
#' Extreme sampling function
#' @param data the data
#' @param nn the number of observations to sample
#' @param surrogate_name a character string vector containing the name of the
#'columns from data containing the surrogate variables (at least 2)
#'@return a list :
#'\code{weights}: the sampling weights associated with each sampled observation (inverse of their 
#'respective sampling probabilities). Can take only two values: 1 for extremes or wi0 for random
#'observations (wi0 > 1).
extremeSampling <- function(data, nn, surrogate_name=NULL){

  ntot <- nrow(data) #TOCHECK
  nsamp <- nn


  Si <- data[, surrogate_name]

  rank1 <- rank(Si[, 1],na.last=NA)
  rank2 <- rank(rowSums(Si[, -1]),na.last=NA)

  ind_lowlow <-  order(rank1 + rank2, decreasing = FALSE,na.last=NA)[1:(nsamp/4)] #1/4
  ind_highhigh <- order(rank1 + rank2, decreasing = TRUE,na.last=NA)[1:(nsamp/4)] #1/4
  ind_lowhigh <- order(rank1 - rank2, decreasing = FALSE,na.last=NA)[1:(nsamp/8)] #1/8
  ind_highlow <- order(rank1 - rank2, decreasing = TRUE,na.last=NA)[1:(nsamp/8)] #1/8

  ind_extreme <- c(ind_lowlow, ind_highhigh, ind_lowhigh, ind_highlow)
  ind_notextreme <- setdiff(1:ntot, ind_extreme)
  ind_random <- sample(ind_notextreme, nsamp/4, replace=FALSE)
  ind_samp <-  c(ind_extreme, ind_random)

  delta <-  1*(ind_samp %in% ind_extreme)
  pi0 <-  (nsamp/4)/ntot
  wi  <-  delta + (1-delta)*1/pi0
  wgt <- c(wi, rep(1, ntot-nsamp))
  #wi <- wi/max(wi)
  #wgt <- wgt/max(wgt)

  return(list("extreme_index"=ind_samp, "weights" = wi))
stepcie/sslcov documentation built on May 30, 2019, 2:39 p.m.