble_x_y("counts", "N", "M") %>%
rename(.draw_imputation = .draw) %>%
nest(data = -c(.chain ,.iteration, .draw_imputation ,.variable)) %>%
sample_n(100) %>%
mutate(fit = furrr::future_map(
~ {
data_for_model$y =
.x %>%
anti_join(to_include,by = c("N", "M")) %>%
bind_rows(.data_parsed_inliers) %>%
spread(M, .value) %>%
as_matrix(rownames = "N")
# Run model
fit_and_generate_quantities(data_for_model, stanmodels$glm_dirichlet_multinomial, iteration, chains=1, output_samples = 200, seed = seed)
)) %>%
# Add precision
mutate(precision = map(
~ attr(.x, "precision")
beta_posterior_corrected %>%
select(fit) %>%
unnest(fit) %>%
nanny::nest_subset(data = -c(N, M)) %>%
# Merge posterior data
mutate(!!as.symbol(sprintf("generated_data_posterior_%s", iteration)) := map(
~ .x %>%
select( !!as.symbol(sprintf("generated_data_posterior_%s", iteration))) %>%
unnest( !!as.symbol(sprintf("generated_data_posterior_%s", iteration)))
)) %>%
# Add theoretical data quantiles
mutate(!!as.symbol(sprintf("generated_data_quantiles_%s", iteration)) := map(
!!as.symbol(sprintf("generated_data_posterior_%s", iteration)),
~ quantile(
probs = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.975)
) %>%
enframe() %>%
spread(name, value)
)) %>%
# Merge posterior data
mutate(!!as.symbol(sprintf("beta_posterior_%s", iteration)) := map(
~ .x %>%
select( !!as.symbol(sprintf("beta_posterior_%s", iteration))) %>%
unnest( !!as.symbol(sprintf("beta_posterior_%s", iteration)))
)) %>%
(.) %>% select(N, M, beta_posterior_2) %>% beta_to_CI(iteration)
) %>%
select(-data) %>%
right_join( .data) %>%
mutate(!!as.symbol(sprintf("outlier_%s", iteration)) := map2_lgl(
!!.count, !!as.symbol(sprintf("generated_data_quantiles_%s", iteration)),
~ .x < .y$`5%` | .x > .y$`95%`)
) %>%
# Add precision as attribute
beta_posterior_corrected %>%
select(precision) %>%
unnest(precision) %>%
"precision" )
fit_and_generate_quantities = function(data_for_model, model, censoring_iteration, chains, output_samples = 2000, seed){
# fit_discovery = fit_model(data_for_model, model, iteration, chains= 4, output_samples = output_samples)
# Run the first discovery phase with permissive false discovery rate
fit = fit_model(
data_for_model, model, censoring_iteration, chains= chains,
output_samples = output_samples, verbose = T,
seed = seed, pars = c("beta", "precision", "alpha")
fitted = parse_fit(data_for_model, fit, censoring_iteration = censoring_iteration, chains) %>%
# Add precision as attribute
fit %>% extract(., "precision") %$% precision,
# # For building some figure I just need the discovery run, return prematurely
# if(just_discovery) return(res_discovery %>% filter(.variable == "counts_rng"))
# Generate theoretical data
generated_discovery = generate_quantities(fit, data_for_model)
# Integrate
data_for_model$X %>%
as.data.frame %>%
as_tibble() %>%
rowid_to_column("N") %>%
# Drop values for X
select(N) %>%
# Add theoretical data posteiror
generated_discovery %>%
nest(!!as.symbol(sprintf("generated_data_posterior_%s", censoring_iteration)) := -c(M, N)),
) %>%
# Attach beta posterior
left_join(fitted, by="M") %>%
# label_deleterious_outliers()
# Add precision as attribute
fit %>% extract("precision") %$% precision,
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