Man pages for steveped/fastqcWrap
Provides wrappers to FastQC from within R

fastqcA wrapper for the bash shell command fastqc.
fastqcBasicExtracts the basic summary from fastqc reports.
fastqcSummaryExtract the PASS/FAIL information from a batch of FASTQC...
fastqcSummaryPlotPlot the basic PASS/FAIL information from a batch of FASTQC...
fastqcWrap-packageA package that provides access to fastqc
kmer2StringSetConvert a vector of k-mers into a DNAStringSet
plotReadQualitiesReproduce the sequence duplication plots from FastQC
readKmerExtract the Kmer information from fastqc reports
readOverSeqExtract the Over-represented Sequence Information
steveped/fastqcWrap documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:39 p.m.