Man pages for stineb/rsofun
The P-Model and BiomeE Modelling Framework

biomee_gs_leuning_driversrsofun BiomeE driver data
biomee_gs_leuning_outputrsofun BiomeE GPP validation data
biomee_p_model_driversrsofun BiomeE driver data
biomee_p_model_outputrsofun BiomeE GPP validation data
biomee_validationrsofun BiomeE GPP validation data
biomee_validation_2rsofun BiomeE GPP validation data
calib_sofunCalibrates SOFUN model parameters
cost_likelihood_biomeeLog-likelihood cost function for BiomeE with different...
cost_likelihood_pmodelCost function computing a log-likelihood for calibration of...
cost_rmse_biomeeRMSE cost function for BiomeE
cost_rmse_pmodelCost function computing RMSE for calibration of P-model...
init_dates_dataframeInitialises a tibble with dates
p_model_driversrsofun P-model driver data
p_model_drivers_vcmax25rsofun p-model driver data (for leaf traits)
p_model_validationSOFUN p-model GPP validation data
p_model_validation_vcmax25SOFUN p-model Vcmax25 validation data
run_biomee_f_bysiteR wrapper for SOFUN biomee
run_pmodel_f_bysiteR wrapper for SOFUN P-model
runread_biomee_fRun BiomeE
runread_pmodel_fRun the P-model
stineb/rsofun documentation built on April 9, 2024, 12:08 a.m.