Man pages for stephaniehicks/quantroSim
Supporting Data Simulation R-package for quantro

getMethylSetExport the simulateMethObject to a MethylSet to be used in...
langmuirGExArraysLangmuir parameters for gene expression using arrays
langmuirMethArraysLangmuir parameters for DNA Methylation Arrays
langmuirTransLangmuir adsorption transformation
list.GEx.platformsList of platforms available to simulate gene expression data
list.meth.platformsList of platforms available to simulate DNA methylation data
pickLangmuirSimulate parameters from the Langmuir Adsorption model
pickLogNormalSimulate the log normal values
pickNormalMixSimulate a mixture of normal distributions
plotGExPlot the simulated gene expression arrays or RNA-Sequencing
plotGExTruthPlot the 'simulateGExTruthObject' from 'simulateGExTruth'
plotMethPlot the simulated DNA methylation arrays
plotMethTruthPlot the 'simulateMethTruthObject' from 'simulateMethTruth'
simulateGExSimulate observed gene expression data for a set of samples
simulateGExTruthSimulate true gene expression data for a set of groups
simulateMethSimulate observed DNA methylation data for a set of samples
simulateMethTruthSimulate true DNA methylation data for a set of groups
stephaniehicks/quantroSim documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:17 p.m.