
Defines functions start_here

Documented in start_here

#' Check your setup before using starters
#' @details This function checks different aspects of your setup
#' (git installation, gitconfig, `GITHUB_PAT`, `DESCRIPTION` default values,
#'  GitHub username guessing),
#'  that will help automatic steps later on. Most of these aspects
#'  are inspired from \code{usethis} setup article,
#'  https://usethis.r-lib.org/articles/articles/usethis-setup.html.
#'  For each aspect, if your setup needs improvements an informative error
#'  message will be thrown so you might be able to know how to proceed.
#' @export
start_here <- function(){
  usethis::ui_line("Checking GitHub account can be guessed...")
  gh_username <- try(whoami::gh_username(), silent = TRUE)
  if(inherits(gh_username, "try-error")){
    usethis::ui_stop("No GitHub account could be identified. Maybe you have not created a GitHub account yet? Or your email address is not public and you have not created a GITHUB_USERNAME variable via usethis::edit_r_environ()?")
  } else{
    usethis::ui_done(glue::glue("Your GitHub username is {gh_username}."))

  # something to check git is installed
  usethis::ui_line("Checking git is installed...")
    usethis::ui_stop("git does not seem to be installed. See http://happygitwithr.com/install-git.html")
  } else{
    usethis::ui_done("git seems to be installed!")

  usethis::ui_line("Checking gitconfig...")
  gitconfig <- usethis::use_git_config()
  if(!all(c("user.email", "user.name") %in%
    clipr::write_clip("use_git_config(user.name = 'Jane Doe', user.email = 'jane@example.com')")
    usethis::ui_todo("gitconfig not set yet. Use this code (copied to clipboard): use_git_config(user.name = 'Jane Doe', user.email = 'jane@example.com')")
    usethis::ui_stop("Set your gitconfig then run starters::start_here() again.")
  } else{
    usethis::ui_done("gitconfig is already set!")

  usethis::ui_line("Checking GITHUB_PAT...")
    usethis::ui_todo("GITHUB_PAT not set yet. Use this code (copied to clipboard): usethis::browse_github_pat()")
    usethis::ui_stop("Set your GITHUB_PAT then run starters::start_here() again.")
  } else{
    usethis::ui_done("GITHUB_PAT is already set!")

  usethis::ui_line("Checking default description values...")
    usethis.description = list(
      `Authors@R` = 'person(\"Jane\", \"Doe\", email = \"jane@example.com\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),
      comment = c(ORCID = \"YOUR-ORCID-ID\"))',
      License = \"MIT + file LICENSE\",
      Language =  \"es\"

    usethis::ui_todo("DESCRIPTION defaults not set yet. Amend and paste the code above (copied to clipboard) to your .Rprofile via running usethis::edit_r_profile().")
    usethis::ui_stop("Set DESCRIPTION default then run starters::start_here() again.")
  } else{
    usethis::ui_done("DESCRIPTION defaults are already set!")

  usethis::ui_line("Checking build tools are available...")
    usethis::ui_stop("Your system lacks a few tools, see link opened. https://usethis.r-lib.org/articles/articles/usethis-setup.html#prepare-your-system-to-build-packages-from-source")
  } else{
    usethis::ui_done("Build tools are available!")

  usethis::ui_done("All set now!")
stephlocke/pRojects documentation built on Jan. 7, 2020, 7:27 p.m.