
context("local operations")

test_that("load nonced val", {
  nonce <- paste0(sample(c(
    letters[1:26], LETTERS[1:26]
  ), 10, replace = T), collapse = "")


  # see if cached md5 value is the same as value calculated on the fly
  digest_c <- function(x, algo = "md5", ...) {
    catcher::cache_op("digest", x, algo = algo, ...)
  cached_val <- digest_c(nonce, overwrite = T)

  # check that it was saved locally
  key <- hash_query(paste0("digest", nonce, "md5"))
  expect_true(catcher:::exists_in_cache(key, 100))

  # load again
  cached_val <- digest_c(nonce)
  actual_val <- digest::digest(nonce, algo = "md5")
  expect_equal(cached_val, actual_val)

test_that("invert a matrix", {
  test_matrix <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 0), nrow = 3)
  solve_c <- function(x, ...) {
    catcher::cache_op("solve", x, ...)
  inv_matrix <- solve_c(test_matrix, overwrite = T)
  key <- catcher:::hash_query(paste0("solve", test_matrix, collapse = ""))
  expect_true(catcher:::exists_in_cache(key, 100))
  expect_equal(inv_matrix, solve(test_matrix))
  inv_matrix2 <- solve_c(test_matrix)
  expect_equal(inv_matrix2, solve(test_matrix))

test_that("immediately return data", {
  test_matrix <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 0), nrow = 3)
  solve_c <- function(x, ...) {
    catcher::cache_op("solve", x, ...)
  inv_matrix <- solve_c(test_matrix, use_cache = F)
  key <- catcher:::hash_query(paste0("solve", test_matrix))
  expect_false(catcher:::exists_in_cache(key, 0))
  expect_equal(inv_matrix, solve(test_matrix))

test_that("locally defined functions work", {
  dummy <- function(x) {
    x + 1
  dummy_c <- function(x, ...) {
    catcher::cache_op("dummy", x, ...)
  expect_equal(dummy_c(2, overwrite = T), 3)
  key <- catcher:::hash_query(paste0("dummy", 2))
  expect_true(catcher:::exists_in_cache(key, 15))

test_that("cache expiration works", {
  dummy <- function(x, ...) {
    x + 1
  dummy_c <- function(x, ...) {
    catcher::cache_op("dummy", x)
  expect_equal(dummy_c(2, overwrite = T), 3)
  key <- catcher:::hash_query(paste0("dummy", 2))
  expect_false(catcher:::exists_in_cache(key, 0))

test_that("namespaced functions", {
  digest_c <- function(x, ...) {
    catcher::cache_op("digest::digest", x, ...)
  expect_equal(digest_c("abc", use_cache = F), digest::digest("abc"))

test_that("namespaced functions 2", {
  digest_c <- function(x, ...) {
    catcher::cache_op("catcher:::hash_query", x, ...)
  expect_equal(digest_c("abc", use_cache = F), digest::sha1("abc"))

test_that("cache info works", {
  info <- catcher::cache_info()
  expect_is(info, "data.frame") # structure
  expect_equal(dim(info)[2], 3) # rows

test_that("cache summary works", {
  info <- catcher::cache_info(TRUE)
  expect_is(info, "character") # structure
stillmatic/catcher documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:44 p.m.