
Defines functions featureCalc

#' feature_calc
#' @param y the time series matrix for feature calculation
#' @return feature_matrix a matrix of features extracted. Each row is the features
#' of each time series in y
#' @export
#' @examples
#' matrix_features <- feature_calc(y)

featureCalc <- function(y, freqY){

  ## code as per Wang, Smith and Hyndman (2006) Characteristic-based clustering for time series data. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 13(3), 335-364.
  # code published here: https://robjhyndman.com/hyndsight/tscharacteristics/
  # accessed 13/11/17
  ## Minor adjustments by SDS as noted
  period <- as.integer(freqY) # no need to calculate period
  # findfrequency <- function(x)
  # {
  #   n <- length(x)
  #   x <- as.ts(x)
  #   # Remove trend from data
  #   x <- residuals(tslm(x ~ trend))
  #   # Compute spectrum by fitting ar model to largest section of x
  #   n.freq <- 500
  #   spec <- spec.ar(c(na.contiguous(x)), plot=FALSE, n.freq=n.freq)
  #   if(max(spec[["spec"]])>10) # Arbitrary threshold chosen by trial and error.
  #   {
  #     period <- floor(1/spec[["freq"]][which.max(spec[["spec"]])] + 0.5)
  #     if(period==Inf) # Find next local maximum
  #     {
  #       j <- which(diff(spec[["spec"]])>0)
  #       if(length(j)>0)
  #       {
  #         nextmax <- j[1] + which.max(spec[["spec"]][(j[1]+1):n.freq])
  #         if(nextmax < length(spec[["freq"]]))
  #           period <- floor(1/spec[["freq"]][nextmax] + 0.5)
  #         else
  #           period <- 1L
  #       }
  #       else
  #         period <- 1L
  #     }
  #   }
  #   else
  #     period <- 1L
  #   return(as.integer(period))
  # }

  f1 <- function(x,a,b)
    eax <- exp(a*x)
    if (eax == Inf)
      f1eax <- 1
      f1eax <- (eax-1)/(eax+b)

  # f2 maps [0,1] onto [0,1]
  f2 <- function(x,a,b)
    eax <- exp(a*x)
    ea <- exp(a)

  measures <- function(x)

    N <- length(x)
    freq <- period ## SDS change from findfrequency() function defined in comments above
    fx <- c(frequency=(exp((freq-1)/50)-1)/(1+exp((freq-1)/50)))
    x <- ts(x,f=freq)

    # Decomposition
    if (sum(!is.na(x)) < 10){ ## Steph's hack for very short series
      decomp.x <- x
      tadj.x <- x
      adj.x <- x
      m <- c(fx, NA, NA) ## put trend and season down as NA
    } else {
      decomp.x <- decomp(x)
      # Adjust data
      if(freq > 1)
        fits <- decomp.x[["trend"]] + decomp.x[["season"]]
      else # Nonseasonal data
        fits <- decomp.x[["trend"]]
      adj.x <- decomp.x[["x"]] - fits + mean(decomp.x[["trend"]], na.rm=TRUE)

      # Backtransformation of adjusted data
        tadj.x <- InvBoxCox(adj.x,decomp.x[["lambda"]])
        tadj.x <- adj.x

      # Trend and seasonal measures
      v.adj <- var(adj.x, na.rm=TRUE)
      if(freq > 1)
        detrend <- decomp.x[["x"]] - decomp.x[["trend"]]
        deseason <- decomp.x[["x"]] - decomp.x[["season"]]
        trend <- ifelse(var(deseason,na.rm=TRUE) < 1e-10, 0,
        season <- ifelse(var(detrend,na.rm=TRUE) < 1e-10, 0,
      else #Nonseasonal data
        trend <- ifelse(var(decomp.x[["x"]],na.rm=TRUE) < 1e-10, 0,
        season <- 0

      m <- c(fx,trend,season)


    # Measures on original data
    xbar <- mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)
    s <- sd(x,na.rm=TRUE)

    # Serial correlation
    Q <- Box.test(x,lag=10)[["statistic"]]/(N*10)
    fQ <- f2(Q,7.53,0.103)

    # Nonlinearity
    p <- tseries::terasvirta.test(na.contiguous(x))[["statistic"]]
    fp <- f1(p,0.069,2.304)

    # Skewness
    sk <- abs(mean((x-xbar)^3,na.rm=TRUE)/s^3)
    fs <- f1(sk,1.510,5.993)

    # Kurtosis
    k <- mean((x-xbar)^4,na.rm=TRUE)/s^4
    fk <- f1(k,2.273,11567)

    # Hurst=d+0.5 where d is fractional difference.
    H <- fracdiff::fracdiff(na.contiguous(x),0,0)[["d"]] + 0.5

    # Lyapunov Exponent
    if(freq > N-10)
      stop("Insufficient data")
    Ly <- numeric(N-freq)
    for(i in 1:(N-freq))
      idx <- order(abs(x[i] - x))
      idx <- idx[idx < (N-freq)]
      j <- idx[2]
      Ly[i] <- log(abs((x[i+freq] - x[j+freq])/(x[i]-x[j])))/freq
      if(is.na(Ly[i]) | Ly[i]==Inf | Ly[i]==-Inf)
        Ly[i] <- NA
    Lyap <- mean(Ly,na.rm=TRUE)
    fLyap <- exp(Lyap)/(1+exp(Lyap))

    m <- c(m,fQ,fp,fs,fk,H,fLyap)

    # Measures on adjusted data
    xbar <- mean(tadj.x, na.rm=TRUE)
    s <- sd(tadj.x, na.rm=TRUE)

    # Serial
    Q <- Box.test(adj.x,lag=10)[["statistic"]]/(N*10)
    fQ <- f2(Q,7.53,0.103)

    # Nonlinearity
    p <- tseries::terasvirta.test(na.contiguous(adj.x))[["statistic"]]
    fp <- f1(p,0.069,2.304)

    # Skewness
    sk <- abs(mean((tadj.x-xbar)^3,na.rm=TRUE)/s^3)
    fs <- f1(sk,1.510,5.993)

    # Kurtosis
    k <- mean((tadj.x-xbar)^4,na.rm=TRUE)/s^4
    fk <- f1(k,2.273,11567)

    m <- c(m,fQ,fp,fs,fk)
    names(m) <- c("frequency", "trend","seasonal",
                  "dc autocorrelation","dc non-linear","dc skewness","dc kurtosis")


  features <- measures(y)

stephdesilva/forecastHelpR documentation built on May 6, 2019, 8:51 a.m.