
#' Approximate forward stepwise selection
#' Fits the approximate forward stepwise procedure.
#' @param x The input matrix.  Assumed to be the logarithmic transform of positive raw inputs.
#' @param y The real-valued response.
#' @param k_max The largest number of log-ratios to consider.
#' @return theta The k_max by k_max upper triangular matrix of coefficient for each log-ratio at each step. 
#' @return ratios A 2 by k_max grid giving the selected ratios
#' @return beta A p by k_max matrix where column j gives the coefficient value after j steps.
#' @return intercept The intercept for each model.
approximate_fs <- function(x, y, k_max = 10) {
  # Implements approximate forward stepwise algorithm
  # does not assume centered or scaled response
  yc <- y - mean(y)
  x_norm <- scale(x)
  p <- ncol(x)
  n <- nrow(x)
  #store the ratios
  ratios <- matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = k_max) #
  thetas <- matrix(0, nrow = k_max, ncol = k_max) #beta for each ratio at each step
  intercepts <- rep(0, k_max)

  x_current <- rep(1, n) #current covariate matrix. initially just an intercept
  for(k in 1:k_max) {
    #this loop can be optimized to do half as many matrix inversions.
    #find the best ratio
    cors <- t(x_norm) %*% yc 
    big <- which.max(cors)
    small <- which.min(cors)
    ratios[, k] <- c(big, small)
    #regress out earlier features
    x_new_norm <- (x_norm[, big] - x_norm[, small])
    if(k == 1){
      x_current_norm <- x_new_norm
    } else {
      x_current_norm <- cbind(x_current_norm, x_new_norm)
    # full hat matrix
    hat_matrix <- x_current_norm %*% solve(t(x_current_norm) %*% x_current_norm) %*% t(x_current_norm)
    yc <- yc - hat_matrix %*% yc
    #hat matrix of most recent feature
    hat_small <- x_new_norm %*% solve(t(x_new_norm) %*% x_new_norm) %*% t(x_new_norm) 
    x_norm <- x_norm - hat_small %*% x_norm
    #add this feature to the model
    x_new <- x[, big] - x[, small]
    x_current <- cbind(x_current, x_new)
    #find regression coefficients on orginal scale (as currently written, this is a lot redundant computation)
    theta_current <- solve(t(x_current) %*% x_current) %*% t(x_current) %*% y
    thetas[1:k, k] <- theta_current[-1] 
    intercepts[k] <- theta_current[1]
  #represent beta in the normal `beta` representation
  betas <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = k_max)
  for(k in 1:k_max) {
    for(i in 1:k) {
      betas[ratios[1, i], k] <- betas[ratios[1, i], k] + thetas[i, k]
      betas[ratios[2, i], k] <- betas[ratios[2, i], k] - thetas[i, k]
  list(theta = thetas, ratios = ratios, beta = betas, intercept = intercepts)

# test case
#n <- 100
#p <- 20
#x <- matrix(rnorm(n *p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#y <- .2 + x[, 1] - x[, 2] + .5 * x[, 3] - .5 * x[, 4] + rnorm(n, 0, .1)
#out <- approximate_fs(x, y, k_max = 5)

predict_approximate_fs <- function(fs_model, x) {
  #arguments: fs_model: output from approximate_fs
  #x: matrix of covariates
  predictions <- x %*% fs_model$beta + matrix(rep(fs_model$intercept, nrow(x)), nrow = nrow(x), byrow = TRUE)
#out2 <- predict_approximate_fs(out, x[1:20, ])
#apply(out2, 2, function(x){x - y[1:20]}) #check the residuals

#' CV for approximate forward stepwise selection
#' Determines the number of steps of approximate forward stepwise selection by cross-validation.
#' @param x The input matrix.  Assumed to be the logarithmic transform of positive raw inputs.
#' @param y The real-valued response.
#' @param k_max The largest number of log-ratios to consider.
#' @param n_folds The number of folds.  Default is 10.
#' @param fold_id Optional fold assignments.  Default is uniformly random assignment.
#' @return cvm The CV estimate of prediction error for each model size.
#' @return beta The coefficient vector corresponding to the best model size chosen by CV.
#' @return intercept.  The intercept of the best model chosen by CV.
#' @return model A approximate_fs object with k_max set to by the optimal model size chose by CV.
cv_approximate_fs <- function(x, y, k_max = 5, n_folds = 10, fold_id = NULL, ...) {
  # performs k-fold CV to determine optimal number of steps for approximate fs
  # fold_id must be integers 1,2,...,k if used
  if(is.null(fold_id)) {
    fold_id <- sample(1:length((y)) %/% n_folds + 1, length(y), replace = FALSE)
  } else {
    n_folds <- max(fold_id)
  cvm <- rep(0, k_max)
  for(i in 1:n_folds) {
    model <- approximate_fs(x[fold_id != i, ], y[fold_id != i], k_max, ...)
    predictions <- predict_approximate_fs(model, x[fold_id == i, ])
    cvm <-  cvm + apply(predictions, 2, function(x){ mean((x - y[fold_id == i])^2) })
  cvm <- cvm / n_folds
  best <- which.min(cvm)

  full_model <- approximate_fs(x, y, k_max = best)
  beta_best <- full_model$beta[,best]
  int_best <- full_model$intercept[best]

  return(list(cvm = cvm, beta = beta_best, intercept = int_best, model = full_model))
#out3 <- cv_approximate_fs(x, y, k_max = 10 ) 
stephenbates19/logratiolasso documentation built on May 18, 2019, 4:52 p.m.